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När Göteborgs domkapitel censurerade Luther
Artikeln behandlar en av Göteborgs domkapitels sista stora inomlutherska diskussioner i ett censurärende. 1748-1750 inskred domkapitlet mot en Lutherutgåva, framför allt på grund av befarade herrnhutiska tendenser.
Grammatikundervisning i den nya gymnasieskolan. Ett helhetsperspektiv med utgångspunkt i Gy2011
Visualizing the meanings of words
Abstract is not available.
European vs Swedish industrial relations
Henry Diab om försoningsavtalet mellan Hamas och Fatah
Nu förra veckan den 5e Maj så skrev de Palestinska organizationerna Hamas och Fatah under ett försoningsavtal som kan ha stora konsekvenserna för den framtida fredsprocessen mellan Israel och Palestina. UPFs reporter Samuel Teeland har talat med Henry Diab,för att höra om hur avtalet förhandlats fram och vilka möjliga effekter det kan ha.
Future perspectives for the history of the Nordic languages.
Speculations about the future of the Scandinavian standard languages concerning the degree of standardization and in relation to the expanding use of Anglo-American for various purposes. Also the prospects of Swedish in Finland and Neo-Norwegian in Norway are discussed.
Kampen om ESS: Lund vann i alla fall skönhetstävlingen ...
Mathematical Modeling of Brain Circuitry during Cerebellar Movement Control
Reconstruction of movement control properties of the brain could result in many potential advantages for application in robotics. However, a hampering factor so far has been the lack of knowledge of the structure and function of brain circuitry in vivo during movement control. Much more detailed information has recently become available for the area of the cerebellum that controls arm–hand movemen
Interlaboratory tests on thermal foot models
In order to compare measurements in different laboratories and with different models and measuring principles a small Round Robin test was suggested. 8 test institutions were able to join the study (with foot model sizes from 254 mm to 275 mm and test boot sizes from 41 to 44). We got also a declaration of interest from several other institutes that were not able to carry out the tests. A database
X-ray absorption evidence for the back-donation in iron cyanide complexes
The behaviour of Rn-222 decay products at the air-glass interface and its implication for retrospective radon exposure estimates
Glass sheets investigated regarding their Po-210 signal originating from indoor radon exposure will have a depth distribution down to about 100 nm. The geometrical probability of implantation into glass of glass-attached radon daughter activity in one alpha recoil event is 50%. A particulate layer on the glass sheet (dust, grease or other particles) will stop the alpha recoil nucleus partly or tot
No title
Glycosylated matrix protein
Connective tissues have many features in common, including resisting and dissipating mechanical load and providing shape, as well as acting to provide barriers regulating water flow and diffusibility of macromolecules. In this chapter we have chosen to focus on cartilage and bone, covering many aspects of connective tissues. We give special focus to the noncollagenous proteins in their matrices.
Säkringsredovisning - Implementeringen av IAS 39 i svenska icke-finansiella börsföretag och konsekvenser för säkringsverksamheten
Since January 1, 2005 all publicly traded companies within the EU must prepare their consolidated financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The transition to IFRS brought with it major changes in the accounting for financial instruments through the introduction of the highly controversial accounting standard IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognitio
Stockholmsmodellen - bostad, arbete, fritid. Utvärdering av ett samverkansprojekt mellan Rainbow-Sweden och Stockholms stad
I denna rapport redovisas en utvärdering av Stockholmsmodellen, som är ett samverkansprojekt mellan brukarorganisationen Rainbow-Sweden och Stockholms stad. Stockholmsmodellen syftar till att ge marginaliserade människor bostad, arbete och en aktiv fritid. I september 2003 beslutade socialtjänstnämnden att godkänna ett förslag till samarbete med Rainbow-Sweden och finansiera projektet med två milj
Interim measures and civil litigation
The instrumental importance of provisional remedies
Measurement of the Generalized Polarizabilities of the Proton in Virtual Compton Scattering at Q2 = 0.92 and 1.76 GeV2
We report a virtual Compton scattering study of the proton at low c.m. energies. We have determined the structure functions PLL–PTT/and PLT, and the electric and magnetic generalized polarizabilities (GPs) E(Q2) and M(Q2) at momentum transfer Q2=0.92 and 1.76 GeV2. The electric GP shows a strong falloff with Q2, and its global behavior does not follow a simple dipole form. The magnetic GP shows a
När mjölken blev skånsk
Invading Herbivory. Effects of the Golden Apple Snail (Pomacea canaliculata) in Asian Wetlands.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning av avhandlingen "Invading Herbivory. Effects of the Golden Apple Snail (Pomacea canaliculata) in Asian wetlands". 1980 förde några affärsmän ett okänt antal individer av den sydamerikanska vattensnäckan Pomacea canaliculata till Taiwan. Snäckorna skulle odlas i dammar och säljas som människoföda på marknader i Asien och överskottet skThe South American golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata) was intentionally introduced to aquacultures in South East Asia to produce snails for human consumption, but the aquatic snails soon escaped and started to consume large amounts of rice seedlings. The aim of this thesis was to quantify the effects of this invasive herbivore on aquatic plants in natural wetlands since previous research h