

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

CFD modelling of drop formation in a liquid-liquid system

The formation of an oil drop from a single capillary in a continuous phase flowing perpendicular to the capillary opening has been studied numerically. The shear stress at the interface of the forming drop, the angular velocity inside the drop and the pressure field around the drop have been determined in a cross section of the drop formation area. The results show a maximum pressure in the contin

Experiencing the University Context

Our problem is how to design, with the use of distance and ICT, an appropriate academic context for learning, for students with no previous knowledge of this context. Our aim is to analyse and describe the learner’s relation to the object of his/her studies as part of his/her relation to the learning activity. By using a combination of a phenomenographic approach and activity system theory, we ana

Psykodynamisk korttidsterapi : En intensivstudie av samspel, förändring och utfall

Popular Abstract in Swedish Psykoterapi betraktas idag som en etablerad behandlingsform för människor med psykiska problem. Under senare hälften av 1900-talet växte intresset för alternativa behandlingsformer inom vårdsektorn, och en ansenlig mängd psykoterapeutiska metoder utvecklades. Under denna period tog även psykoterapiforskningen fart, med syfte att undersöka vilken betydelse olika behandliThe overall aim of the thesis was to investigate the effects of psychodynamically oriented psychotherapy and gain an increased understanding of the curative factors in psychotherapy by thorough examination of the therapeutic alliance and of client change. The core of the thesis is a naturalistic study of 22 short-term dynamic psychotherapies and a follow-up 6-12 months later. Individual outcome me

The extensions of man revisited: From primary to tertiary embodiment

No abstract - but a conclusion: "Taking my point of departure in classical embodiment theories stemming from the phenomenological tradition, I have discussed tertiary embodiment, characteristic of certain types of signs, such as pictures and writing, as a particular stage of development in the phylogeny and ontogeny of human beings. In so doing, I have singled out the sign function as an indirect

Aromatic Allylation via Diazotization; Application in synthesis of heterocyclic compounds

Popular Abstract in Swedish I detta doktorandprojekt har ett antal nya syntesmetoder utvecklats och studerats. En stor del av avhandlingen fokuserar kring införandet av en allylisk grupp i aromatiska föreningar. Allylaromatiska substanser är utmärkta startmaterial i syntesen av föreningar avsedda att användas som kontrastmedel för röntgen. Ett stort antal allylaromatiska substanser med varierande A new method for allylation of aromatic systems has been developed. A number of arylamines were converted via diazotization to the corresponding allylaromatic compounds using tert-butyl nitrite and an excess of allylic bromides with complete regioselectivity. Electron-withdrawing groups, in the aromatic moiety, were necessary to obtain good yields. The convenient experimental procedure allowed the

Characterization of Aeromonas, Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas, Bacillus and Lactobacillus spontaneously growing to high numbers in milk, minced meat, fish or cheese

The spoilage flora of refrigerated raw and pasteurized milk was classified and identified by numerical phenotypic analysis. Isolations of bacteria were made at a defined spoilage stage, when the total aerobic count was 106-107 cfu per ml. The secondary flora of ripened Swedish and Norwegian cheeses was investigated by numerical analysis. Aeromonas and Enterobacteriaceae spp. isolated from the spoi

Design and control of YAIP - an inverted pendulum on two wheels robot

In this paper we describe the design and control of an inverted pendulum type robot on two wheels. The objective of the design is to provide a flexible platform intended for teaching and research, which provides rich opportunities for application of signal processing, control design, distributed control systems and consideration of implementation issues. In addition, a design constraint has been t

Catalytic combustion in environmental protection and energy production

Catalytic combustion is an important area of catalysis and is used in energy production as well as in the abatement of harmful emissions of various types. This thesis is focused on three different areas of catalytic combustion: - Catalytic combustion of diesel soot - Development of catalytically active wire meshes through thermal spraying - Stabilisation and activation of g-alumina for methane com

Excited State Processes in Solar Energy Materials

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den globala energianvändningen är idag större än någonsin. Faktum är att den, i takt med världens ständiga utveckling, kommer att fortsätta öka många år framöver. Sättet som energi har producerats på historiskt används dessutom i allra högsta grad fortfarande idag och innebär daglig förbränning av stora mängder organiskt material. Detta resulterar i en ökad koncentratioThis dissertation covers studies of excited state processes in two types of solar energy materials: alternating polyfluorene polymers and their blends with fullerenes in the active layer of plastic solar cells, and bis-tridentate RuII-polypyridyl complexes to be used as sensitizer in systems for artificial photosynthesis. The polymer:fullerene blends were studied by transient absorption and time-

“No Friends but the Mountains” Understanding Population Mobility and Land Dynamics in Iraqi Kurdistan

Popular Abstract in Swedish För att få en uppfattning om hur framtida miljöförändringar kommer att påverkar vårt samhälle är det viktigt att studera eventuella samband mellan migration, samhälle och miljö. Klimatförändringar väntas inom en snar framtid leda till stora befolkningsförflyttningar till följd av exempelvis ökad stormfrekvens, torka, havsnivåhöjning och vattenbrist. Migration kan å andrThe link between population mobility and environmental change is fundamental for our understanding of how future global environmental changes will affect our societies, and also how the increased mobility will change our role in the Earth system. Climate change has been predicted as a major cause of human migration, both voluntary and forced, through for example increased storm and drought frequen