

Din sökning på "*" gav 527966 sökträffar

Speglingar av rum. Om könskodade platser och sammanhang.

Vem talar samhället till genom utformningen av staden och arbetsdelningen mellan könen? Hur framställs konsumenten i köpcentrumet? Hur tar sig utsatthet uttryck i staden och hur upplever kvinnor stadens rum nattetid? Speglingar av rum – om könskodade platser och sammanhang samlar aktuell forskning om rummet som könskodat. Utgångspunkten är platsens och rummets betydelse som en fysisk materiell v

Matched Gaussian Multitaper Spectrogram

A novel multitaper spectrogram estimator for Gaussian func- tions is proposed. The multitapers are the Hermite functions and a fixed number of few multitapers are used in the estimate. The weighting factors of the different spectrogram functions are optimized to give the approximative Wigner distribution for the Gaussian function. The performance of the estimator is investigated in terms of resolu

Single-­molecule spectroscopy of π-­conjugated polymers

When applied to condensed-matter samples of large organic molecules, optical spectroscopy faces the problem of inhomogeneous broadening caused by the diversity of environments and conformations that sample molecules are subjected to. This severely limits the information that can be extracted from optical spectra. Single-molecule spectroscopy offers the most natural way to overcome this problem. Π-

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Abstract in Danish Kapitlet sætter fokus på, hvordan sygeplejestuderende kan udvikle professionelle kompetencer i den kliniske del af sygeplejerskeuddannelsen. Indledningsvis reflekteres over kompetencebegrebet knyttet til professionsbacheloruddannelsen, og begrebet læring defineres som henholdsvis erhvervelse og deltagelse. Erhvervelse som læringstilgang er den mest dominerende forståelse af læri

Representation in Mary Wollstonecraft’s Political Philosophy

For Mary Wollstonecraft, the moral purpose of government is to act on the principle of equality and protect the weak against the fact of inequality. The political day-to-day is characterized by classes and groups with competing interests, some more powerful than others. Wollstonecraft was a republican thinker and so it is reasonable to expect in her writings a notion of political society as repres

Pollution-Induced Community Tolerance (PICT) of Bacteria: Evaluation in Phenol- and Antibiotic Polluted Soil

The effects of organic pollutants on the soil microbial community were studied in this work. The main aim was to evaluate the use of pollution-induced community tolerance (PICT) in studying the effects of pollution. The leucine incorporation technique (indicating bacterial growth) was used to monitor changes in tolerance. The impact of toxic substances on bacterial and fungal growth (acetate-in-er