

Din sökning på "*" gav 535051 sökträffar

En ren rätt - Ett arbete om renskötselrätten och dess grunder utifrån Girjasdomen

Denna framställning utgör en rättslig analys av Gällivare tingrätts dom angående Girjas sameby. Denna dom är i skrivande stund inte slutligt avgjord utan har överklagats till hovrätten. Tingsrätten slöt sig till att rennäringslagen stred mot egendomsskyddet i regeringsformen och lämnade denna lag utan avseende. Domstolen dömde till samebyns fördel i målet med stöd av rättsinstitutet urminnes hävd.This essay accounts for a legal analysis of a case that has been ruled by a Swedish district court (Girjasdomen). This case is appealed to a court of appeal, so the matter has not yet become final. The court stated that parts of the reindeer industry law (rennäringslagen) were not applicable in the current case due to the conflict with the property protection (egendomskyddet). The court ruled in f

Problemet med romskt utanförskap: En diskurs- och maktanalys av problemframställningarna i regeringens strategi för romsk inkludering

The Roma population of Sweden has been oppressed by the government for hundreds of years, which has been manifested through lack of civil rights, forced sterilisations and expulsion from society. Today, however, the government aims to include the Roma through various strategies for Roma integration. Although explicit discrimination is not the case anymore, prejudice is often persistent in society.

Den säkerhetspolitiska hotbildskonstruktionen

This research paper aims to investigate, develop and evaluate how threat constructions are framed. This is done by combining securitization theory, framing and Lennart Hellspong’s method of analysis. These three all aim to investigate how frames can be deconstructed in order to better understand how they were made in the first place. By combining the three, they provide a better explanation for ho

Omfördelningsbeslutet - En fallstudie om Polen

This case study examines Poland's unwillingness to participate in the European Union’s decision in September 2015 regarding the relocation of refugees from Greece and Italy, to other member states. The question explores how liberal intergovernmentalism and post-functionalism explains Poland's position in the decision. The study uses the process tracing method. Both theories highlight vot

The Management of Spatial Order

In recent years, people using public space in ways that are seen as problematic has been a recurring topic of public debate – for example about begging EU-migrants and marginalized youth causing unrest in shopping malls. This study sets out to understand how government responds to in such cases. By analyzing interviews with social workers, policy documents and secondary reports about efforts to ma

Catching up with the Restless West: A discourse analysis of the Eurocentric biases in the Marshall Plan with Africa

Following a time period where a large number of refugees and immigrants had been received by Germany, the German minister of development proposed a new framework for Africa policy in the beginning of 2017 targeting the root causes of poverty and large migration flows. Titled Marshall Plan with Africa, the project aims to establish a new partnership between the continents, highlighting private inve

Evolutionen av Miljöpartiet

In the electoral manifesto ́s of the Swedish green party (Miljöpartiet) there is a substantial visible decrease of their emphasis on green polices, shown by using analytical tool created by the Manifesto Project. This essay aims to explain the observed decrease by utilizing Anthony Downs` rational-choice/competition theory on political party strategies. The methodology used is a most-similar desig

Högre (d)juridisk status – starkare djurrättsskydd? - En rättskomparativ analys av djurrättsskyddet i Sverige i jämförelse med Tyskland och Schweiz

En av de mer grundläggande strukturerna i världens rättssystem, uppdelningen mellan rättssubjekt och rättsobjekt, har de senaste 20 åren mött utmaningar från djurrättsförespråkare. Genom att sätta djurs bristande rättsliga skydd i relation till deras juridiska status har man argumenterat för att djurs rättsliga skydd aldrig kan tillgodoses på ett tillfredställande vis så länge de ses som rättsligaOne of the more fundamental structures of the world's legal systems, the division between legal persons and legal objects, has over the last 20 years faced challenges from animal rights advocates. By putting deficiencies in animal legal protection in relation to the legal status of animals, it has been argued that the legal protection of animals can never be satisfactorily met so long as they

Brottsofferintressen vid penningtvättsbrott

Uppsatsen avhandlar hur brottsofferintressen tillvaratas genom den lagstiftning och de principer som kan aktualiseras vid penningtvättsbrott, för de fall brottsoffret avhänts kontomedel genom bedrägeri. Utredningens relevans består i att lagstiftaren vid införandet av penningtvättsbrottslagen inte utformat lagstiftningen utifrån möjligheten att någon skulle kunna lida ren förmögenhetsskada till föThe present thesis discusses how the interests of victims are considered through relevant legislation pertaining to cases of money laundering crimes. The discussion is limited to cases where the victim's bank deposit was obtained through fraud. The relevance of the topic is that the legislator, when passing the Swedish money laundering crime act, “Lagen (2014:307) om straff för penningtvättsbr

Protecting or overprotecting? - An investigation of the balancing of interests in the international investment law regime

Genom en traditionell juridisk metod är syftet med denna uppsats att undersöka utvecklingen av det internationella investeringsskyddssystemet. I synnerhet kommer läran om skyddet för berättigade förväntningar och balansen mellan rättigheter och skyldigheter för å ena sidan investeraren och å andra sidan värdstaten att undersökas. Internationell investeringsrätt har sitt ursprung i europeiska rättsThrough a traditional judicial method the purpose of this paper is to examine the development of the international investment protection regime and the balancing of rights and obligations of on the one hand the investor, and on the other hand the host state. International investment law has derived from European legal systems and it has mostly benefited investors of capital-exporting nations to be

Managing Uncertainty: Results Based Frameworks During The Covid-19 Pandemic

This qualitative case study aims to explore how the unprecedented impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has affected the capacity and operation of Swedish development organizations within the civil society and to what extent current results-based frameworks (RBF’s) and systems have been suitable to adhere to these changes and challenges. Eight semi-structured interviews with CSO representatives have b

Square-pegs for Round Holes? What’s the Problem Represented to be in Public Sector Reform in Zambia?

Efforts to reform the public sectors of Zambia have been ongoing since the 1990s with objectives to ensure efficient and high-quality provision of public goods and services to all citizens and battling persistently high levels of poverty. Outcomes have however been mixed at best. This study assesses how reforms to the public sectors of Zambia have been framed in terms of what problem representati

Undantagsregeln, en inskränkning i etableringsfriheten? - En studie om undantagsregeln i ränteavdragbegränsningsreglerna är förenlig med EU-rätten

Den 1 januari 2009 trädde de svenska ränteavdragbegränsningsreglerna i 24 kapitlet inkomstskattelagen (1999:1229) i kraft. Syftet med reglerna var att hindra s.k. räntesnurror där bolag utfärdar koncerninterna lån för att flytta vinster till lågbeskattade länder genom ränteavdrag huvudsakligen för att er- hålla en väsentlig skatteförmån. Ränteavdragbegränsningsreglerna har därefter ändrats vid tvåOn January 1, 2009, the Swedish interest deduction restriction rules in Chapter 24 of the Income Tax Act (1999: 1229) entered into force. The purpose of the rules was to prevent transfer mispricing “räntesnurra” where companies issue intra-group loans to transfer profits to low-taxed countries through interest deductions mainly to obtain a significant tax benefit. The interest de- duction restrict

Hets mot folkgrupp - symboler och förutsebarhet

Hets mot folkgrupp är ett lagrum som reglerar uttalanden som är av hotande eller missaktande karaktär som riktats mot en folkgrupp med anspelning på någon av en rad uppställda förhållanden. Uttalanden kan sin form som verbala uttryck men även i form av ”annat meddelande”, till exempel en symbol. I praxis tillskrivs symboler allt som oftast sin betydelse utifrån åklagarens gärningsbeskrivning, i viIncitement to racial hatred (Hets mot folkgrupp) is a legal space that regulates statements of a threatening or disrespecting nature directed against a group designated by the law, alluding to any of a number of criteria’s. Statements can be expressed as verbal expressions but also in the form of "other message", for example a symbol. In legal practice, symbols are usually attributed the

Emerging Powers in Global Climate Politics: The discursive story-lines used by the BASIC countries regarding the climate crisis, responsibilities and burden sharing in the UNFCCC

Global climate policy negotiations have become increasingly complicated with the rise of the socalled emerging powers as they have seen both great economic growth and increased emissions of greenhouse gasses – yet they continue to hold a developing country, or non-Annex I, status under the UNFCCC, which determines their responsibilities for addressing the climate crisis. This thesis examines the

Exploring entrepreneurial contributions to a post-growth world - a case study of the swiss outdoor equipment industry

Global warming, biodiversity loss, pandemics – humanity today suffers from many life-threatening phenomena beyond those mentioned here. The root cause of those phenomena lies in the overuse of limited natural resources. Economic growth drives this overuse dramatically. Economic growth in turn is inter alia driven by enterprises. This thesis investigates how outdoor equipment enterprises can contri

Territorial Peace Through Peace For the Territory: Analysing Conditions of Indigenous Peacebuilding in Colombia

The “territorial peace” runs as a buzzword around Colombian peacebuilding. A so-called territorial approach was adopted in the beginning of the Havana Peace Talks, as a means of creating locally based, differentiated modes of peacebuilding, and addressing the structural neglect of Colombia’s diverse rural areas. This study highlights the experiences of Colombian indigenous peoples in the context o

"Svenskfödd med utomnordiska föräldrar - en riskfaktor i grundskolan?" - En kvalitativ studie om upplevelsen av grundskolan för svenskfödda före detta elever med utomnordiska föräldrar

This is a qualitative study implemented through semi structured interviews involving seven young adults born in Sweden with parents born in other countries. The aim of this study is to examine how people born in Sweden with parents born in non-Nordic countries experienced their elementary school and if their foreign background affected their schooling and their current lives in some way. The concl

Sprickan i existensen. Existentiella perspektiv på livet under covid-19-pandemin

Syftet med studien var att skapa en större förståelse för de existentiella teman som aktualiserats under covid-19-pandemin. Vi ville undersöka hur dessa teman upplevts och hanterats, samt vilka eventuella nya perspektiv och förhållningssätt till livsutmaningarna (Yalom, 1980) som tagit form. Ambitionen var att belysa de existentiella aspekterna av att vara människa under en pandemi, samt vad dettaThe aim of this study was to deepen the understanding of existential themes that have surfaced during the covid-19 pandemic, how these themes have been experienced and dealt with, and whether they have given rise to any new perspectives or approaches regarding the ultimate concerns of life (Yalom, 1980). The ambition was to shed light on the existential aspects of being human during a pandemic, as