

Din sökning på "*" gav 535068 sökträffar

Vad styr allvarlighetsbedömningarna? Ett vinjettexperiment om socialsekreterares bedömningar av våld i nära relation

The aim of this study was to investigate which factors relating to the 1) perpetrator of intimate partner violence and 2) the respondents have an impact on social workers’ judgements about the severity of intimate partner violence. The study was carried out by a factorial survey method - experimental vignettes - in which the respondents were asked to make judgements about vignettes – or fictitious

The anti-amyloidogenic activity in the chaperone DNAJB6 and mimic constructs with only the most conserved serine and threonine rich beta-hairpin

Proteiner som hjälper andra proteiner att bevara deras struktur genom att binda in till dem kallas chaperoner. Chaperonet DNAJB6 (se figur nedan) finns bland annat i människokroppen och hjälper till att hindra vissa aggregeringsbenägna peptider, som amyloid-β, från att aggregera till fibriller. Fibriller av amyloid-β är kopplade till neurodegenerativa sjukdomar så som Huntington och Alzheimer. I fThe chaperone DNAJB6 can suppress fibril formation of amyloid-β. This is dependent on functionally important conserved serine (S) and threonine (T) residues located in a C-terminal domain which is dominated by β-strands. Substitution of the conserved ST-residues with alanine residues results in loss of this function. In this thesis two DNAJB6 mimic constructs are examined to see whether or not the

Is There A Relationship Between EV/EBIT and Returns on The Danish Stock Market?

The study can statistically certify that there exists a negative relationship between EV/EBIT-ratio and returns among stocks on the OMX Copenhagen Exchange between 2011-2021. It can also be concluded that EV/EBIT should not be used as the single factor when making investment decisions due to a low r-squared value. Portfolios consisting of low EV/EBIT companies managed to outperform high EV/EBIT po

Jakten på det perfekta röret: En undersökning av hur ett klarinettrörs tjocklek påverkar dess kvalitet

Vilka fysiska parametrar gör ett bra klarinettrör till just ett bra rör? För att försöka förstå hur ett klarinettrör kan bearbetas för att låta bättre, har jag undersökt fysiska dimensioner hos rör som jag tycker är bra respektive dåliga. Jag har fokuserat på att mäta rörets tjocklek i ett antal punkter, och undersökt om det finns förhållanden som är gemensamma för de bra rören, och som skiljer si

Beauty and the Brand: A Study About Relationships Between Consumers and Cosmetic Brands

Background: In today’s consumption society, there is an endless amount of cosmetic brands to choose from. Moreover, the global consumption of cosmetics continues to increase, both among male and female consumers, and new cosmetic brands are constantly entering the marketplace. Despite this, little is known about the relationships between consumers and cosmetic brands (consumer-brand relationships)

Identifying Power Structures in a Municipal Network: The Decision-making Process Behind Buying Ängelholm-Helsingborg Airport

Small regional airports are known to be economically unsustainable. When the previous private owner of Ängelholm-Helsingborg Airport announced their intention to shut the airport down, seven municipalities in northwestern Skåne decided to buy it. This has raised debate about whether municipalities should allocate resources to an economically and environmentally unsustainable business. The purpose

The Children of ‘Crimean Spring’ and the Right to Education under Belligerent Occupation

Education is one of the key components in developing identity, personality and a sense of belonging in the time of peace. But when weaponized by the states as a tool of indoctrination, education becomes a highly effective instrument of war, contrary to the relevant rules prescribed by the international humanitarian and international human rights law. This weaponization of education was widely empl

Restriction by Object: A Restriction Based Purely on Experience or Also on Effects?

Artikel 101 FEUF förbjuder avtal mellan företag som har till antingen syfte eller resultat att begränsa konkurrens. Syftes- och resultatöverträdelser är alternativa förbudsförutsättningar. Emellertid råder oklarhet kring konceptet syftesöverträdelse samt dess relation till resultatöverträdelser. Denna uppsats ämnar belysa tillämpligheten av konceptet syftesöverträdelse, för att besvara huruvida etArticle 101 TFEU prohibits agreements between undertakings that restrict competition either by object or effect. Restricting competition by object or effect are alternative conditions. Problematically, both the concept of a restriction by object and its relation to restrictions by effect are obscure. The purpose of this thesis is to elucidate the applicability of restrictions by object, in means o

Smarta städer och plan- och bygglagen - en omöjlig kombination?

Smart cities are a modern form of urban construction that takes an increasingly larger space in both Swedish and foreign urban planning. This essay investigates the Swedish Planning and Building Act and its impact on planning and implementation of smart city-concepts in Lund municipality in the southern part of Sweden. Theories of planning tradition, digital development in society and theory of th

Gymnasiekuratorer om våld i ungas kärleksrelationer: Deras kunskap om och arbete med problemet

The aim of this study was to investigate school counselors' reflections on their own knowledge of teen dating violence (TDV), how they forward their knowledge to students and how they use their knowledge to detect individuals who live with TDV. We conducted results from eight semi-structured interviews with school counselors who work at upper secondary schools in Sweden. The interviews were an

“Vi bör inte men vi får, alltså vi behöver inte låta bli” - De professionella kopplade till LARO’s upplevelser av möjligheten att utforma en individuellt anpassad behandling

The aim of this qualitative study was to investigate how the professionals' linked to LARO-clinics experience the possibility of designing an individually adapted treatment. We conducted five semi-structured interviews with various professions from different LARO-clinics in Skåne. For our analysis, we have applied Lipsky’s theory of Street-level bureaucracy and discretion. We have also used An

Fairness in article 101(3) TFEU

This thesis aims to assess article 101 (3) TFEU from fairness point of view. More specifically, the focus will be on assessing whether this article protects/ promotes fairness, and if so, who’s fairness. A special focus will be on also assessing what is considered as fair under the second condition of article 101 (3) TFEU, which directly refers to fairness by requiring that consumers receive a fai

"Mörka färger säljer typ knappt"

Personlig varumärkning är ett koncept som innebär att varumärken och dess image till stor del identifieras med en person. Personliga varumärken kommer med stora fördelar, exempelvis att en djupare relation etableras mellan organisation och konsument, vilket kan vara svårt att uppnå för en mer opersonlig organisation. Däremot kommer det även med större risker, som att organisationen och personen baPersonal branding is a concept that is based on brands and their image being largely identified with a person. Personal brands come with many benefits, for example that a deeper relationship is established between the organization and the consumer, which can be difficult to achieve for a more general organization. However, it also comes with greater risks, being the organization and people behind

Doubt in Postmodernity : The Communicative Process of Fixating Beliefs

This thesis examines how ideas of truth and knowledge are created, maintained, and negotiated within the context of a community through means of communication. This is achieved by conducting a case study which highlights the social processes of deconstructing and reconstructing ideas of truth. The empirical material analyzed is the podcast Another Name For Every Thing, featuring Franciscan friar F

No title

The adolescent experience has over the last twenty years differed immensely from earlier generations. Generation Z, born somewhere between 1995 and 2010, are what some would call ‘digital natives’, being the very first children to be brought up in a digital advanced world with easy access to information and inspiration through constant connection to the world wide web. This research draws in parti

Erik 15… i själva verket Erik 35? - Om fenomenet grooming och bestämmelsen kontakt med barn i sexuellt syfte

Sverige införde år 2009 bestämmelsen kontakt med barn i sexuella syften i brottsbalkens sjätte kapitel paragraf 10 a som kriminaliserar möte med barn i sexuellt syfte, s.k. grooming. Bestämmelsen tillkom två år efter att Sveriges dittills största nätsexhärva, målet mot ”Alexandramannen”, hade avgjorts i Hovrätten över Skåne och Blekinge. Under de åtta år som bestämmelsen har funnits har antalet laIn 2009 Sweden introduced a legislation named contact with children for sexual purposes in the sixth chapter, section 10 a in the Swedish Penal Code, criminalizing grooming. The provision followed two years after the judgement from the Court of Appeal of Skåne and Blekinge over the “Alexandra man” case, the then biggest child sex exploitation case in Sweden. During the eight years of existence of

Enskild egendom, giftorättsgods eller lite av varje? - En studie av gällande rätt i fråga om surrogat av blandad karaktär

Denna uppsats behandlar problematiken rörande surrogat av blandad karaktär, det vill säga sådan ersättningsegendom som finansieras delvis genom makes giftorättsgods, delvis genom dennes enskilda egendom. Syftet är att utreda huruvida delningsprincipen, där surrogategendomen delas upp proportionellt i de två egendomsslagen, eller huvudsaklighetsprincipen, vilken innebär att hela surrogatet klassifiThis thesis explores the challenge concerning mixed substitute property, meaning property acquired partly through the marital property of a spouse, partly through their separate property. The purpose is to investigate whether such property should be classified as both separate and marital, split proportionally, or as either separate or marital in entirety when division of property between spouses

Europeiska åklagarmyndigheten - Ett adekvat skydd för EU:s ekonomiska intressen?

Brott, bedrägerier och andra oegentligheter, vilka riktar sig mot EU:s eko-nomiska intressen skadar allvarligt EU:s budget varje år. För att garantera ett bättre skydd för EU:s finanser framlade kommissionen i juli 2013 För-slag till Rådets förordning om inrättande av Europeiska åklagarmyndighe-ten . Myndigheten ska ha en exklusiv kompetens att utreda brott mot EU:s ekonomiska intressen över hela Fraud and other offences, aimed towards the financial interestets of the union, are seriously harming the union’s budget every year. To guarantee a better protection of the unions finances, the Commission put forward Pro-posal for a Council Regulation on the establishment of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office . The Office will have an exclusive competence to in-vestigate and prosecute crimina

Straffrättslig styrning av avfallstransport - Ur lagstiftarens perspektiv

Europeiska unionen syftar till att skapa fri handel på en inre marknad. Det innebär en fri rörlighet av bland annat varor. Med varor avses alla materiella ting, vilket även inkluderar avfall. Handel med avfall mellan Europeiska unionen och tredje länder är också vanligt förekommande. Anledningen till att handel bedrivs med avfall är att vissa avfallskategorier fungerar som insatsvaror i produktionThe European Union aims to create free trade on an internal market. Among other things, this means free movement of goods. Goods are defined as all material things, which also include waste. Trade in waste between the European Union and third countries is also common. The reason for trading in waste is that certain waste categories act as inputs in the production of other goods and products. A com