

Din sökning på "*" gav 527673 sökträffar

Biostratigraphical and palaeoecological significance of graptolites, trilobites and conodonts in the Middle-Upper Ordovician Anderso Shale: an unusual 'mixed facies' deposit in Jamtland, central Sweden

Although only about 20 m thick, the Anderso Shale contains one of the most diverse, if not the most diverse, late Middle-early Late Ordovician faunas known in Baltoscandia. It includes more than 20 trilobite species, more than 20 species of other shelly fossils, about 10 graptolite species, and about 20 conodont species. Based on its lithology, its geographical position near the foreland basin mar

The Power of Elections : Democratic Participation, Competition and Legitimacy in Africa

Popular Abstract in Swedish Baserat på ett nytt data material bestående av observationer på 16 variabler i 232 val i Afrika, görs tre olika analyser. Först avvisas ett antal etablerade hypoteser om nutida Afrikansk politik och demokratisering. Sedan påvisas valens självförstärkande och självförbättrande kraft med hänvisning till institutioners interna logik och strukturering av aktörers incitamenThis book is about elections and democracy in newly democratizing countries. Building on a new data set of 5,568 observations in 232 elections, it provides evidence elections have a casual impact on improving the quality of democracy in Africa in more than one way. The study demonstrates multiparty elections do not signal the end of transitions to democracy but rather foster liberalization and hav

The effects of a pesticide mixture on aquatic ecosystems differing in trophic status: responses of the macrophyte Myriophyllum spicatum and the periphytic algal community

The effects of a pesticide mixture (asulam, fluazinam, lambda-cyhalothrin, and metamitron) on aquatic ecosystems were investigated in 20 outdoor aquatic microcosms. Ten of the microcosms simulated mesotrophic aquatic ecosystems dominated by submerged macrophytes (Elodea). The others simulated eutrophic ecosystems with a high Lemna surface coverage (Lemna). This paper describes the fate of the chem

Characterisation of a plasma membrane-associated phospholipase A(2) activity increased in response to cold acclimation

We here demonstrate the presence of a plasma membrane-associated phospholipase A(2) (EC; PLA(2)) activity in spinach (Spinacia oleracea) leaves. The pH profile of the spinach plasma membrane PLA(2) activity revealed two peaks, one at pH 4.4 and one at pH 5.5. The activity at pH 5.5 had an absolute requirement of Ca2+, with full enzyme activity at 10mumol/L Ca2+. The Ca2+-dependent PLA(2) a

p-Benzoquinone in aqueous solution: Stark shifts in spectra, asymmetry in solvent structure

Results from a simulation of p-benzoquinone (PBQ) in water is presented. An explicit solvent representation is used together with a multiconfigurational ab initio quantum chemical method. The electronic n -> pi* transitions are studied in aqueous solution and the two such transitions are both blue-shifted but to different degree. Both non-equilibrium and many-body effects are found to have decisiv

Characterization of epitope structure for 53 monoclonal antibodies against prostate-specific antigen

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is the most widely used marker of prostate cancer. Assays for PSA are based on anti-PSA antibodies, and the characterization and selection of these antibodies is important for determining their optimum performance. In our study, we characterized the reactivity of 53 antibodies, submitted to the ISOBM TD-3 PSA Workshop, using free PSA, PSA complexed to alpha1-antichy

Clinical Predictors for Death in HIV-positive and HIV-negative Tuberculosis Patients in Guinea-Bissau.

To assess easily monitored predictors for tuberculosis mortality. Risk factors for tuberculosis mortality were assessed during the 8-month treatment in 440 men and 269 women diagnosed with confirmed or presumed intrathoracic tuberculosis included prospectively in Guinea-Bissau from May 1996 to April 2001. A civil war occurred in the study area from June 1998 to May 1999. 12% were HIV-1 positive, 1

A small-scale matric potential sensor based on time domain reflectometry

Measurements of soil matric potential (Psi) are needed in many soil science applications. In the present study, a small matric potential sensor having a length of 30 mm and a diameter of 9.6 mm was developed. The sensor consists of two coils made of lacquer-coated copper wires embedded in gypsum. The dielectric constant of the gypsum (K-gypsum) was measured with time domain reflectometry (TDR). Th

The European Multiple System Atrophy-Study Group (EMSA-SG)

Introduction. The European Multiple System Atrophy-Study Group (EMSA-SG) is an academic network comprising 23 centers across Europe and Israel that has constituted itself already in January 1999. This international forum of established experts under the guidance of the University Hospital of Innsbruck as coordinating center is supported by the 5th framework program of the European Union since Marc

Predator chemicals induce changes in mayfly life history traits: A whole-stream manipulation

In high-elevation streams of western Colorado, mayflies (Baetis bicaudatus) develop taster, but mature at a smaller size where trout are present compared to streams where fish are absent. These life history traits reduce the time of larval exposure to trout predation, but Cost reduced fecundity. We designed a field experiment involving manipulation of whole streams to determine whether these chang

Unique patient with cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis. Evidence for presence of a defect in a gene that is not identical to sterol 27-hydroxylase

Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis (CTX) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder believed to be exclusively caused by mutations in the CYP27A1 gene coding for the enzyme sterol 27-hydroxylase. Common findings in CTX are tendon xanthomas, cataracts and progressive neurological dysfunction. Here, we characterize an adult female patient with tendon xanthomas and classic biochemical findings of CTX (i.e. h

Anomalous facies and ancient faeces in the latest middle Cambrian of Sweden

The middle Cambrian -Furongian transitional interval was a time of significant biotic and environmental changes. Strata of this age in Scania, southern Sweden, contain two interlayered biofacies, a normal one dominated by trilobites and an anomalous one dominated by phosphatocopines (small bivalved arthropods). In places these biofacies are separated by intervals barren of fossils. In a phosphatoc

A Modelica Library for Paper Machine Dryer Section Modeling - DryLib - and applications

Following increased efforts during the last decade to formulate mathematical models for the paper drying process, this paper presents a Modelica library, DryLib, which enables users to rapidly develop complex models of paper machine dryer sections. In addition, parameter optimization, model reduction and moisture control by means of Non-Linear Model Predictive Control is treated. These application

What determines the current presence or absence of permafrost in the Tornetrask region, a sub-arctic landscape in Northern Sweden?

In a warming climate, permafrost is likely to be significantly reduced and eventually disappear from the sub-Arctic region. This will affect people at a range of scales, from locally by slumping of buildings and roads to globally as melting of permafrost will most likely increase the emissions of the powerful greenhouse gas methane, which will further enhance global warming. In order to predict fu

Health Promotion Intervention in Mental Health Services

Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med denna avhandling var att definiera och utveckla begreppet hälsofrämjande i psykiatrisk vård samt att utveckla ett frågeformulär som syftar till att mäta patientens upplevelser av hälsofrämjande interventioner i psykiatrisk vård. Deltagarna bestod av 12 patienter i studie I och 12 sjuksköterskor i studie II samt 135 patienter i studie III och IV, alla deltagarThe aim of this thesis was to define and develop the concept of health promotion in mental health services as well as to develop a questionnaire to measure patients? subjective experiences of health promotion intervention in mental health services. The samples consisted of 12 patients in study I and 12 nurses in study II as well as 135 patients in mental health services in study III and IV. Data w