

Din sökning på "*" gav 532866 sökträffar

Regulation of Injury Induced Schwann Cell Proliferation Schwann Cell Proliferation

The purpose of this study was to investigate injury induced proliferation of Schwann cells with emphasis of the effects of the insulin-like growth factors (IGF-I and IGF-II) and the sex hormones progesterone and estrogen. Proliferation, measured as [3H] thymidine incorporation, was studied in cultured segments of the rat sciatic nerve or through the use of the thymidine analogue bromo- deoxy-uridi

Villa 69

I en villa vid Nilen har arkitekten Hussein avskärmat sig från världen. Hussein som är en antagonist av den gamla skolan, orädd för att uttrycka sig, har sett hur hans värld sakta förfaller. Kvar i sitt hem, balanserar han vardagen i sällskap med ett gäng excentriker samtidigt som han döljer sin sjukdom. Utan att inse hinner dock Husseins förflutna ikapp, honom när hans syster och hennes barnbarn

Saturation spectroscopy for optically thick atomic samples

Doppler-free saturation spectroscopy in the regime of strong pumping intensities and optically thick atomic samples is investigated experimentally and theoretically. It is shown that a very high signal-to-background ratio can be obtained and, at the same time, subnatural linewidths can be reached. Further contrast and linewidth improvements can be attained by supplementing the primary depleted pum

Siri Dahlquist som lyriker

Siri Dahlquist (1889-1966) one of the first women achieving a theol.cand. degree in Sweden. Belonging to the Young Church Movement,as a poet, she reflects the themes of this movement: the calling,the imitation of Christ,the national church, and the mission. She shared the preference for domestic motifs, a simple style, and unobtrusiveness, with contemporary idyllist poets.

Post-Tsunami Recovery in Thailand: Socio-cultural responses

Of all the huge natural disasters that claimed the lives of thousands in Asia, the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004 was the largest, estimated to have killed more than 230,000 people. The scope of damage brought about by this natural disaster urges focus on recovery and post-disaster reconstruction from several perspectives. Here we find an in-depth ethnography of Thailand and the role of culture and

No title

Abstract in Italian Questo articolo tratta del ruolo importante che il sistema Ghent ed altre caratteristiche delle relazioni industriali in Svezia rivestono nel mantenimento di alti livelli di densità sindacale in Svezia. Il governo di centro-destra, insediatosi in seguito alle elezioni parlamentari nel settembre 2006, nel 2007 ha introdotto o tentato di introdurre modifiche sostanziali nelle ass

Lyckolandet : Maktens legitimering i officiell retorik från stormaktstid till demokratins genombrott

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling behandlar frågor om normbildning och argument för gemenskap i den svenska statsmaktens officiella retorik från 1660-1919. Varje nytt år skulle befolkningen i Sverige lyssna till de böndagsplakat som lästes upp i rikets kyrkor. Där informerades om riksdagar och gavs förklaringar till krig och kriser. Där beskrevs även grunden för rikets gemenskap och SveThis study deals with questions about norm building and arguments for community in official royal rhetoric in the Swedish realm from 1660 to 1919. Every year, an intercession day proclamation issued by the King in Council (Kungl. Maj:ts böndagsplakat) was read out from pulpits across Sweden. Like many communiqués, they belonged to the proclamation system, which included the spreading of informatio

Shape Modeling by Optimising Description Length Using Gradients and Parameterisation Invariance

In Statistical Shape Modeling, a dense correspondence between the shapes in the training set must be established. Traditionally this has been done by hand, a process that commonly requires a lot of work and is difficult, especially in 3D. In recent years there has been a lot of work on automatic construction of Shape Models. In recent papers (Davies et al., Medical Image Computing and Computer-Ass

Fabrication and modeling of a combined gold nanoparticle-carbon nanotube single electron transistor

Scanning probe manipulation has been used to electrically connect two carbon nanotubes to an individual 7 nm gold particle, resulting in a system with multiple tunnel junctions. Single-electron charging effects in the gold particle was found to dominate the electrical transport measurements at T=4.2 K, whereas charging effects in the two carbon nanotube leads appeared as a fine structure. A simula

Crystal chemistry of Fe-Ti oxides in mafic rocks and metabasites: A study aimed at refinement of geological tools and interpretations

This thesis consists of four subprojects: (A) ‘Clouding of plagioclase by Fe-Ti oxides’, (B) ‘Fe-Ti oxides during high-pressure metamorphism of mafic rocks’, (C) ‘Magnetic study of Fe-Ti oxides in mafic rocks and metabasites’, and (D) ‘Topotactic phase transitions in oxide minerals’. A) In southern Sweden dolerite dikes and gabbros with clouded plagioclase are common. The crystal structures of th

TrueTime: Simulation of Control Loops Under Shared Computer Resources

The paper presents TrueTime, aMatlab/Simulink-based simulator for real-time controlsystems. TrueTime makes it possible to simulate the temporalbehavior of multi-tasking real-time kernels containing controllertasks and to study the effects of CPU and network scheduling on controlperformance. The simulated real-time kernel is event-driven and canhandle external interrupts as well as fine-grained det

Proposals for targets and indicators for waste prevention in four waste streams

This study, commissioned by the Nordic Council of Ministers, aimed toprovide first proposals for targets and indicators that can be used in the Nordic countries' waste prevention programmes. Four waste streams were considered: food waste, construction- and demolition waste (C&D waste), waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and textile waste. Firstly, a literature review of internati