

Din sökning på "*" gav 531150 sökträffar

Special Education in Sweden

The Third Edition of the highly acclaimed Encyclopedia of Special Education offers a thoroughly revised, comprehensive A to Z compilation of authoritative information on the education of those with special needs. All articles are cross-referenced, and citations guiding you to related sources appear at the end of each entry.

Etnicitet i ungdomsvården – förslag till fortsatt värdegrundsarbete

Detta utkast utgör en redovisning av ett uppdrag som jag fick av Forsknings- och utvecklingsenheten vid Statens institutionsstyrelse (SiS). Uppdraget bestod i att, under en tvåmånadersperiod (april och maj 2009), granska och urskilja etnicitetsmarkörer i det empiriska material som samlats in under intervjuer och möten med aktörerna i ett samarbetsprojekt i ungdomsvården (MVG-projektet). Tanken var

Belt Driven Alternator and Starter with a Series Magnetized Synchronous Machine Drive

Electric Hybrid Vehicles, EHV, are under development to provide lower fuel consumption levels and minimize the environmental pollution compared to pure Internal Combustion Engine, ICE, driven vehicles. The EHV is more complex and thus carry many more extra parts than the pure ICE based vehicle. Competing against the pure ICE vehicle in the sense of nonexpensive mass production is hard. This thesis

Physical limitations on G and B for antennas

In this paper, physical limitations on the partial gain G and relative bandwidth B are derived for antennas of arbitrary shape based on holomorphic properties of the forward scattering dyadic. The limitation on the performance of G and B is shown to be bounded from above by the long wavelength response of the antenna in terms of the electric and magnetic polarizability dyadics. The special case of

Technology scaling impact on embedded ADC design for telecom receivers

This paper is concerned with the impact of technology scaling on the choice of A/D converters in telecom receivers. It is shown that the trend of diminishing feature size, together with better matching of passive components, allows the use of A/D topologies traditionally confined to low-frequency, medium-resolution applications. The design of a 10 bit 20 MS/s ADC using the successive approximation