

Din sökning på "*" gav 535005 sökträffar

Defying the rule of the count. Establishing the People's House in Vanneberga

This thesis aims to understand the implications of the People’s House in the village of Vanneberga, focusing on the years around its establishment in the early 20th century. Located in the southern Swedish province of Skåne, the house was founded in a rural area much dominated by the landed estate of Trolle-Ljungby. The building association that created the house comprised people from the area of

Achieving the Homogeneous Application of EU State Aid Law Under the EU-Ukraine AA/DCFTA: Mission (Im)Possible?

The EU-Ukraine Association Agreement (EU-Ukraine AA/DCFTA) was signed in 2014 and became fully effective in 2017. It includes a detailed section on State aid, which is based on EU law. There is also a provision (Art. 264), which requires Ukraine to use EU law instruments during State aid control enforcement. The language employed presupposes that both the Union and Ukraine strive to achieve the ho

En-sessionsbehandling med ERP vid OCD: en klinisk experimentell utvärdering

I denna experimentella studie undersökte vi hur en-session-behandling med exponering och responsprevention (in vivo) fungerar för individer diagnostiserade med OCD enligt DSM-5. Effekten av en-sessionens-behandling med ERP jämfördes med en kontrollgrupp som fick psykoedukation i form av att läsa en text om kognitiv teori och emotionsteori. Baslinjemätningen, som bestod av självskattningsformulär BIn this experimental study, we investigated how one-session treatment with exposure and response prevention (in vivo) works for individuals diagnosed with OCD according to DSM-5. The effectiveness of the one-session treatment ERP was compared with a control group who received psychoeducation in the form of reading a text on cognitive theory and emotion theory. The baseline, which consisted of self

Together Apart: What happens to organizational identification when employees are 'removed' from the office?

This study contributes to the understanding of how organizational identification is impacted by the involuntary shift to working from home and losing the office, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, it investigates responses used by employees to cope with the loss of the office. The study's theoretical contribution is to literature on remote working and organizational identification by e

Sulfated Polyserines: A Potential Heparin and Dermatan Sulfate Mimetic

Sulfaterade peptidkedjor som framtida läkemedel I kroppen finns det många biologiska processer som ständigt måste hållas igång för att den ska fungera. Glykosaminoglykaner (GAGs) är långa, linjära polysackarider som utgör en viktig del i kroppen där de bland annat reglerar cellulär tillväxt, celldifferentiering och sårläkning. Många av dessa GAGs är i hög grad sulfaterade och karboxylerade vilketGlycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are polysaccharides that are involved in many biological processes. Heparin and dermatan sulfate are highly sulfated GAGs that are involved in the coagulation cascade by regulating thrombin and are used as anticoagulatory drugs. Various peptides have been suggested to constitute the foundation of GAG mimetics to find alternative drugs. This bachelor thesis is focusing on

Leadership in the Internal Employer Branding Process. A hermeneutic study of leadership and internal employer branding from a managerial perspective

Today's society is in constant change and development where globalisation and technology have affected the labour market. As a result, the labour market is different and the employees set higher demands with new requirements for the employer to satisfy. It has thus become increasingly important for organisations to develop strategies to attract, develop and retain employees. The purpose of th

Uppmaning till självmord - bör det vara kriminaliserat?

År 2019 överlämnade en särskild utredare, utsedd av regeringen, ett betänkande till regeringen där denne föreslår att en ny bestämmelse ska införas i Brottsbalkens 4 kapitel som ska göra det straffbart att hetsa, uppmana eller på annat sätt psykiskt påverka annan att begå självmord. Frågan som aktualiseras är om denna kriminalisering är lämplig. Det finns vissa centrala straffrättsliga teorier iIn 2019, a special investigator submitted a report to the Swedish government advocating that the incitement of suicide be made a criminal offence. To accomplish this, the investigator proposed that a new provision should be introduced in Chapter 4 of the Swedish Penal Code which would make it a criminal offense to incite, or otherwise psychologically influence, an individual to commit suicide. W

Det betalande sambon - Betydelsen av sambors och makars ekonomiska gemenskap vid bedömningen av bevisbördans placering samt vid frågor om obehörig vinst.

Bodelningar mellan sambor respektive makar kan vara problematiska. Det kan uppkomma frågor om hur ett ekonomiskt mellanhavande mellan parterna ska betraktas. I sådana situationer är det vanligt att parterna är oense huruvida mellanhavandet utgör en försträckning, en gåva eller ett bidrag till den ekonomiska gemenskapen. Karaktären av mellanhavandet kan få betydelse för vad vardera parten erhåller Division of property between cohabitants and spouses could be problematic. Questions regarding financial dealing and unsettled matters between the parties may arise. In these situations, it is common that the two parties are in disagreement whether the unsettled financial matters should be seen as a claim, a gift or contribution to the economic kinship. The type of unsettled matters may be of sign

Bästsäljande facklitteratur : en undersökning av Sveriges 120 bäst säljande fackböcker 2015–2020

Denna uppsats handlar om bästsäljande facklitteratur. Syftet är att få en bättre förståelse för den facklitterära delen av bokbranschen samt för den stora gruppen böcker som faller under begreppet facklitteratur. Frågor som diskuteras är: Vilka facklitterära genrer sålde bäst de senaste fem åren? Vilka förlag hade givit ut denna bästsäljande facklitteratur? Och fanns det några särskilt populära fö

Är skiljaktigheter i social identitet lika med skiljaktigheter i gestaltningar?

The purpose of this study was to examine how individuals with different social identities, guilty of committing terrorist attacks, are framed in the Swedish news media. With regards to the increase in right-wing terrorist attacks, I found that a research aimed at investigating differences in how right-wing terrorists and Islamic-terrorists are represented would be important and interesting. I have

Reconciliation through football. A study on the role of football in the reconciliation process of Rwanda.

The 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, during which Hutu and others who opposed the genocide were also killed, tore up the social fabric of Rwanda. The reconciliation effort has been immense involving actors from all walks of life all working with different methods and techniques. This study turns to the beautiful game, football, and aims to examine what role the sport has played in the po

Public Space Regeneration Along the Center Port in Shengsi Island, Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province, China

The location of final thesis is the Shengsi Island, Zhoushan Islands on the southeast coast of China. Zhoushan Islands are located in the northeast of Zhejiang Province and the south of Shanghai. The Shengsi Island is the confluence of the Qiantang River and the Yangtze River after entering the sea. There are many harbors and sea channels. The climate of Shengsi is a subtropical monsoon climate, a

Grupptänk i socialt arbete - En kvantitativ granskning av korrelationen mellan grupptänk och homogenitet hos socialarbetare i Skåne

Social workers, like most professionals, are often limited in how they make use of their professional competences by the culture, norms and values that dominate their workplaces. While these groups of working staff have their merits, a strong expectation of conformity might result in errors of judgement among highly skilled members. The purpose of this study has been to contribute to the knowledge

Authentic Femvertising? Unveiling the ambivalent construction of multimodal authentic brand femvertising by social media influencers

Consumer empowerment and social media influencers – approached separately by scholars until now, this study brings together two of the most pressing contexts brands must navigate. As novel advertising appeal, brand femvertising communicates female empowerment and increasingly does so in collaboration with social media influencers (SMIs). To succeed however, SMI communication and femvertising call

Market Efficiency for Bitcoin

The essence of market efficiency has been an interesting area for inspection by investors and scholars. In this study, we investigate the efficiency of a relatively new asset: Bitcoin. This paper examines the efficiency of Bitcoin by studying the impact of Bitcoin’s so-called halving dates. To test for weak-form market efficiency, we check for the random walk, in addition to employing statistical

The Diffusion of Blockchain in SMEs: The Driving and Determining Factors for Blockchain Technology Adoption in SMEs

Blockchain technology has in recent years gained significant momentum in a wide variety of industries. However, in the context of SMEs the IS body of research is lacking, both in terms of why SMEs should consider this new technology and the factors that affect a potential adop-tion. To explore this research gap, the authors derived a conceptual framework from the exist-ing literature along with el

Restrictions and effects observed during the first year of the Covid-19 Pandemic

Using the most recent data from various databases we have retrieved economic and health data from OECD member countries and analyzed it in regard to the Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker, what we call Stringency index. We examine the effects on different economic variables such as GDP, exports, and unemployment, together with the health outcome variable excess mortality. In regard to our

" When You Come Together to Eat...": The Social-Scientific Study of the Community Meals as an Identity Shaping Process at Corinth and Galatia.

The aim of this thesis is to investigate the community meals as an identity shaping process in Paul’s ekklēsiai. The research question is as follows: In which ways do meals form an identity, community, and equality in Paul’s ekklēsia at Corinth and Galatia, in the light of the Greco-Roman banquet tradition and the Apostolic Decree? I answer this question by focus on meals as a banquet, and meals a