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Models for Wet Scrubbing of SO2 and NOx
Popular Abstract in Swedish Arbetet har bestått av att dels experimentellt samt dels med hjälp av matematiska modeller undersöka och kartlägga förloppen för nya samt "gamla" metoder att rena rökgaser från kol- och olje eldade kraftverk.Combustion of fossil fuels is the main source for emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Emission regulations and the growing environmental awareness will make great demands upon cost-effective deSO2 and deNOx techniques in the future. Many of the techniques available today have been on the market for a long time, however, most of them still have a potential for improvement. To be able t
ERP Systems and competitive advantage: A case study of key success factors and strategic processes
Food and the Environment: Implications fo Swedish Consumption Patterns
[abstract missing]
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Chemical Reaction Modeling with ThermoFluid/MF and MultiFlash
The free Modelica library ThermoFluid was developed for simulation ofthermo-hydraulic applications, both for single-species applicationslike the water-steam cycle in a thermal power plant and formulti-species applications with gas mixtures. It has demonstratedits flexibility for modeling thermodynamic and process applicationsin a variety of industrial and academic projects. This articledescribes h
NO, Immunosuppression and Tumor Immmunotherapy
Popular Abstract in Swedish Tumörimmunologisk grundkurs: En tumörcell har en gång i tiden varit en vanlig laglydig cell i någon av kroppens vävnader men på grund av arv eller dålig uppväxtmiljö så har denna cell upphört att följa de tillväxt begränsande regler som normala celler rättar sig efter. Förutom att kontrollen av celldelningen upphört så kan tumörcellen uppvisa ett mer eller mindre asociThis study aims at clarifying the role of NO in the immunosuppression induced by in vivo tumor growth and by tumor immunotherapy, and determining whether the inhibition of NO production can be used as an adjuvant in tumor immunotherapy. We have shown previously that tumor cells, glioma (N32) and colon carcinoma (H1D2), when genetically engineered to express such immune stimulatory cytokines as IFN
Of the rich and the poor and other curious minds: on open access and development
Matrix Theory
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Freshwater Dinoflagellates - Life History and HAB Potential. LIFEHAB: Life histories of microalgal species causing harmful blooms.
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Postoperative gastrostomy site leakage correlated to the dimension of the gastrostomy button in children
Abstract The laparoscopic placement of gastrostomy buttons for feeding tubes is the preferred method of gastrostomy in children with feeding requirements. This intervention often leads to some minor postoperative problems, including gastrostomy site leakage. The aim of our study was to test the hypothesis that the postoperative leakage after a video-assisted gastrostomy is correlated to the dimens
Kommunerna i mediesamhället: Offer eller strategiska aktörer?
On Volume Average Relations in Continuum Mechanics, Part I
In this paper, and in the one to follow, an analysis of volume average relations in classical continuum mechanics is presented. Results from various investigations, previously presented in the literature, have been reviewed and extended and they have, in some cases, been more precisely stated and rigorously proven. Some of the results presented are believed to be new. The key object for the paper
Medreflektioner inom lärarutbildningens examensarbete
Studenterna inom lärarutbildningen vid Högskolan i Halmstad skriver under sin sista termin ett examensarbete. Enligt de bedömningskriterier som tillämpas ska examensarbetet vara såväl vetenskapligt som skol- och yrkesrelevant. Examensarbetet bedöms av akademiska lärare och bedömningarna ligger till grund för betygsättningen av examensarbetena. Efter att examensarbetena betygsatts, kommenteras de g
The Return of YHWH. The Tension between Deliverance and Repentance in Isaiah 40-55
This monograph is a slightly revised version of my dissertation from 2005.
A low delay multiple reader passive RFID system using orthogonal TH-PPM IR-UWB
Current passive RFID systems face the challenges to locate mobile objects in real time in indoor environments, including the realization of low delay as well as effective cooperation among readers and accurate ranging ability in the physical layer. In order to overcome these challenges, this paper presents a low delay multi-reader passive RFID system using ultra high frequency (UHF) radio as the f
Mao's Last Revolution
In a masterly book, Roderick MacFarquhar and Michael Schoenhals explain why Mao launched the Cultural Revolution, and show his Machiavellian role in masterminding it (which Chinese publications conceal). In often horrifying detail, they document the Hobbesian state that ensued. The movement veered out of control and terror paralyzed the country. Power struggles raged among Lin Biao, Zhou Enlai, De