Din sökning på "*" gav 527957 sökträffar
Dendrokronologisk analys av de två mittstolparna i Halla kyrkas klockstapel
Dendrokronologisk analys av vapenhuset och sakristian i Hagby kyrka, Kalmar
Systemic opioid regimens for postoperative pain in neonates
Background: Postoperative pain clinical management in neonates has always been a challenging medical issue. Worldwide, several systemic opioid regimens are available for pediatricians, neonatologists, and general practitioners to control pain in neonates undergoing surgical procedures. However, the most effective and safe regimen is still unknown in the current body of literature. Objectives: To d
Vedanatomisk analys av kolfynd från en mesolitisk boplats, fornlämning 185, i Forshälla socken, Bohuslän
Participatory future visions of collaborative agroecological farmer-pastoralist systems in Tanzania
Agroecology is increasingly promoted as a way to create just and sustainable farm- and food systems. Although there are multiple initiatives to scale up agroecology, current socio-political structures often hinder its potential to transform food systems. This study uses participatory approaches to create paintings that envision agroecological futures in the context of increased farmer-pastoralist
Dendrokronologisk analys av Södra Råda kyrka
Dendrokronologisk analys av Hörja kyrka
Dendrokronologisk analys av Österlövs gamla prästgård i Skåne, kompletering
Dendrokronologisk analys av olika objekt på Fyn i Danmark
The Impact of Populism on Scandinavian Labour Law : The Cases of Norway and Sweden
Modern populism has developed in Scandinavia since at least the 1970s, first in Norway and Denmark but more recently also in Sweden. Populist political parties have been well-established in Scandinavian Parliaments for many years. However, from a labour law perspective, the populist impact, if any, has been limited and populist discourse has primarily focused on issues such as migration and the EuModern populism has developed in Scandinavia since at least the 1970s, first in Norway and Denmark but more recently also in Sweden. Populist political parties have been well-established in Scandinavian Parliaments for many years. However, from a labour law perspective, the populist impact, if any, has been limited and populist discourse has primarily focused on issues such as migration and the Eu
One city, two Tibers? Reintegrating the supply network of imperial Rome
The Tiber constituted a fundamental axis of transport and trade to Rome that made possible its subsistence and development in antiquity. However, different trajectories of research in the upper/middle and lower Tiber valley have led to an apparent perception of both stretches playing different roles in the supply of Rome, a perception not supported by wider archaeological evidence.This chapter exp
Det försvunna fideikommissbrevet : En sedelärande historia om vikten av god arkivering
Dendrokronologisk analys av byggrester från kvarteren Apeln 38 och Arkadien, Jönköping
Dendrokronologisk analys av en fäbod på Gunnarsvallen i Tännäs socken, Härjedalen
Fyraårsgränsen : Om bosättning av anvisade nyanlända i Malmö
Evaluating image analysis techniques for ultrasound optical tomography in breast tissue
Analys av Ultraljuds Optisk Tomografi som bildtagningsmetod Bröstcancer är den idag vanligaste cancerformen och drabbar varje år fler än 2 miljoner kvinnor världen över. Chansen att överleva har ökat mycket de senaste årtiondena, mycket tack vare screening och tidig behandling, men fortfarande överlever inte var tionde drabbad i Sverige. En ny teknik för att i ett tidigt stadie kunna upptäcka småBreast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the world today and early detection is crucial to minimize the mortality. ”Ultrasound optical tomography” (UOT) is a method under development for deep tissue imaging. The technique combines the resolution of ultrasound with the tissue contrast from light to image optical absorption in tissues. This report presents simulations analyzing how cha
Characterization of the Hand Grasping Using Sensor Fusion
This master`s thesis explores the possibility of constructing a device capable of classifying human arm movements while performing a set of common tasks. Intended for use on patients undergoing rehabilitation, the device collects data using multiple sensors and applies a convolutional neural network in order to detect different activities of daily living. The sensors used by the device are limited
The use of Machine Learning to predict adverse birth outcomes: Empirical real world evidence from a human cohort study in Adama, Ethiopia
Since Ethiopia has a high number of recorded adverse birth outcomes, the city of Adama was subjected to a study (Flanagan et al., 2022) that gathered data from 2085 pregnancies. This thesis utilizes that data to investigate the usage of machine learning in environmental epidemiology. Using the classification methods logistic regression, random forest, support vector classifier, and k-nearest neigh
Wood Wood? Wood! - Sökandet efter träets plats i staden
Detta arbete är ett sökande efter träets plats i staden och tar avstamp i en kritik mot hur trä allt oftare blir en del av stadsbilden utan att varken som eget objekt utrycka en rik gestaltning eller harmonisera med den kontext av sten, puts och tegelhus som omger dem. Likt hur tegel efter modernismens avtagande intresse för materialet, genomgick en pånyttfödelse vilket resulterade i nya uttrycksfThis work is a search for wood's place in the city and is based on a critical evaluation of how wood increasingly becomes part of the cityscape without expressing rich design in its own right or harmonizing with the context of stone, plaster and brick houses that make up our urban streets. In the same way that brick, after modernism's waning interest in the material, underwent a rebirth wh