

Din sökning på "*" gav 535051 sökträffar

Time-Resolved Photoluminescence Studies of InGaP Nanowires for Improving the Internal Quantum Efficiency

Semiconductor Nanowires are promising building blocks for advanced optoelectronic devices since their small diameter give rise to quantization effects. The small diameter also makes them susceptible to non-radiative recombination due to surface states. A consequence of non-radiative surface recombination is a reduction of a total recombination lifetime. This is in turn limits an internal quantum e


This paper analyses the impact of inflation targeting as a monetary policy framework on inflation volatility and inflation rates in Uganda, with a comparison with South Africa and Ghana (full-fledged inflation targeting economies) and Kenya that opted for a forward looking monetary framework. The results show that inflation targeting in Uganda has been efficient in reducing inflation volatility an

Platschefens psykosociala arbetsmiljö

Title: Site managers psychosocial work environment Author: Nelly Iteka & Zahraa Abdulrasol Supervisor: Radhlinah Aulin, Lund University, Therese von Wachenfelt, Peab Sverige AB Examiner: Anne Landin, Lund University Questions to issue: What affects the psychosocial work environment and what are the consequences of a good and poor work psychology? How do site managers experience the psychosocia

En oviss situation - En kvalitativ studie om utmaningar i arbetet med ensamkommande ungdomar i barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin

The aim of this study was to describe and examine how therapists at BUP relate to their work with unaccompanied youth. Emphasis lies on the challenges in the work and how they affect the discretion of the therapist. Semi-structured interviews were held with social workers at BUP in different parts of Skåne to collect empirical data, which later was analysed through the theory of street-level burea

"How to become a sugar buster"

Vår studie ämnar att skapa en djupare förståelse för komplexiteten som små företag står inför när de ska tränga igenom dagens mediebrus och nå fram med sina budskap till konsumenten. Studien omfattar tre frågeställningar som utgår från våra två nyckelteorier; agendasättande teori och corporate storytelling. Vi har exemplifierat vår studie på ett litet företag som heter DoubleGood, som till sommare

Factors Affecting Risk-Adjusted Stock Market Returns in Emerging Markets: A Pre- and Post-Crisis Comparison

Emerging markets have shown higher average returns alongside higher volatility. This has attracted investors around the globe who see these markets as a precious alternative to developed ones, as has become clear in the aftermath of the financial crisis. Hence, we consider it logical that more emphasis be put on investigating not only stock market returns in these developing economies, but also th

A Note on Chvátal's Conjecture

The main purpose of this thesis is to treat and clarify two results found by Hunter Snevily on the open problem of Chvátal's conjecture. Chvátal's conjecture states that a certain class of sets, called ideals, always have a maximum intersecting family of subsets, where all members contain a common element. Such a family of subsets is called a star. Snevily presents his results in an articl

The Effects of FDI on Renewable Energy Consumption

Today, the discussion regarding the environmental degradation is more active and pressing than ever. In Paris 2015, world leaders signed Agenda 2030, binding them to actively work to keep the global temperature increase below 2 degrees Celsius. This agreement also targets the need for sustainable energy for all humans. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate whether FDI has an effect on the consu

Risker i det digitaliserade samhället: unga vuxnas kunskap och medvetenhet om risker på nätet

The purpose of this study is to investigate young adults knowledge and awareness of online crime, and also to examine their attitudes towards the legislation in the area. We also find it interesting to investigate if young adults are worried to become victims of online crime, and if this affects their internet usage. This, because there are risks of entering personal data online. What makes people

Ontological (In)securities in Turkey and Israel: Unpacking the Nation-Building, Security Culture, and Conflict Resolution Triangle

This study explores two intertwined stages: a) the various processes contributing to Turkey’s and Israel’s historical development of national self-images and security cultures, b) how these conflictual dynamics and processes playing themselves out vis-à-vis two key conflict resolution initiatives taken in both countries. In order to study these stages, ontological security theory is applied to gra

De dödas skuld - Ändamålsenlig dödsboförvaltning och borgenärsskydd

Denna uppsats avhandlar förvaltningen av dödsbo och det skydd som borgenärer har för sina fordringar både enligt ärvdabalken och enligt annan lagstiftning. Den rättsliga reglering som omgärdar dödsboförvaltning är till åren kommen och är i visst behov av att sättas i en nutida kontext. Uppsatsen utmynnar i slutsatsen att samtidigt som borgenärsskyddet är starkt, främst med avseende på ärvdabalkensThis thesis is about the administration of Swedish decedent estates and the creditors’ financial security of claims according to Swedish legislation. The legal regulation on the administration of descendent estates is dated and has some need to be updated. The findings of the thesis are as follows: the creditor’s security has a strong status, primarily due to the inheritance code’s requirement of

Tolkning av geofysiska mätningar i hammarborrhål på södra Gotland

Studiens syfte är att utvidga kunskapen om berggrunden på södra Gotlands och koppla det till den ansträngda grundvattensituation i området. Materialet till studien kommer från Sveriges geologiska undersök-ning (SGU) som utfört geofysiska borrhålsmätningar och flygburna resistivitetsmätningar (SkyTEM) och från Olje-prospekterings AB (OPAB) som på 70- och 80-talet gjorde borrningar på Gotland i syftThis study aims to expand the knowledge about the bedrock in southern Gotland and link it to the strained groundwater situation that is there. The material for the study comes from the Swedish Geological Survey (SGU) which conducted geophysical borehole measurements and airborne resistivity measurements (SkyTEM) and from OPAB, which in the 70’s and 80’s drilled several wells on Gotland for the pur

Luftvägshantering prehospitalt vid hjärtstopp

Bakgrund: Luftvägshanteringen är en av hörnstenarna vid behandling av hjärtstopp. Resultaten i olika studier skiljer sig åt avseende vilken ventilationsmetod som är bäst vid hjärtstopp. Metod: Metoden var en kvantitativ retrospektiv longitudinell registerstudie. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka om det förelåg någon association till patientöverlevnad efter hjärtstopp utanför sjukhus vid avlämnande

Predicting Stock Markets with Commodities - An Empirical Study on the Nordic Market

This study examines if commodity indices can be used to predict stock index returns on the Nordic financial markets. With a forecast period between 2000 and 2016, the study is conducted with an Ordinary Least Squares method to predict both in-sample and out-of- sample. The results indicate that the Baltic Dry Index and the London Metal Exchange Index are the best predictors of monthly stock return

"Vi vill vara ett hållbart företag i ett hållbart samhälle." : En kvalitativ studie i hur klimatbelastande företag konstruerar hållbarhet.

”Vi vill vara ett hållbart företag i ett hållbart samhälle.” En kvalitativ studie i hur klimatbelastande företag konstruerar hållbarhet. Denna studie ämnar undersöka hur företag i en klimatbelastande bransch konstruerar begreppet hållbarhet med hjälp av sin externa kommunikation. Studien avser att öka förståelsen kring hållbarhet som begrepp och dess tvetydighet. Detta genom att undersöka hur för”We want to be a sustainable company in a sustainable society.” A qualitative study of how climate comprimising companies construct sustainability. The aim of this study is to examine how companies in a climate compromising industry construct the concept of sustainability within its external communication. The study intends to gain a deeper understanding for sustainability as a concept and its am

Freedom or Control? - Knowledge management goes social: exploring social collaboration at a global technology and consulting organization

Purpose - This thesis seeks to explore how people understand a social collaboration platform within a knowledge-intensive firm and how such a platform is significant to the organization. Research method - The study utilizes semi-structured interviews conducted in a global technology and consulting organization. Overall, an exploratory study was applied based on an interpretative and qualitative ap

Vapenamnesti: en rättssociologisk studie av effektiviteten och rättvisans relation till ansvarsfrihet

This essay provides an explanation of how the legal aspects of firearm amnesties are carried out in Sweden. Furthermore how they are designed and what results they have produced. The purpose of our paper is to create an understanding of the firearm amnesties conducted in Sweden and to investigate whether there is a consensual basis for the implementation of this measure, and how this should be jus

Development and simulation of an active target detector with GEM foil readout

At CERN, radioactive ion beams with energies of up to 10 MeV/u can be pro- duced by a newly commissioned post-accelerator, HIE-ISOLDE, which expands the possibilities for nuclear reaction studies. To investigate the collision properties of the ion beam with a target, an active gas–target detector is under development by the Reactions Group at the Nuclear Physics Division in Lund. The existing dete

Trumslagare på boll. Kan pilatesbollen förbättra en trumslagares dåliga hållning?

I detta arbete undersöks varför många trumslagare trots lång utbildning och hög musikalisk nivå har problem med sitthållning som leder till ryggsmärtor. Syftet är dels att förstå varför, dels att se om man kan förbättra situationen med hjälp av att öva trumset sittandes på Pilatesboll istället för trumpall. Arbetet grundar sig på en kvalitativ intervju med fokusgrupp samt aktionsforskning med sammThis study examines why many drummers despite higher education have problems with posture which lead to back pain. The purpose is to investigate and understand why, and to see if it is possible to improve the posture by practicing the drum set sitting on a pi- lates ball instead of on the ordinary drum stool. The paper is based on a qualitative study conducted with music students as informants. Th

"A Penny For The Ear, How Much For The Rest?"

Denna uppsats undersöker hur prostitution porträtteras i filmerna American Gigolo (1980) och Pretty Woman(1990). Analysen tittar både på kvinnlig såväl som manlig prostitution. Genom social konstruktionsteori analyseras hur dessa filmer relaterar till verkligheten och populärkultur. Semiotik används för att ’läsa’ tecken i filmerna och för att förstå deras innebörd. Uppsatsen tittar på hur prostitThis investigation will analyze the portrayal of prostitution in the films American Gigolo (1980) and Pretty Woman (1990). The analysis looks at both female and male prostitution. It draws on the theory of social constructionism to look at how the films relate to reality and popular culture. Semiotics is used to ‘read’ the signs of the films and to understand their full meaning. The investigation