

Din sökning på "*" gav 527955 sökträffar

Aktiva åtgärder för att motverka trakasserier och sexuella trakasserier på arbetsplatsen

Sverige är ett land med hög jämställdhet, men trots det finns det fortfarande brister inom arbetslivet vad gäller oönskade beteenden på arbetsplatsen. Lagen och regleringen är utspridd och inte helt enkel att förstå, vilket gör det svårt för arbetsgivare att aktivt arbeta för att motverka oönskade beteenden. Vidare ser trakasserier och sexuella trakasserier olika ut i olika branscher. Syftet med dSweden is a country with a high level of gender equality, but despite this there are still shortcomings in working life in terms of unwanted behaviour in the workplace. The law and regulation are scattered and not entirely easy to understand, which makes it difficult for employers to actively work to counter unwanted behaviour. Furthermore, it has been shown that harassment and sexual harassment l

En ny talan om samma sak - Om innebörden av facta supervenientia och om utformandet av kärandens talan

Reglerna om rättskraft är mycket omdiskuterade i den civilprocessrättsliga doktrinen. Rättskraften är inte absolut, utan begränsas bland annat tidsmässigt av factum superveniens/facta supervenientia. Facta supervenientia är omständigheter som inte kunde åberopas i en första process och som utan hinder av den förra domens rättskraft får lov att åberopas i en ny process. Syftet med uppsatsen är att The rules on legal force are much debated in the doctrine of civil procedure law. The legal force is not absolute. The legal force is limited, among other things, in terms of time by factum superveniens/facta supervenientia. Facta supervenientia are circumstances that could not be referred to in a first pro-cess and which, without being hindered by the legal force of the previous judgement, are al

Förbudet mot diskriminering av personer med funktionsnedsättning i arbetslivet - Vilket ansvar har arbetsgivaren att motverka diskriminering och hur långt sträcker sig skyldigheten att vidta stöd- och anpassningsåtgärder?

En person med funktionsnedsättning kan stöta på olika hinder i arbetslivet, exempelvis i form av begränsningar på grund av nedsatt arbetsförmåga. I viss mån har arbetsgivaren en skyldighet att undanröja sådana hinder för att förhindra förekomsten av diskriminering på arbetsplatsen. Utifrån den rättsdogmatiska metoden syftar denna uppsats följaktligen till att redogöra för diskrimineringsförbudets A person with a disability may encounter various obstacles in working life, for example in the form of limitations due to reduced working ability. To some extent, the employer has an obligation to remove such obstacles to prevent the occurrence of discrimination in the workplace. Based on the legal dogmatic method, this essay consequently aims to explain the extent of the prohibition of discrimina

Towards sustainable heavy-duty transportation : Combustion and emissions using renewable fuels in a compression ignition engine

Transportation should become sustainable and available to everyone. Currently, transportation accounts for approx. one sixth of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions globally, and heavy-duty trucks are responsible for almost 30% of that. When fossil diesel fuel is burned in a compression ignition engine, known as a diesel engine, it releases large amounts of CO2, a GHG, into the air. GHGs confine heat in

Synthesis and characterization of three chromium(0) complexes with chelating chloroquine analogue ligands

Malaria är en dödlig infektionssjukdom som kännetecknas av feber, huvudvärk, muskelvärk och kräkningar och år 2020 uppskattade WHO antalet dödsfall i malaria till 627 000, varav 96 % av fallen skedde i subsahariska Afrika. Sjukdomen orsakas av encelliga parasiter av släktet Plasmodium. Arterna som smittar människor är P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. malariae, P. ovale samt P. knowlesi, varav P. vivax Malaria is a life-threatening disease, but widespread antimalarial drug resistance has become a major obstacle when it comes to malaria treatment. Derivatives of existing drugs are potential drug candidates that can overcome this resistance and in recent years metal derivatives of chloroquine (CQ) have been of interest for their potential antimalarial activity. Three new organometallic complexes o

Toward Biomass-Derived Recyclable Polyesters

Fossil-based plastics have become a matter of concern due to their negative environmental impacts such as greenhouse gas emissions and threats to the health of living beings. Alternative polymers derived from sustainable biomass resources have thus become an attractive research field since the last decade. Currently, there is a strong demand in the development of new bio-based polymers with enhanc

Skatterättslig tolkning i ljuset av BEPS-åtgärderna

Ett av de mest effektiva sätten för stater att samla in intäkter till statskassan är genom beskattning. Detta även om värdeskapandet sker utanför landets gränser. Problemet brukar benämnas för dubbelbeskattning. Som en följd av detta uppstår det från ett mikroperspektiv en osäkerhet för skattskyldiga vid gränsöverskridande transaktioner. Från ett makroperspektiv äventyras även potentiella investerOne of the most effective ways for states to raise revenue for their treasury is through taxation. This is even if the value creation takes place outside the country's borders. The problem is usually referred to as double taxation. As a consequence of this, from a micro perspective, uncertainty arises for taxpayers in cross-border transactions. From a macro perspective, potential investments b

Konsekvenser för energiåtervinning när materialåtervinning av avfall ökar

När samhället går från att vara linjärt till cirkulärt behöver de som behandlar avfall med energiåtervinning vara förberedda. Det cirkulära handlandet innebär att istället för att produkter slits och slängs så får materialet, eller ännu hellre produkten, ett nytt liv. Det är toppen för miljön att vi tar vara på resurser på ett mer effektivt sätt, och därför bör energiåtervinning ses som ett kompleThis thesis examines how the composition and properties of the waste that is treated with energy recovery may change based on today's decided legislation and actors' goals and activities. Specifically, municipal waste and operational waste from all kinds of businesses that is treated with energy recovery in the region of Stockholm has been investigated. The study, carried out in collaborat

Aging of Self-Assembled Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystal Superlattices : Effects on Photoluminescence and Energy Transfer

Excitonic coupling, electronic coupling, and cooperative interactions in self-assembled lead halide perovskite nanocrystals were reported to give rise to a red-shifted collective emission peak with accelerated dynamics. Here we report that similar spectroscopic features could appear as a result of the nanocrystal reactivity within the self-assembled superlattices. This is demonstrated by study

Superlattices are greener on the other side : How light transforms self-assembled mixed halide perovskite nanocrystals

Perovskite nanocrystal superlattices (NC SLs) are the nearest real-world approximations to monodisperse NC ensembles. NC SLs thus represent ideal model systems for evaluating the optical and structural stability of CsPb(I1−xBrx)3 NCs at a macroscopic level. Here, photoinduced changes to CsPb(I1−xBrx)3 NC SLs (0 < x < 1.0) are probed via in situ photoluminescence, X-ray diffraction, and electron mi

Promoting responsible practices in international research collaboration in a multipolar landscape

Over the last few years, just as the COVID-19 pandemic has illustrated the growing need for open international collaboration, increasing geopolitical tensions and politicization of research are leading to higher barriers for transnational scientific cooperation. These deteriorating conditions for inclusive cooperation may hamper both the general advancement of knowledge and, more pointedly, our ab

Geometrical influence on Hg determination in wet sediment using K-shell fluorescence analysis

To quickly identify maritime sites polluted by heavy metal contaminants, reductions in the size of instrumentation have made it possible to bring an X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzer into the field and in direct contact with various samples. The choice of source-sample-detector geometry plays an important role in minimizing the Compton scattering noise and achieving a better signal-to-noise ratio

Visualisation of sulphur on single fibre level for pulping industry

In the pulp and paper industry, about 5 Mt/y chemithermomechanical pulp (CTMP) are produced globally from softwood chips for production of carton board grades. For tailor making CTMP for this purpose, wood chips are impregnated with aqueous sodium sulphite for sulphonation of the wood lignin. When lignin is sulphonated, the defibration of wood into pulp becomes more selective, resulting in enhance

A Swedish Philhellenic Pamphlet from 1821 : "Will you let that sacred voice that echoes in the tender Swedish heart cry out in vain?”

The first volume of Grifos is a publication of a rare, anonymously published philhellenic pamphlet from the year 1821. It was printed in Stockholm, yet it has hitherto remained uncol­lected by the scholarly community. The pamphlet is published here for the first time with an En­glish translation and a commentary by George Kalpadakis and Vassilios Sabatakakis. In their introduction the authors plac