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Atomistic studies of the elastic properties of metallic Bcc nanowires and films
In this paper a systematic study of the surface influence on the elastic properties of nanosized iron and tungsten wires and films is performed. Single crystal defect-free nanowires and nanofilms are examined through molecular statics simulations, and the concepts of surface energy and third order elastic constants are used in an attempt to describe the elastic properties. For structures where the re
Säkerhet vid cytostatikabehandling - från ordination till administrering
Studies of Nanowire Devices Enabled by Advanced Nanofabrication
This thesis explores the possibility of using advanced device geometries and heterostructure engineering to manipulate, control, and study the electrical and optical properties of semiconductor nanowires. The first part of the thesis investigates the use of different gate-all-around architectures for creating new types of gate-controlled nanowire devices, primarily intended for fundamental studies
Konstruktion av spritsutrustning
Improvement of the metabolic features of bread by use of organic acids
Globalisation, language contact and historical change: a case of Slavic languages and beyond
In recent years, contact-induced language changes have been hotly discussed (e.g. Heine 2003; Heine and Kuteva 2005), and in this paper, a similar line of argument is presented concerning the Slavic languages, and a similar developmental path is applied to minority languages. Based on analogy, future state of minority languages is predicted. Some languages in the Indo-European family are known to
Brott, makt och korruption i Kina
Phonetic correlates of the ‘‘new/given’’ parameter
Varför sitter "brassen" på bänken? Eller varför har invandrarna så svårt att få jobb?
Being-in-the-World: the Phenomenology of Indigenousness
Japanese Universities’ High Policy Implementability: The Introduction of Law Schools
In Japan, education has often been used by the government as a means of introducing social changes, due to its high policy implementability. The Japanese law school system is a good example to illustrate Japanese universities' high policy implementability because it was introduced when Japan needs numerous talented lawyers to operate a rule-of-law society. The idea of introducing a law school syst
Avtalsmekanismen vid kreditavtal
Facing the challenge of obtaining accountability in hybrid organizations
Large eddy simulation of unsteady combustion
The present study concerns the application of a large eddy simulation (LES) model, capable of dealing with chemical reactions described by multistep reaction mechanisms and thermal radiation. The LES model, based on prefiltering of the balance equations of mass, momentum, and energy contains a variety of submodels far representing the residual stress tensor and flux vectors and the filtered reacti
The Volvo ultra-violet light trials. A report on the use of an ultra-violet vision system by a sample of elderly drivers
En studie med fokus på barns och föräldrars skadeståndsansvar
Civic identity and net activism: the frame of radical democracy
The chapter makes use of the theoretic horizons of radical democrac, especially as found in the works of Chantal Mouufe, to conceptually explore the emergence of citizens' identities as active agents in the context of extra-parliamentarian political engagement using the Internet