

Din sökning på "*" gav 526139 sökträffar

Introduction: Snapshots of Rights Discourse

We often hear that rights talk pervades politics, law and morality, that rights have never played a more decisive role in the formation of local and global relations, that rights are used more frequently than ever before to debate and resolve social, legal and political disputes, that rights emerge out of attempts to deal with or prevent injustice, and that they can support strategies of emancipat

Merging Real-Time and Control Theory for Improving the Performance of Embedded Control Systems

This report describes the work carried out within the research project ``Merging Real-Time and Control Theory for Improving the Performance of Embedded Control Systems''. The overall objective of the work has been to develop integrated control and scheduling methods for improving the performance of real-time control systems with limited resources. The work has fallen into three categories. First,

Undervisnings- och forskningsmeriter: två sidor av samma mynt

Vid bedömning av universitetslärares meriter betraktas undervisning och forskning ofta som två skilda verksamheter, där olika uppsättningar kriterier definierar en skicklig lärare och en skicklig forskare. Återspeglar detta då verkligheten, eller är det möjligt att formulera gemensamma kriterier? Vi vill här diskutera en preliminär modell för bedömning av såväl forsknings- som undervisningsmeriter

Capital Shares and Income Inequality: Evidence from the Long Run

This paper investigates the relationship between the capital share in national income and personal income inequality over the long run. Using a new historical cross-country database on capital shares in 19 countries and data from the World Wealth and Income Database, we find strong long-run links between the aggregate role of capital in the economy and the size distribution of income. Over time, t

No title

This book is an anthology of a number of inquiries regarding Iraq after the fall of the Baath regime in Iraq in 2003, written by the author. There are a range of themes been discussed in the book, the Kurds in Iraq at crossroads, the process of rebuilding the state of Iraq, the US foreign policy and the case of Iraq, regional power and the rebuilding of Iraq, Turkey’s policies vis a vis Iraq and t

Productivity comparisons, are they possible or even desirable?

Increased productivity is of societal good and efforts to achieve this should be a relevant task for all businesses. However, the concept of productivity is not clear as to what is to be measured. This becomes a problem especially when statements are made that the development of productivity in the construction industry is not as good as other sectors of industry. It is not clear if this compariso

Urinary incontinence in middle-aged women - a population-based study on prevalence, risk factors and the role of the urethra

Popular Abstract in Swedish Inledning och hypotes Urininkontinens är ett vanligt förekommande tillstånd som förorsakar sänkt livskvalitet hos individen och dessutom stora kostnader för samhället. Förekomsten i befolkningen beror på hur snävt man definierar begreppet och är följaktligen mycket skiftande i olika undersökningar. Urininkontinens är ett symptom på en sjukdom eller ett tillstånd, inte eUrinary incontinence classification is based on symptomatology, presuming that each symptom originates in a separate pathophysiology and demands its unique therapy. Women often present a mixture of symptoms inconsistent with urodynamic diagnosis, especially regarding urgency. Treatment of stress incontinence often relieves urge symptoms indicating a common pathophysiology. Our aims were to investi

Rättegången som en mänsklig rättighet

Artikeln behandlar rättegångsprocessen som en del av de mänskliga rättigheterna, dess centrala beståndsdelar och dess funktion ur såväl teoretisk som praktisk synvinkel.