Din sökning på "*" gav 526186 sökträffar
Genetic Factors and Nasal Tolerance in Rat Models for Rheumatoid Arthritis
We used three animal models of rats for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in this study. Firstly, We found that CXI induced arthritis (CXIIA) is associated with the RT1 f haplotype and follows a chronic disease course affecting peripheral joints with both progression and relapses. The main difference of pathological changes in CXIIA rats against rats with CIIIA was a larger number of infiltrating lymphocy
The impact of work on the night blood pressure dipping profile.
Objective. The purpose of this study was to elucidate whether ambulatory blood pressure (ABPM) performed during a work day and a non-work day had any impact on the night dipping profile. Study design. A crossover randomized ABPM study in primary healthcare was retrospectively analysed for the occurrence of non-dipping (ND), dipping (D) or extreme (XD) nightly dipping. Non-dippers were defined as s
The intermetallic oxidation of Pd(100)
We have studied the Pd(100)-(√5×√5)-O structure formed by adsorption of 0.8 ML of oxygen by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM), High Resolution Core Level Spectroscopy (HRCLS) and Density Functional Theory (DFT). We show that a recent tensor Low Energy Electron Diffraction (LEED) analysis of the Pd(100)-(√5×√5)-O structure is incompatible with our results from this structure. A new model that is
Use of hecate-chorionic gonadotropin beta conjugate in therapy of lutenizing hormone receptor expressing gonadal somatic cell tumors
Improvement of cancer treatment is a major challenge of medical research. Despite the immense efforts made in the improvement of diagnosis and treatment, cancer remains a major concern and cause of morbidity and mortality. Most of the modern anti-neoplastic therapies have severe side effects, and tumor cells often develop drug resistance. There is promise in the new generation of treatments (gene
"The Catholic Danger”: The Changing Patterns of Swedish Anti-Catholicism 1850-1965
In the 1860s, Sweden’s harsh religious legislation was liberalised. The Dissenter Act legalised conversions to other Christian denominations, but it put in place many obstacles to leaving the established church, and many of the legal restrictions were obviously anti-Catholic in intent. Anti-Catholic sentiment was also expressed in conjunction with the legislative proposals and parliamentary debate
System för kvalitetssäkring av allmän ingenjörskompetens inom civilingenjörsutbildningen i Ekosystemteknik vid Lunds Tekniska Högskola
The single train ultra reformer – an integrated catalytic design approach to PEMFC quality hydrogen
Handbok i kvalitativa metoder
Quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) methods and applications in bioinorganic chemistry
Masses detection in breast tomosynthesis and digital mammography: a model observer study
In this study, we adapt and apply model observers within the framework of realistic detection tasks in breast tomosynthesis (BT). We use images consisting of realistic masses digitally embedded in real patient anatomical backgrounds, and we adapt specific model observers that have been previously applied to digital mammography (DM). We design alternative forced-choice experiments (AFC) studies for
Does competition with monetary prize improve student learning? An exploratory study on extrinsic motivation
Student motivation is a key to effective deep learning. This paper aims at exploring competition as key motivating element in teaching of SCM at master level. The paper reports on our experiences from introducing monetary prices for student group works as a measure to increase extrinsic student motivation. A main question is to investigate how monetary prizes and other rewards mechanisms affect th
Structure et histoire en Océanie
Skatter - teori och praktik
Normer som rättsregler
Ventilation of the Paranasal Sinuses. A study using the 133-Xenon Washout Technique
Popular Abstract in Swedish Undersökning av bihåleventilation med 133-xenon washout teknik och gammakamera med tomografi, gör det möjligt att mäta ventilationen även i de djupa bihålorna som bakre ethmoidalsinus och sphenoidalsinus. Mätningar visar reproducerbara resultat hos friska försökspersoner där normala variationer i näsandningsmotstånd och kroppsläge ej påverkar mätresultaten. BihåleventilA noninvasive 133-xenon washout technique was used to evaluate the ventilation of the paranasal sinuses in healthy subjects and in patients with sinus disease. A mixture of air and 133-xenon is insufflated into the nasal cavities and passage into the sinuses is facilitated by a pressure increase created by letting the subjects inflate a balloon. A scintillation camera allowing single photon emissi
Vad kan man när man kan skriva? Om metareflektioner som vägledning för lärare och studenter
Att skriva är en sammansatt förmåga. Det är svårt att i ord formulera vad en skicklig skribents kompetens består i, och därför också svårt att undervisa i skrivande. Ett problem vid bedömning av texter är ofta att både studenter och lärare har svårt att formulera vad som gör en bra text. Här kan metatexter vara ett stöd, för både studenter och lärare. Erfarna lärare har i regel inga problem att b
The Extended Television: Using tangible computing to meet the needs of older persons at a nursing home.
This paper presents a person-centred model and a tangible computing approach to better adapt television media to meet two important needs of older people: social inclusion in their immediate surroundings and better support for one’s own reflections. Method The research project was carried out as a part of the construction, planning and implementation of a new nursing home. The implemented infrastr
Magnetic properties of magnetosomal greigite and factors influencing its occurrence and preservation in Baltic Sea Littorina sediments
Popular Abstract in Swedish Östersjön är idag ett av världens största innanhav med endast marginellt utbyte av vatten med Kattegatt via Öresund samt Lilla och Stora Bält. Saltrika inflöden från Kattegatt orsakar två salthaltsgradienter, en horisontell med mer saltrikt vatten i sydväst och mer färskt i Bottenhavet, samt en vertikal saltgradient (haloklin) med mer saltrikt bottenvatten och mer färskThe Baltic Sea is one of the world’s largest brackish water environments and is today suffering from, for example, eutrophication, spreading hypoxia, accumulations of contaminants and invasive organisms. These problems exist due to a combination of natural features that makes the Baltic Sea a sensitive ecosystem (such as long water residence time, limited water exchange, large catchment area), and