

Din sökning på "*" gav 526298 sökträffar

Factors Affecting Rates of Change in Soil Bacterial Communities

Popular Abstract in Swedish Jorden i vår natur är en mycket komplex miljö som innehåller en mängd olika organismer. Bland dessa är bakterier och svampar av störst betydelse eftersom de står för en stor del av nedbrytningen av olika ämnen. Jordbakterierna utför t.ex. många av ämnesomvandlingarna av kväve, svavel och fosfor i marken. Nedbrytningen frigör näringsämnen som sedan kan utnyttjas av växteThe soil bacterial community is under the constant influence of its environment. Changing any of the factors affecting the bacterial community will induce a selection pressure which, with time, will change the community. In this work the effect of changing the temperature or pH on the soil bacterial community was studied. Measurements using the [3H]-thymidine incorporation technique showed that th

Decision making: Social and creative dimensions

This volume presents research that relates decision making to creativity with a focus on the social context in which these processes occur. Social and creative aspects have, to some extent, been neglected in previous behavioral decision research. The chapters complement research that have been presented under different headings such as ’naturalistic decision making’, ’distributed decision making’,

Pulmonary Injury Following Intestinal Ischemia and Reperfusion in Rats

Popular Abstract in Swedish Intestinal ischemi/reperfusion (I/R) är ett potentiellt mycket allvarligt tillstånd som kan bero dels på direkt ocklusion av mesenteriella kärl, men även vara sekundärt till andra tillstånd med nedsatt visceral cirkulation, som exempelvis chock eller akut pankreatit. Trots korrekt och även initialt framgångsrik behandling av den bakomliggande orsaken till I/R-tillståndeIntestinal ischemia and reperfusion (I/R) is a potentially life-threatening condition, sometimes leading to a systemic inflammatory response and the potential development of the multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. The overall aim of the thesis was to study the effects of intestinal I/R on pulmonary function with special emphasis on removal of excess alveolar fluid, pulmonary endothelial barrier p

Crash Prediction Models for Intersections on Rural Multilane Highways: Differences by Collision Type

Accident prediction models are often used to predict the number of accidents on segments and at intersections in the road network. Most often the models are developed for a total number of crashes for the facility, or crashes by severity. However, the frequency and severity of crashes of different types can be expected to vary with regards to the underlying phenomena that cause them to occur. To b

Proton-Conducting Sulfonated and Phosphonated Polymers and Fuel Cell Membranes by Chemical Modification of Polysulfones

Popular Abstract in Swedish Polymerelektrolytbränslecellen utmärker sig som en framtida effektiv och miljövänlig kraftkälla för bland annat fordon. Den bakomliggande teknologin är dock komplex och grundar sig till stor del på material och komponenter som kräver ytterliggare utveckling. En av de största hindren för bränslecellsteknologins utveckling är kravet på nya, långlivade och billiga polymermThe proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) is currently emerging as an efficient and environmentally friendly power source. The technology is very complex and relies ultimately on materials and components which need further development. One of the major hurdles for advancing the PEMFC technology is currently the demand for new durable low-cost polymeric membranes that will allow fuel cell oper

A high-performance syntactic and semantic dependency parser

This demonstration presents a highperformance syntactic and semantic dependency parser. The system consists of a pipeline of modules that carry out the tokenization, lemmatization, part-of-speech tagging, dependency parsing, and semantic role labeling of a sentence. The system’s two main components draw on improved versions of a state-of-the-art dependency parser (Bohnet, 2009) and semantic role l

Towards a Suite of Software Configuration Management Metrics

Software Configuration Management (SCM) is an important support activity in software development. However, its transparent nature as a service that makes life easier for others and as an insurance against disasters, often makes it difficult to justify investments in tools and processes that apparently do not have any direct return. We have made a first step towards establishing a model for showing