Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar
Automatic generation of application-specific systems based on a micro-programmed Java core
This paper describes a co-design based approach for automatic generation of application specific systems, suitable for FPGA-centric embedded applications. The approach augments a processor core with hardware accelerators extracted automatically from a high-level specification (Java) of the application, to obtain a custom system, optimised for the target application. We advocate herein the use of a
Överraskande ESS-bidrag från Storbritannien
Children's rights to representation: a comparison between Sweden and England
Filosofiska citat : festskrift till Svante Nordin
Everyday working lives in a transnational corporation in Mexico: The contradictory cooptation of trade unionists
This article aims to contribute to the rich literature on neoliberalization and trade unions in Mexico by providing an examination of the contradictory relationships between capital, trade unions and the workers they represent, in a Swedish-based transnational corporation. The article investigates how the broader international relationships of dependency and exploitation are lived by workers and t
Materialities on the Move: Identity and Material Culture among the Forest Finns in 17th Century Sweden and America
"Min tid ska komma" : Gustav Mahler i tvärvetenskaplig belysning
Mahler var under sin korta livstid en omstridd gestalt och hans musik har kämpat sig genom 1900-talets omvälvande historia för att idag utgöra en självklar del av repertoaren hos orkestrar världen över. Mahlers karriärväg gick genom ett omstörtande och dynamiskt Centraleuropa och arvet efter Mahler skulle komma att präglas av politiska och estetiska rågångar med rötterna i hans egen tid. I denna a
Simulation of the Primary Breakup of a Liquid Fuel Jet to Create Starting Conditions for a LPT Spray Simulation
Retailing Logistics and Fresh Food Packaging - Managing Change in the Supply Chain
The supply of fresh food is being transformed: retailers are gaining increasing power and control from manufacturers and the location and nature of production is evolving. This new title, based on groundbreaking research, will enable logistics professionals to recognise the opportunities available in this changing market and successfully manage change in the supply chain. The international practi
People meet the law : control and conflict-handling in the courts : the Nordic countries in the post-reformation and pre-industrial period
From School to Patriarchate. Aspects on the Christianization of Alexandria in Antiquity
Realism and idealism in Rāmānuja’s self-body metaphor
The ontology of Rāmānuja, as expressed in his Gītābhāṣya and other works, centres on the doctrine of coordinate predication (sāmānādhikaraṇya), expressed through the metaphor of the self-body relationship (ātma-śarīra-bhāva). This metaphor, employed to define the ontological status of God (Nārāyaṇa), the individual selves and the world, also serves as a strategy for reconciling apparently conflict
Svenskans bisatsordföljd - i språklärarspråk, läromedel och talspråk
Physiological integration and morphological plasticity in extensive clonal plants
Popular Abstract in Swedish Fysiologisk integrering och morfologisk plasiticitet i stora klonala växter Många av våra vanligaste växter är klonala, dvs de kan producera avkommor utan sexuell befruktning. Hit räknas blåbär och lingon, många av våra vårväxter som tex. vitsippa och flera av våra värsta ogräs, som kvickrot och kirskål. En fördel som klonala växter har är att dotterskott som fortsätteClonal plants show a large variation in physiological integration, i.e. the translocation of resources among ramets within the clone. As resource transport is costly, we hypothesized that plants from poor sites should be more highly integrated than plants from rich sites and that plants would benefit if they were plastic in their degree of integration. Tracers were used to study the transport of w
Anatomy and taxonomy of cetrarioid lichens
Popular Abstract in Swedish Anatomi och taxonomi för ca 125 cetrarioida lavar är undersökt. Gruppen består av släktet Cetraria (islandslavar) i vid bemärkelse. Speciell tonvikt har lagts på reproduktiva strukturer som sporsäckar och konidier. Cetrarioida lavar är speciellt vanliga i Sydostasien och Nordamerika, men finns företrädda även i Sverige. Avhandlingen består av 15 välillustrerade delpubliThe anatomy of the cetrarioid lichens (Parmeliaceae) has been studied, and the taxonomy revised. Special attention has been paid to reproductive structures, in particular the asci and pycnoconidia. Two types of asci are recognized. The Cetraria type is narrowly clavate, bears an amyloid ring structure in the tholus, and has a small axial body. The Lecanora type, specifically the Melanelia form, is
The Potential of Critical Realism in IS Research
Ett uppvaknande i Berlin - Om Strindbergs roman Klostret
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My article deals with the work of the St Joseph Sisters in the Nordic countries, particularly in Denmark and Sweden, from the sisters’ arrival in 1856 to the 1920:ies. These Catholic sisters belonged to a French congregation called "La Congregation des Sœurs de Saint-Joseph de Chambéry", which was founded at the beginning of the nineteenth century and whose motherhouse was in Chambéry in Savoy. Th