

Din sökning på "*" gav 526186 sökträffar

Handledning av kandidat- och magisteruppsatser.

Difficulties had been identified with regard to bachelor and master theses. The quality varied too much, as did supervision. The report discusses possible ways of improving the situations,looking at other departments at Lund University, as well as the Copenhagen Business School. The report suggests some measures for improving the process as well as for supporting supervisors.

The Metal Beaker with Embossed Foil Bands

The metal beaker that was found in the house is a unique object. The shape arouses associations with late antique glasses. The beaker is covered with embossed gold bands with figure representations carried out in early Style I. The bands were probably produced around 500 AD. The body of the beaker might be contemporaneous or possibly also older, with the bands as a later addition. The beaker is co

Modelling, Simulation and Vulnerability Analysis of Interdependent Technical Infrastructures

Risk and Interdependencies in Critical Infrastructures Springer Series in Reliability Engineering 2012, pp 49-65 Modelling, Simulation and Vulnerability Analysis of Interdependent Technical Infrastructures Jonas Johansson, Henrik Hassel … show all 2 hide » Download Book (7 380 KB) As a courtesy to our readers, the eBook is provided DRM-free. However, please note that an invisible watermark has

Residences burning

The study of residences at central places from the Late Iron Age in Scandinavia has mainly been aimed at identifying buildings of exceptional size or function. However, until recently the archaeological situation has not been detailed enough to study the sequence of a residence for several centuries and with internal changes related to internal or external factors. New excavation results from Uppå

Molecular regulation of rat histidine decarboxylase

Popular Abstract in Swedish Enzymet histidin dekarboxylas - en nyckelroll i bildningen av histamin Histamin är en välkänd substans som är en av orsakerna till bland annat allergiska symptom. Alla som har hösnuva känner väl till hur histamin verkar, svullnande ögon och rinnande näsa. Histamin är inblandad i en mängd olika funktioner i kroppen såsom allergiska reaktioner och inflammationer av alla Histamine is involved in a variety of physiological processes like gastric acid secretion, inflammation and neurotransmission. The production of histamine is catalysed by the enzyme histidine decarboxylase (HDC), which is a strongly regulated enzyme. Mammalian HDC mRNA encodes a protein with a molecular mass of 74 kDa, which is greater than that reported for the subunit of purified mammalian HDC,

Effects of GI vs content of cereal fibre of the evening meal on glucose tolerance at a subsequent standardized breakfast

Objective: To investigate if the improved glucose tolerance previously observed at breakfast following an evening meal with boiled barley kernels derives from colonic events related to the fermentation of the elevated amounts of indigestible carbohydrates present and/or from the low-GI features. Subjects/Methods: Twenty healthy volunteers aged 19–30 years. Design: High-GI white wheat bread (WWB)

No title

Abstract in Norwegian Thailand har etterhvert utviklet seg til å bli mange skandinaveres turistparadis. Etter tsunamikatastrofen som rammet Sørøst-Asia andre juledag 2004 fikk vi høre at den beste måten å hjelpe den thailandske befolkningen på etter hendelsen var å vende tilbake dit som turister. Den voksende turismen i Thailand har ført med seg en økt økonomisk velstand på mange av øyene solhungr

What is worse: Decreased spatial resolution or increased noise?

Purpose: To investigate the relative importance of spatial resolution and noise on the image quality of clinical radiographs. Methods: The spatial resolution and noise of fifteen digitised lumbar spine radiographs were altered with image processing. Three different MTF curves and three different Wiener spectra were combined into seven different combinations of spatial resolution and noise. These s

Epidemiology and population structure of Campylobacter jejuni and related organisms in wild birds

Campylobacter jejuni is one of the most common causes to bacterial gastroenteritis in the industrialised world. Also other species of the Campylobacter genus give rise to human infections. C. jejuni occurs in many different animal hosts and can be isolated from water sources. This thesis deals with the occurrence and population structure of this bacterium and related organisms in wild birds. Using

Macrocyclic Carbohydrate/Amino Acid Hybrid Molecules - Synthesis and Evaluation as Artificial Receptors

Methods were developed for the synthesis of three different types of macrocyclic carbohydrate/amino acid hybrid molecules. In the synthesis of the first type of macrocycles, a glucosamine derivative was oxidized at C6 and the obtained sugar amino acid was coupled to tripeptides. The resulting hybrids were transformed into dimers and cyclized in a macrolactamization step to obtain C2-symmetric macr

Renaissance 1.5

Projektet Renässans 1.5 utgår ifrån det faktum att det i den traditionella produktutvecklingsprocessen normalt krävs flera iterationer i processens olika faser innan man kan nå en acceptabel kompromiss mellan estetiska krav och konstruktions- och tillverkningskrav. Den snabba utvecklingen inom optimeringsteknik och kunskapsbaserad konstruktion gör det möjligt att integrera ett datorbaserat formgivThe Renaissance 1.5 project was based on the observation that in traditional product development, several iterations are needed to obtain a compromise between engineering, manufacturing constraints and aesthetics. The rapid advances in optimisation methods and in knowledge-based engineering (KBE) make it possible to integrate engineering and manufacturing constraints in a computer-based industrial