

Din sökning på "*" gav 532078 sökträffar

Medfinansieringsersättning - kommunens respektive exploatörens perspektiv

Investeringar i transportinfrastruktur medför normalt bättre tillgänglighet, bättre läge, eventuellt ökad byggrätt och en ökning av värdet på de fastigheter som är belägna i närheten av den infrastruktur som anläggs. Värdeökningar som uppstår till följd av offentliga investeringar bör genom värdeåterföring ges tillbaka till det offentliga. En värdeåterföringsmetod är medfinansieringsersättning somInvestments in infrastructure normally lead to better accessibility, a better location, increased building rights and an increase in the value of the properties that are located near to the infrastructure. Increases in value that arise as a result of public investments should be returned to the public sector through value capture. A value capture method is co-financing compensation which according

Arbetsrelaterad stress på akutmottagningar - En litteraturstudie om sjuksköterskors erfarenheter och upplevelser

Bakgrund: Att vara sjuksköterska på akutmottagning innebär ofta att arbeta under stress. Sjuksköterskorna förväntas vårda flera patienter samtidigt och ofta under tidspress. Stress är kroppens svar på psykiska eller/och fysiska påfrestningar. Långvarig stress bryter ner kroppen. Syfte: Sammanställa forskningsresultat om sjuksköterskors erfarenheter och upplevelser av arbetsrelaterad stress på akut

Dominerande ställning på digitala marknader - Missbruk av dominerande ställning av språkundervisande företag verksamma via internet

På grund av digitalisering har samhället träffats med det faktum att många företag erbjuder sina tjänster via internet. Det finns många företag som erbjuder språkundervisande tjänster via internet. Liksom företag verksamma offline, drabbas online verksamma företag av konkurrenssvårigheter. I nuvarande gällande rätt finns det inga exakta beskrivningar på hur konkurrensen på sådana marknader ska regDue to digitalization, society has been hit by the fact that many companies offer their services via the internet. There are many companies that offer language learning services through the internet. Like companies operating offline, online companies are experiencing competitive difficulties. In current applicable law, there are no exact descriptions of how competition in such markets should be re

A Blindfolded Monkey as Portfolio Manager

This study aims to investigate whether chance can beat an actively managed equity fund during a ten-year period on the Swedish stock market. Since the stock market consists of fierce competition among investors, the EMH would suggest that stock price movements should not be far from reflecting all available information. Due to the highly unexpected nature of new information, such as news, price fl

De osynliga minoriteterna – vilka syns i planeringen? Ålderism och ableism i tre av Malmö stads planeringsdokument: kommunens översiktsplan, den fördjupade översiktsplanen över Nyhamnen och detaljplanen för Smörkajen (5611).

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the elderly and disabled are included and excluded by the municipality of Malmö in three different published planning documents. To investigate this purpose, the main question asked is: how are elderly and disabled people described and included in/excluded from the City of Malmö's master plan, the in-depth master plan for Nyhamnen and the Detail

Megaregioner och deras periferier

The study of how regional and global resources are allocated geographically, the incentives for these trends, and what strategies can be used to prevent adverse effects between economic core areas and peripheral areas, are key themes in economic geography, and of crucial interest in studies of regional development. This paper addresses these issues in light of the relationship between the emerging

En arena vigd åt starka stater: Nationella intressen och humanitära interventioner.

Under 2010-talet drabbades både Centralafrikanska Republiken och Jemen av väpnade konflikter som resulterade i humanitära kriser. Trots detta genomförde FN endast en humanitär intervention i den Centralafrikanska Republiken. Studien ämnar undersöka om nationella intressen hos FN:s säkerhetsråds permanenta medlemmar ligger till grund för denna inkonsekvens. Som avgränsning undersöks endast Frankrik

Remote meaningful work through the lens of social workers

This research aims to enhance the current literature on meaningful work by gaining a deeper understanding of the effects of remote working on the perception of meaningful work. Set in the interpretive tradition, our research includes a qualitative case study in a single organisation and pursues an abductive approach. To understand how meaningful work is affected when working remotely, we collecte

Spelar storleken roll?

Det finns ett utbrett stöd för att decentralisering kan göra en organisation effektivare. Uppsatsens syfte är att studera hur territoriell decentralisering påverkar medborgarnas välfärd genom att undersöka sambandet mellan kommunstorlek och verksamhetens subjektiva effektivitet, det vill säga hur nöjda medborgarna är med kommunens verksamhet. I decentraliseringsteorin finns det motstridiga argumenThere is strong support for the argument that decentralization can make an organization more effective. The purpose of this essay is to investigate how territorial decentralization affects citizen utility by studying how the size of the municipality affects the subjective effectiveness of municipal activities, that is how satisfied the citizens are with the municipal activities. There is contradic

Hashtag Activism and Connective Action: A Case Study on #MarriageEquality in Thailand

Same-sex marriage has made its trend on social media in Thailand especially on Twitter under the #MarriageEquality hashtag as the topic was being brought up to the Parliament on February 9, 2022. Currently, though there are studies on LGBTQ in Thailand no recent study focuses on revealing the connection between hashtag activism, personal action frames, and LGBTQ movements. Therefore, by using the

Climate Security on the Global Arena - The role of Small Island Developing States in the global climate security debate

In the last decades, the debate on climate change as a security threat has gained leverage. The topic has been debated in multiple international instances, such as the UN system. One of the most vulnerable groups to climate change are the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) due to their geography but also their developmental challenges. Because of this, they have been strong actors in the climat

Next Stop: Value Creation - Analysing the Potential to Enhance Public Transport Authorities’ Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility by Providing Mobility as a Service

Concepts such as Creating Shared Value [CSV] and Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility [SCSR] respond to a demand for organisations to take responsibility for their contributions to increasing social issues such as social exclusion or the effects of climate change. The concept of SCSR is describing activities that provide economic values for organisations while at the same time targeting socia

"Mat" : den medierade bilden av mat och TV-kockens symboliska kapital

Uppfattningen om mat och matlagning i Sverige har utvecklats från ekonomisk och tidseffektiv till lustfylld och trendig, något media haft en stor roll i. Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka denna förändring och programmet “Mat” betraktat som en del av den. Med hjälp av multimodal critical discourse analysis och Pierre Bourdieus teorier om fält och kapital studerar arbetets författare det de

Personligt-, konstnärligt-, musikaliskt eller unikt uttryck? En aktionsstudie på ett estetiskt program, hur kommunikation kring kunskapskravet rörande personligt uttryck kan underlättas

Denna uppsats är en kvalitativ aktionsstudie som genom intervjuer undersöker hur lärare och elever på ett estetiskt program resonerar kring och definierar begreppet “personligt uttryck” samt vad de tänker ska utföras för att uppfylla kunskapskravet innehållande begreppet. Detta i syfte att öka kunskapen i huruvida samsyn råder eller inte, öka förståelsen kring hur eleverna definierar och resonerarThis essay is a qualitative action study that through interviews studies how teachers and students in an aesthetics program in highschool defines and thinks about the term “personal expression” and what the student should do to meet the expectations for fulfilling the requirements concerning that particular grade. The purpose is to increase the knowledge about what differences and similarities the

The Reappearance of Ancient Costumes in Today’s China: Hanfu Wearers and Their Community

Wearing Hanfu(汉服) is an emerging phenomenon in urban landscapes in Mainland China. On the other hand, Hanfu is a relatively obscure focus of study in academia. Born in the social context of nostalgia and traditional learning, Hanfu has grown into a clothing culture popular among the younger generations. By asking the question, how young people in the Hanfu cultural community perceive and express t

Determination of Proton Beam Waist Positions Using Beam Position Monitors

In this work, we examine a novel method for the determination of proton beam waist locations using beam position monitors. Based on the lattice of the final transport line section of the European Spallation Source linac, a simplified version of the beam line composed of quadrupole magnets and correctors is constructed in Python using a matrix formalism. With a known set of Courant-Snyder parameter

Synthesis of Linear Fused Tröger's Base Analogues

Syntetisera molekyler kan beskrivas som att bygga lego. Anvisningar följs för att gå från en legobit till exempelvis ett lego hus. Bit efter bit adderas för att nå den önskade produkten. Syntetisera molekyler fungerar på liknande sätt, molekyler läggs ihop för att bilda en större molekyl. I kemivärlden går det inte alltid att bara addera molekyler för att nå den önskade produkten. Detta då reaktioTröger’s base is a V-shaped bicyclic aliphatic unit with a 1,5-diazocine bridge. Its unique shape and structure create a hydrophobic pocket and give it its chirality. This makes Tröger’s base a valuable molecule in different fields with many different applications. Tröger’s base has proven to be a useful molecule in supramolecular chemistry due to its unique properties. In this Tröger's base p

Development of a tool to analyze back-focus characteristics of fix-focal cameras

Vid sammansättningen av kameror ställs höga krav på finjustering av sensorn och objektivets relativa position för att den resulterande bilden ska bli skarp. Axisutvecklade nätverkskameror fokuseras, av olika anledningar, i oändligheten. Examensarbetet utvecklar mjukvara för ett nytt verktyg, Modus, som ska användas in-house för att undersöka effekten av kamerans backfokus på bildens skärpa. VerktFix-focal cameras require careful alignment of the sensor relative to the lens during assembly in order to produce a sharp image. Axis developed wide- and fish-eye network cameras are, for a number of reasons, focused at infinity when aligned. This thesis develops the software for a new inhouse tool to be used at Axis to analyze the back-focus effect on the camera’s focus characteristics. The too

Försvarsmakten – The force for everyone

This thesis aims to investigate and analyse Försvarsmakten's use of semiotic resources in their recruiting campaigns through a semiotic multimodal analysis. Försvarsmakten has been dominated by men for many years and now, in an attempt to change that, Försvarsmakten is targeting women to join the force. Advertising has in general been embossed with gender stereotypes for the last decennials bu

Developing a Decision-making Framework for Supply Chain Network Reconfiguration - A Case Study at Lindab

Title: Developing a Supply Chain Management Framework for Decision-making: A Case Study at Lindab Authors: Michelle Jasinski and Louise Skaarup Johansen Problem formulation: Taking decisions to facilitate an efficient supply chain could be difficult and include many parameters. As an international company, Lindab has a well-developed and rather complex supply chain network. However, in Lindab’s