

Din sökning på "*" gav 526776 sökträffar

Gottfried Feder

Gottfried Feder was one of the pioneers of German National Socialism, as one of the leftists, his role diminished after 1933.

Säkrare flöden genom effektivare riskhantering

Boken beskriver hur man på ett kostnadseffektivt sätt minskar risken för avbrott i flödet av varor och tjänster mellan olika led i försörjningskedjan samt säkerställer en snabb återgång till ett stabilt flöde om ett avbrott trots allt inträffar. Ämnesmässigt hamnar boken inom områdena Risk Management, Business Continuity Management och Supply Chain Risk Management. Boken ger läsaren kunskaper om h

Ultrasound Doppler Based In-Line Rheometry - Development, Validation and Application

The trend within fluid industry is towards continuous production, leading to an increasing demand for new and improved methods that allow real-time monitoring of quality parameters and fast process control. The consistency and viscosity can be described by fluid rheology and are frequently used as quality control parameters. Rheological properties can be correlated with product microstructure, the

Nonlinear and Hybrid Systems in Automotive Control

Nonlinear and Hybrid Systems in Automotive Control will enable researchers, control engineers and automotive engineers to understand the engine and whole-vehicle models necessary for control. A new generation of control strategies has become necessary because of the increasingly rigorous requirements of vehicle and engine control systems for accuracy, ride comfort, safety, complexity, functionalit

Laser and Optical Techniques Employed in Enviromental Monitoring

Monl torlng of trace gases in the atmosphere has been performed wl th differential absorption lldar and differential optical absorption spectroscopy. A new mobile differential absorption lldar system has been constructed. It is described in detail and examples of 502 and N02 measurements are given. Studies of the N02 concentration distribution in an urban area during a temperature inversion were p

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Abstract in SpanishEste texto responde a una necesidad izquierdista, pero de una izquierda que por razones obvias ya no se encuentra. Trata de buscar todas las respuestas; de no renunciar a una visión compleja pero global, capaz de transformase en una “guía para la acción”. Se trata de un texto con respuestas, planes, ideas claras, objetivos, convicciones. Hasta hace no muchos años, el mundo era r