

Din sökning på "*" gav 526767 sökträffar

Three-Dimensional Simulation of Nanoindentation Response of Viral Capsids. Shape and Size Effects

The nanoindentation response of empty viral capsids is modeled using three-dimensional finite element analysis. Simulation with two different geometries, spherical and icosahedral, is performed using the finite element code Abaqus. The capsids are modeled as nonlinear Hookean elastic, and both small and large deformation analysis is performed. The Young's modulus is determined by calibrating the f

Asymmetric trends and European monetary policy in t he Post-Bretton Woods Era

In public debate the crisis of the eurozone has been laid on the footstep of imprudent government finance. This paper argues that the depth and longevity of the crisis instead is due to ‘asymmetric trends’ that are inherent in the eurozone. We show this, first, by a test of the ‘one-size-fits-all’ ECB monetary policy. The results provide an estimate of how ECB at the same time fuelled some ‘bubble

The Importance of Fluctuations

In this contribution I want to discuss three phenomena, where effects of fluctuations are very important, multiplicity distributions, diffractive excitation, and nucleus collisions.

Internal symmetry and selection rules in resonant inelastic soft x-ray scattering

Resonant inelastic soft x-ray scattering spectra excited at the dissociative 1 sigma(g) -> 3 sigma(u) resonance in gas-phase O-2 are presented and discussed in terms of state-of-the-art molecular theory. A new selection rule due to internal spin coupling is established, facilitating a deep analysis of the valence excited final states. Furthermore, it is found that a commonly accepted symmetry sele

SLFs exkursion till Skäckerfjällen 13–15 augusti 2010

SLF:s exkursion till Skäckerfjällen 2008 var en strålande succé (se Lavbulletinen 2009-1), vilket säkert bidrog till att många anmälde intresse när det annonserades att det var dags för ett återbesök i detta nederbördsrika och geologiskt omväxlande jämtländska naturreservat. Allteftersom veckorna gick duggade desvärre återbuden lika tätt som regndropparna i den dystra väderleksprognosen för den ak

Recension av Swedish Students at the University of Leipzig in the Middle Ages

The book contains editions and studies of texts produced by Swedish academics active at the University of Leipzig in the fifteenth century. Academic texts from the Middle Ages are difficult to digest; the editions, translations and studies presented in this book and its companion volumes make them as accessible to the modern reader as one can possibly ask.

Improved In vivo Assessment of Pulmonary Fibrosis in Mice using X-Ray Dark-Field Radiography.

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic and progressive lung disease with a median life expectancy of 4-5 years after initial diagnosis. Early diagnosis and accurate monitoring of IPF are limited by a lack of sensitive imaging techniques that are able to visualize early fibrotic changes at the epithelial-mesenchymal interface. Here, we report a new x-ray imaging approach that directly vis

Paleomagnetism Of 1780-1770 Ma Mafic And Composite Intrusions Of Smaland (Sweden): Implications For The Mesoproterozoic Supercontinent

We present a paleomagnefic study of 1785 to 1770 Ma composite and mafic intrusions in Smaland, Sweden. A positive inverse baked contact test suggests the primary nature of their magnetization. The palaeomagnetic pole (45.7 degrees N, 182.7 degrees E, A(95)=8.0 degrees) may be regarded as a key pole for Fennoscandia. Available paleomagnetic data suggest that Laurentia and Fennoscandia/Balfica drift

Genetic Variation in the Glucose-Dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide Receptor Modifies the Association between Carbohydrate and Fat Intake and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in the Malmo Diet and Cancer Cohort.

Context:A common genetic variant (rs10423928, A-allele) in the glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide receptor gene (GIPR) is associated with decreased insulin secretion. Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide is secreted after food consumption and gipr knockout mice fed a high-fat diet are protected against obesity and disturbances in glucose homeostasis. Objective:Our objective was

Physicochemical characterisation of dietary fibre components and their ability to bind some process-induced mutagenic heterocyclic amines, Trp-P-1, Trp-P-2, AαC and MeAαC.

The physicochemical properties of potato fibre, wheat bran and oat samples were investigated, along with their binding capability to heterocyclic amines (HCAs). Potato fibre displayed highest total dietary fibre content (71.8/100g dry weight basis, dwb), followed by wheat bran (57.2/100gdwb) and oat sample 2 (53.0/100gdwb). Oat samples 1, 3 and 4 displayed considerably lower dietary fibre content

Gender and international crisis response: Do we have the data, and does it matter?

Abstract in UndeterminedFor more than a decade the humanitarian community has been mandated to mainstream gender in its response to crises. One element of this mandate is a repeated call for sex-disaggregated data to help guide the response. This study examines available analyses, assessments and academic literature to gain insights into whether sex-disaggregated data are generated, accessible and

Apoptosis and tumor cell death in response to HAMLET (human alpha-lactalbumin made lethal to tumor cells).

HAMLET (human alpha-lactalbumin made lethal to tumor cells) is a molecular complex derived from human milk that kills tumor cells by a process resembling programmed cell death. The complex consists of partially unfolded alpha-lactalbumin and oleic acid, and both the protein and the fatty acid are required for cell death. HAMLET has broad antitumor activity in vitro, and its therapeutic effect has

Regulation of the myogenic response and stretch-induced calcium signaling in the vascular wall: Novel insights into the role of microRNAs and protein tyrosine kinase 2

Intraluminal pressure has a significant impact on vascular adaptability, phenotype and regulation of blood flow and pressure. On one hand, increased pressure/stretch for a prolonged time can cause structural changes in vessel wall; on the other hand, lack of pressure/stretch can promote a phenotype shift. This thesis investigates novel roles of microRNAs and protein tyrosine kinase 2 in pressure/s

The quality of the outdoor environment influences children's health. -A cross-sectional study of preschools.

AIM: To test how the quality of the outdoor environment of child day care centers (DCCs) influences children's health. METHODS: The environment was assessed using the Outdoor Play Environmental Categories (OPEC) tool; time spent outdoors, and physical activity as measured by pedometer. 172/253 (68%) of children aged 3.0-5.9 from nine DCCs participated in Southern Sweden. Health data collected were