

Din sökning på "*" gav 535068 sökträffar

The Influence of Usability on Cognitive Load and Eye-movements

Med sin ökade tillgänglighet på den kommersiella marknaden har eye-tracking blivit ett allmänt tillgängligt system för att analysera ögonrörelser. Detta har öppnat upp för nya möjligheter för utvärdering av usability inom humancomputer interaction, som tidigare har varit dyrt, tidskrävande och ofta utfört baserat på dåligt dokumenterade standarder och mål. Tidigare forskning har visat att eye-tracWith its increased availability on the commercial market, eye-tracking has become a widely accessible system for analysing eye-movements. This has opened up new possibilities in evaluation of usability in human-computer interaction, which has had a history of being expensive, time-consuming and often performed based on poorly documented standards and objectives. Previous research has indicated the

Gestalt Theory in New Technologies

The project seeks to investigate the possibilities and challenges of new design tools like 3D-clay printing and algorithmic modelling with a base concept surrounding the creation of form, theory and variation, in a new manner of parametric and semi-self-generating geometry. The possibility of complexity inherited by these tools will allow for new interpretations and variation of structure, form an

The Effects of Trade Restrictions and Monetary Policy during The Great Depression

Many factors are considered when analysing how countries managed to recover from the Great Depression. Leaving the gold standard and the increased protectionism are considered important variables regarding the length and depth of countries recessions. This work aims to estimate which variables allowed for or hindered the world’s economies to combat the economic turmoil during the 1930s. In this co

INTE ÄNNU ETT GOTT EXEMPEL : En kvalitativ undersökning av skolbibliotekets ändamålsenlighet med hjälp av metoden grundad teori

The inquiry into strengthened school libraries was submitted to the Swedish Minister of Education at the same time as I started to write my thesis. It states the importance of school libraries and calls for an enhanced role of school libraries in education. The Swedish library act and the Swedish school library act calls for equal access to education for all students in Swedish schools. I examine

Analysis of the Perspectives on the Construction of the Audit Expectation Gap concerning Fraud

The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the audit regulatory space with regard to fraud and discuss the elements of the expectation gap as constructed by the IAASB and its stakeholders. The research question is addressed by a qualitative approach, using Political Discourse Analysis, the concept of regulatory space and an analytical framework designed by the authors. The analysis of the constructi

Selektiva distributionssystem - En studie av konkurrenslagen och dess tillämpning

Selektiva distributionssystem är marknadsföringsmetod som ofta används vid distribution av exklusiva och tekniskt avancerade varor. Denna typ av distribution innebär att produkter som säljs inom systemet endast distribueras av återförsäljare som är auktoriserade. För att bli auktoriserad krävs att återförsäljaren lever upp till de i distributionssystemet uppställda kraven, vilka kan vara långtgåenSelective distribution systems are a kind of marketing method used when distributing exclusive and technical advanced products. In this kind of distribution system products within the system is only distributed by retailers that are authorized. To become authorized the retailer has to fulfil the criteria’s that the provider has set out for inclusion in the distribution system. Selective distribu

Bör folkets åsikt beaktas? - en rättslig analys av det allmänna rättsmedvetandet

Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att granska begreppet ”det allmänna rättsmedvetandet”. Allt sedan 1980 – talet har begreppet förekommit alltmer frekvent i såväl förarbeten som politiska och mediala diskussioner rörande lagstiftning och rättsskipning. Det allmänna rättsmedvetandet är för svenskt vidkommande särskilt vanligt förekommande inom kriminalpolitiken. Trots dess aktualitet har frågor röThe purpose of this essay has been to review the concept “the public’s sense of justice”. Ever since the 1980s, the term has become increasingly prevalent in preparatory work aswell as political and mediocre discussions on legislation and justice. The public’s sense of justice is particularly common in Swedish crime policy. Despite its topicality, questions surrounding the concept, such as its def

Penningtvättsbrott - Straffbudet när svarta pengar blandas samman med den reguljära ekonomin

Brottslighet och särskilt organiserad brottslighet, utgör ett problem för samhället i Sverige men också i andra länder. I statsmaktens arbete mot kriminalitet är hindrande av möjligheterna till penningtvätt, ett viktigt inslag. Penningtvättsåtgärder kan nämligen allmänt beskrivas syfta till att dölja eller omsätta vinning av brottslig verksamhet. Studier har visat att omfattande summor pengar frånCrime and in particular organized crime, is a problem for the society in Sweden but also in other countries. Obstruction of opportunities for money laundering is an important element to the authorities in their struggle against crime. Money laundering can generally be described as seeking to conceal or convert the proceeds of criminal activity. Studies have shown that substantial amounts of money

Modeprodukters rätt till skydd - Är det tillräckligt unikt?

Olika skyddsförutsättningar har under årens gång utvecklats för modebranschen som ständigt är under förändring. Dessa immaterialrätter består främst av upphovsrätt och mönsterrätt. Skydden överlappar ofta varandra. Just skyddet för modeprodukter har varit under kritik de senaste åren, det har ansetts vara otillräckligt. Hur modebranschen bör skyddas mot efterbildning råder det delade meningar om. Various protection conditions have evolved over the years for the fashion industry, which is constantly undergoing change. These intellectual property rights consist primarily of copyright and design rights. The rights often overlap. When it comes to the protection of fashion products it has been under criticism during the past years and the protection that is offerd through law has been considere

Järnberikning av alfalfagroddar

Iron is a micronutrient that a lot of people all over the world lack to some extent. Researching new ways to enrich food may be a part of the future food industry. One way is to enrich the crops we grow. Hence, with the help of ascorbic acid as a pH adjustor and ironcitrate, tries have been made to enrich alfalfa sprouts. Sprouting as a method is also a good way to break down antinutrients in seed

The Retail Evolution and Urban Transformation: An analysis of challenges, social implications, and municipal adaptation in Malmö City

In the last decade, news reports about an overall doomed brick-and-mortar retail landscape have grown. The field of commerce has experienced a digital boom, causing an increased shift of businesses from traditional brick-and-mortar retail to the internet. This structural transformation is changing the commercial landscape, putting serious pressure on city centre retail and urban development. Store

Debt Structure and Corporate Performance During the Covid-19 Crisis

This paper examines the effects of public and bank debt financing on firm performance in emerging markets. Using data on 742 publicly traded firms from the BRIC countries, it is documented that bank debt may have a positive effect on operating performance of a firm. This effect is more pronounced for financially distressed firms and during the crisis period. It is also found that bank debt has a U

Attaining Legitimacy in Defiance of a Tarnished Reputation

PJSC Gazprom is one of the largest oil and gas companies in the world, but has a tarnished reputation and some critics question its corporate legitimacy. Using the moral foundations theory as a basis, a thematic content analysis was conducted to examine PJSC Gazprom’s efforts to support its reputation and legitimacy. The study focused on the company’s self-portrayal in five annual reports from yea


This paper aims to answer if the low-cost presence of a super discount store Lidl affects prices online for the Swedish market leader in food retailing, Ica. A collection of 50 Ica stores across Sweden with different competitive markets were compared using a cart of 10 items. Econometric analysis showed that the low-cost presence did affect Ica’s prices online and it is two-star significant.

Fuktsäkerhet och energieffektivitet av IsoTimber

Bygg- och fastighetssektorn står för stora utsläpp av växthusgaser från byggnadsmaterial- och energianvändning. Byggbranschen står idag för ca en femtedel av Sveriges totala koldioxidutsläpp. Ett område med stor potential är byggnadsmaterial där IsoTimber är ett av företagen som driver utvecklingen framåt. IsoTimber är en relativt ny aktör inom byggsektorn som tillverkar prefabricerade väggar i trThe construction and real estate sector accounts for a large part of the emission of greenhouse gases from the usage of building material and energy. The construction industry today accounts for about one-fifth of Sweden’s total carbon dioxide emissions. One area with great potential is building materials where IsoTimber is one of the companies that drive the development forward. IsoTimber is a re

Lite isolering har väl ingen dött av – En komparativ studie av Häktes- och restriktionsutredningens lagförslag (SOU2016:52) i relation till den norska lagstiftningen

Sverige har i över tjugo års tid, från såväl nationellt som internationellt håll, utstått omfattande kritik angående långa häktestider och en allt för liberal restriktionsanvändning. Vissa mindre förändringar har skett med tiden men de svenska problemen kvarstår i stort oförändrande än idag. I ett försök att åtgärda problemen tillsatte regeringen en utredning som presenterade sitt betänkande 2016,Sweden has during the last 20 years received severe criticism, both national and international, on the widespread use of remand imprisonment and a too liberal practice in its use of restriction. Some minor changes have been made to the legislation on the matter but the criticism remains in its major part unchanged. During 2015, the government made an effort to overcome this issue by appointing a p

Likgiltighetsuppsåtet - en kritisk granskning av begreppets aktuella innebörd

Skuldbegreppet i svensk rätt utgörs av oaktsamhet (culpa) och uppsåt (dolus). Dessa två begrepp ger uttryck för olika grad av skuld, och det är således av stor vikt att gärningar begångna med uppsåt och av oaktsamhet hålls isär. Föreliggande uppsats utreder uppsåtets nedre gräns mot oaktsamhet. Lagstiftaren har konsekvent genom historien överlåtit uppgiften att utforma uppsåtsbegreppet till domsThe concept of guilt in Swedish law constitutes carelessness (culpa) and intent (dolus). These legal concepts express different ranks of guilt such that the separation of deeds of negligence and intent is of major importance. The present thesis will investigate the lower bound of the concept of intent, in relation to carelessness. The legislative branch has historically transferred ownership of s