Din sökning på "*" gav 535892 sökträffar
Kill Your Favorite Dish : Examining the Role of New Carnivorism in perpetuating Meat Eating
Scholars and activists opposing the killing of nonhuman animals have long shared the assumption that the invisibility of the animals killed for meat is one of the most sig- nificant factors when it comes to explaining how meat eating is perpetuated. However, a recent tendency towards a new visibility of these animals and their physical trans- formation into meat fundamentally challenges this assum
Immune surveillance : Paraneoplastic or environmental triggers of autoimmunity
Autoimmunity associated with tumor cell development seems an important mechanism by which to prevent progression to clinical cancer. In this brief review, tumor autoantigens associated with paraneoplastic syndrome, non-HLA- associated organ-specific autoimmune diseases, and the highly cell-specific autoimmune eradication of the islet beta cells in type I diabetes are compared and discussed. It is
Barbro Soller and the Emergence of Modern Environmentalism in 1960s Sweden
Glutamate decarboxylase antibody levels predict rate of β-cell decline in adult-onset diabetes
Glutamate decarboxylase autoantibodies (GAD65Ab) and β-cell function were evaluated at and 3 years after diabetes onset in consecutive subjects over 15 years of age. At onset, 21 32 (66%) insulin-treated patients (mean age 43, range 16-79 years) had GAD65Ab; all GAD65Ab persisted 3 years later. At onset, 20 82 (24%) non-insulin-treated patients (mean age 56, range 20-79 years) had GAD65Ab. Of thos
Effects of the second HLA‐DQ haplotype on the association with childhood insulin‐dependent diabetes mellitus
Glutamate decarboxylase-, insulin-, and islet cell-antibodies and HLA typing to detect diabetes in a general population-based study of Swedish children
Most autoimmune diabetes occurs in those without a diabetic relative, but few cases are identifiable prospectively. To model general population prediction, 491 consecutive newly diabetic children from all of Sweden were tested for autoantibodies to glutamate decarboxylase (GAD65ab), insulin (IAA), and islet cells (ICA), and for HLA-DQ genotypes by PCR; 415 matched control children were tested in p
High diagnostic sensitivity of glutamate decarboxylase autoantibodies in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with clinical onset between age 20 and 40 years
Patients with adult-onset Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus (IDDM) are more difficult to identify than young patients, as their clinical onset is often less acute with a questionable state of insulin dependency. Classification may be facilitated by the detection of autoantibodies that are associated with IDDM. The prevalence of islet cell autoantibodies (ICA) and insulin autoantibodies
Kan insulinberoende diabetes botas? Mer forskning om GAD-autoimmunitet krävs.
Radioimmunoassay detects the frequent occurrence of autoantibodies to the mr 65,000 isoform of glutamic acid decarboxylase in japanese insulin-dependent diabetes
Glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies (GAD65Ab) are common in new onset Caucasian insulin-dependent diabetic (IDDM) patients but it is unclear if this marker is also prevalent in patients of other ethnic backgrounds. We determined antibodies against human recombinant GAD in Japanese diabetic patients using a radioimmunoassay with competition between in vitro translated 35S-GAD65 and non-labelled
Inheritance of MHC class II genes in IDDM studied in population-based affected and control families
The transmission of HLA-DR and DQ was compared between 46 families with at least one child affected by insulin dependent diabetes mellitis (IDDM) and 43 healthy control families. In the patient families, there was an increased transmission of DR4 (p
A study of 109 Swedish patients and 85 healthy Swedish controls with Crohn's disease (CD) by HLA class II RFLP genotyping was carried out. There was no significant association for any single DR or DQ specificity or phenotypic combination of DR and/or DO specificities among our study group of Caucasian extraction.
Den statliga förvaltningens konstitutionella ställning i Sverige och Finland – pragmatism och principer
Den statliga förvaltningen i dess olika skepnader har sedan länge mycket stor betydelse för samhället och enskilda i de nordiska länderna. En central fråga i offentlig rätt och statsvetenskap är hur förvaltningens ställning i samhället ska förstås. I ett offentligrättsligt perspektiv handlar det då bland annat om förvaltningens konstitutionella eller statsrättsliga roll. Hur fastställs de rättslig
Polyaromatic perfluorophenylsulfonic acids with high radical resistance and proton conductivity
We report on the straightforward metal-free synthesis of poly(p-terphenyl perfluorophenylsulfonic acid)s by efficient superacid catalyzed Friedel–Crafts polycondensations of commercially available perfluoroacetophenone and p-terphenyl, followed by sulfonation of the pendant pentafluorophenyl groups via a selective and quantitative thiolation-oxidation procedure. The stiff and well-defined polymer
Stanna eller gå? SwAge-modellen = hållbart arbetsliv för alla åldrar
Delegationen för senior arbetskraft har i uppdrag att verka för ett mer inkluderande och åldersoberoende synsätt i arbetslivet. Delegationen ska sammanställa och sprida kunskap om forskning om äldres möjligheter och även föreslå åtgärder som motverkar åldersdiskriminering för att bättre tillvarata senior erfarenhet. Som en viktig del av arbetet med uppdraget har delegationen valt att ta fram en se
The association of body mass index, weight gain and central obesity with activity-related breathlessness : The Swedish Cardiopulmonary Bioimage Study
Introduction: Breathlessness is common in the population, especially in women and associated with adverse health outcomes. Obesity (body mass index (BMI) >30 kg/m2) is rapidly increasing globally and its impact on breathlessness is unclear. Methods: This population-based study aimed primarily to evaluate the association of current BMI and self-reported change in BMI since age 20 with breathlessnes
Personalized versus partisan representation in the speeches of migrant members of parliament in the German Bundestag
Given the increasingly polarized debates in many modern democracies over migration and integration, the behaviour of members of parliament (MPs) with a migrant background has important implications for patterns of representation. Drawing on role congruity theory, we hypothesize that MPs with a migrant background deliver more legislative speeches in debates that are of interest for citizens with a
A Digital Twin Based Industrial Automation and Control System Security Architecture
The digital twin is a rather new industrial control and automation systems concept. While the approach so far has gained interest mainly due to capabilities to make advanced simulations and optimizations, recently the possibilities for enhanced security have got attention within the research community. In this paper, we discuss how a digital twin replication model and corresponding security archit
Thermal Assessment of an ERS for Static Charging of Electric Vehicles
A charging infrastructure of electric vehicles is important in order to make the transition from fossil fuels to electricity. There are multiple charging methods, one of which is to use an Electric Road System (ERS)as a static charger. The connection between an ERS and a vehicle is automatic and gives an advantage over other systems which require a human to connect a plug. The focus of the study p
A Computational Model of Trust-, Pupil-, and Motivation Dynamics
Autonomous machines are in the near future likely to increasingly interact with humans, and carry out their functions outside controlled settings. Both of these developments increase the requirements of machines to be trustworthy to humans. In this work, we argue that machines may also benefit from being able to explicitly build or withdraw trust with specific humans. The latter is relevant in sit