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Curiosity and Serendipity in Qualitative Research
This presentation argues that we seldom speak of our findings in qualitative research as serendipitous, although we have splendid possibilities to make surprising findings. In order to enhance the chances and sharpen our analyses we have to read broadly but also pay attention to details in our data. We should avoid societal or scholarly conventionality, even be disobedient to recommendations, if t
Nucleon binding in nuclei at high angular momentum
Livets trilogi. Pier Paolo Pasolini och publikens befrielse
Progressive resistance training after stroke: Effects on muscle strength, muscle tone, gait performance and perceived participation.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of progressive resistance training on muscle strength, muscle tone, gait performance and perceived participation after stroke. DESIGN: A randomized controlled trial. SUBJECTS: Twenty-four subjects (mean age 61 years (standard deviation 5)) 6-48 months post-stroke. METHODS: The training group (n = 15) participated in supervised progressive resistance training of t
Religionsvetenskapliga studier : festskrift till Sven S. Hartman
Computing multi-species chemical equilibrium with an algorithm based on the reaction extents
No title
Klassiker från Ystad till Haparanda.
Kvalitet i nya deponiers lakvatten - resultat från Renovas deponi Fläskebo
EU:s deponeringsdirektiv har medfört ökade krav på deponier. Mängden deponerat organiskt material har begränsats kraftigt och deponiernas inre skall nu vara så torrt som möjligt. Konsekvenserna av detta är ännu inte helt kända. Fläskebodeponin, den deponi som varit i drift längst av de få svenska deponier som är konstruerade enligt direktivet, har här fungerat som ett exempel på framtidens depoThe European landfill directive increases demands on landfills. The amount of organic matter being landfilled is restricted and landfills should be as dry as possible. The consequences of these changes are not yet fully understood. In this study the first landfill in Sweden to be constructed according to the directive, Fläskebo, has served as an example of future landfills. Its leachate has bee
Aalenian to Cenomanian palynofloras of SW Scania, Sweden
Tågets historia har inte gått spårlöst förbi
Finns det en föreställning om gudomliggörelse hos Martin Luther? – Den ”nya finska tolkningen av Luther” och en kritisk diskussion av dess betydelse i nutida teologi
Mördarjakt i Ystad
The actual place for the murder cases is the small town Ystad in the south of Sweden. This is the scene for the films and books about the police inspector Kurt Wallander, created by the Swedish author and playwright Henning Mankell. Ystad is also the place where a new regional centre for film production is situated, and the Wallander movies play an important part in the economic conditions of this
2007 Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension: The Task Force for the Management of Arterial Hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)
Review of Spanska sjukan: Berättelsen om den stora infuensaepidemin 1918 och jakten på det virus som orsakade den
Editorial Comments
Att processa inför EG-domstolen
Åter till antagonisternas solkiga sagoland
Kulturartikel om tv-serien "Dallas" med anledning av att hela serien släppts på dvd och en nystart av serien är under inspelning.
The one-dimensional inverse scattering problem for an increasing potential
The one-dimensional inverse scattering problem is considered for potentials that grow without limit for large values of x. The Marchenko method is established for this class of potentials, and several properties of the solution to the Schrödinger equation are developed. In the derivation of the Marchenko equation an extension of the triangularity condition is used. Some brief remarks on the relati