

Din sökning på "*" gav 533107 sökträffar

Analysis of peripheral blood lymphocyte phenotype and function during dexamethazone treatment of progressive multiple sclerosis

Five patients with chronic progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) and three control patients with lumbar disc herniation were treated with dexamethazone during 14 days. The effect on peripheral blood T-cell subsets and on the proliferative response of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) to pokeweed mitogen (PWM) and anti-mu antibody was analyzed. Before treatment, the proportion of CD3+ and CD4

On the Implementation of the Linearly Constrained Minimum Variance Beamformer

The linearly constrained minimum variance (LCMV) method, which allows multiple linear constraints, is an extension of the classical minimum variance distortionless response filter. Depending on the spatial filter length and the desired frequency grid, a direct computation of the resulting spatial beam pattern may be prohibitive. This brief exploits the rich structure of the LCMV expression to find

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This is a study of the form and ideology of the 10th c. world chronicle of Symeon the Logothete.

Five Studies in Ethics and Gene Technology

I denna artikel kommenterar jag fem arbeten som alla behandlar modern genteknik ur etisk synpunkt, med hjälp av såväl teologisk som filosofisk etik. Böckerna tas som intäkt för att kortfattat diskutera några etiska problem i anslutning till genteknikens möjligheter, bland annat: Bör vi med genteknik skapa framtida människor med evigt liv? Hur kan vi fatta moraliskt välgrundade beslut som berör fra

Coronary heart disease mortality after 5 years of adjuvant tamoxifen therapy: Results from a randomized trial

From January 1, 1983, through December 31, 1992, a total of 4610 patients entered a randomized trial that compared mortality among patients receiving 2 years of adjuvant tamoxifen therapy with that in patients receiving 5 years of adjuvant tamoxifen therapy, 4175 of whom were recurrence free after 2 years of tamoxifen therapy. Among the 2046 patients randomly assigned to the 5-year group all-cause

Phase behavior of DOPE/TritonX100 (reduced) in dilute aqueous solution: aggregate structure and pH-dependence

The phase behavior of dilute mixtures of dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE) and reduced TritonX100 (TX100(r)) has been investigated at pH 7.4 and 10. Using simple turbidity measurements and optical observations, together with cryo-transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM), we estimate the phase boundaries. We show that at both pH 7.4 and 10, a very large amount of surfactant is needed for t

The Epistle of Jude : Its Text and Transmission

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen behandlar det nytestamentliga Judasbrevets texthistoria. Monografin inleds med en översikt av textforskningen på de Katolska Breven i allmänhet och Judasbrevet i synnerhet, från 1800-talet och fram till nutid. Mot bakgrund av det tecknade forskningsläget beskriver så författaren studiens upplägg och syfte, samt antyder några av resultaten. Det handlar främsThis study treats the textual tradition of the Epistle of Jude. After an introductory survey of earlier text-critical research, the two main purposes of this investigation are formulated: to gather and to analyze the complete textual evidence of the Epistle of Jude. The first task, to gather the evidence, involves the collation of all Greek continuous text MSS of the Epistle of Jude. The evidence

Mediating Asymmetrical Conflict

This article examines the characteristics of asymmetrical conflicts and obstacles to negotiation and mediation. Four barriers are elaborated upon: (a) enduring unilateral actions, (b) contested recognition and leadership status, (c) existential and identity-based framing of conflict and (d) conflicting interpretation of implementation. Consequently, intervention in asymmetric conflicts poses a tre

Viscoelastic and histologic properties in scarred rabbit vocal folds after mesenchymal stem cell injection

Objective/Hypothesis: The aim of this study was to analyze the short-term viscoelastic and histologic properties of scarred rabbit vocal folds after injection of human mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) as well as the degree of MSC survival. Because MSCs are anti-inflammatory and regenerate mesenchymal tissues, can MSC injection reduce vocal fold scarring after injury? Study Design: Twelve vocal folds f

Co on Mo(110) studied by scanning tunneling microscopy

We have studied the interface formation of thin films of Co on a Mo(1 1 0) surface by the use of scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), low energy electron diffraction (LEED) and auger electron spectroscopy (AES). Below a coverage of about 0.4 monolayers (ML) we find that Co grows in small islands which are pesudomorphic with the Mo substrate. At a Cc coverage above 0.4 ML, the Co atoms condense int

Isospin effects on two-particle correlation functions in E/A=61 MeV Ar-36+Sn-112,Sn-124 reactions

Small-angle, two-particle correlation functions have been measured for Ar-36+Sn-112,Sn-124 collisions at E/A=61 MeV. Total momentum gated neutron-proton (np) and proton-proton (pp) correlations are stronger for the Sn-124 target. Some of the correlation functions for particle pairs involving deuterons or tritons (nd, pt, and nt) also show a dependence on the isospin of the emitting source.

Tradition Making and Tradition Breaking : Female students' Perspectives on Education

Female students' traditional and non-traditional choices of education is the subject of this study. Facing difficult choices on different levels of the educational system girls often, statistically, make traditional choices, but they also in different ways break traditional patterns. The study takes its starting-point in the following issues: What is the girls' understanding of the formal liberty