

Din sökning på "*" gav 532089 sökträffar

The bare life in the al-Hol camp in Syria: The case of the Swedish children

This paper aims to understand the constitution of the al-Hol camp in Syria, where thousands of women and children from 57 different countries are detained in subhuman conditions. I did that by studying the case of the Swedish children, motivated by the contradiction that those children did not get help even though they belong to one of the most liberal welfare states in the world. As a result, par

Framställandet av två närliggande konflikter vid två skilda världsordningar - En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av hur säkerhetsdiskursen utvecklats i svensk medierapportering mellan Pragvåren 1968 och Ukrainakriget 2022

This study aims to examine in which way the Swedish security discourse has been portrayed in Swedish media during a nearby conflict at two separate time periods, Prague spring 1968 and the war in Ukraine 2022. The purpose is to find out how the security discourse in the media reporting has changed between these events. Through a qualitative content analysis as a method, news articles that have bee

The Exit Impact on the Remaining Members: A comparative case study on how the Brexit referendum did affect the sense of a European identity in four of the EU member states

This thesis seeks to investigate how the EU member states react to the occurrence of an internal crisis within the EU. More specifically, how a European identity gets either strengthened or weakened by experiencing challenges. When addressing a European identity, this thesis works with the term of “belonging”, an attachment to something greater when defining the concept of European identity. Throu

Polariseringens påverkan på democratic backsliding i USA

Global liberal democracy is turning in on itself, both in terms of quality and quantity. Although instead of imploding due to a coup d’état, incremental erosion of democracy is the new norm. This is more commonly known as democratic backsliding and scholarly agreement points to polarization as an underlying cause. Since 2016 the U.S. democratic quality has significantly dropped, whilst polarizatio

Aliens Among Us – Variety in the Implementation of Regulation (EU) No. 1143/2014 on Invasive Alien Species in the European Union

This paper addresses the implementation of the Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014 on Invasive Alien Species (IAS) with particular attention to issue salience. It uses the broad base of implementation research on directives, identifies key variables and applies them to the chosen regulation. To assess the implementation performance of Member States, a performance index is created based on Commission repo

On a mission of reducing methane burps: A case study of commercialising a low-carbon innovation in the food industry

Commercialising low-carbon innovations implies complex issues to be managed but is a necessity to attain a transition of industries for a sustainable future. This thesis investigates how an innovator can facilitate the adoption of their low-carbon innovation among stakeholders within the food industry. The case of Volta Greentech’s commercialisation of methane-reducing feed supplement for cattle i

Social Cleavages, Conflict, and the Fates of Autocratic Regimes

This article focuses on two specific social cleavages, ethnic and economic inequality and analyses their respective effects within autocratic regimes. The primary mechanism that was tested was the relationship between these two, and non-state conflict, (defined as a conflict with more than 25 combat fatalities, and the state not directly taking part). The results show support for a positive correl

Politiker och medborgare om förbud mot vinster i välfärden - En studie om åsiktsöverenstämmelse

A strong linkage between the political views of the public and political elites is a fundamental feature of the democratic process. This master thesis aims to analyze the congruence between politicians and voters regarding the proposal to prohibit private welfare companies to earn profit. By using a matched pair of surveys collected during the years of 2012 and 2017, this essay analyses how issue

Greening the Liberals of Europe? A study of the Liberals' response to the Green Wave

This study aims to investigate a potential convergence between the Green and Liberal parties of Europe regarding cultural issues of the GAL-TAN-scale, such as the environmental issue in particular. The focus on this issue is inspired by the increased debate and focus on the issue in relation to the 2019 European Parliament elections and by the theory of issue entrepreneuring strategies of the Gree

Säkerhet till salu – Privata militär- och säkerhetsföretags strukturella makt inom EU:s säkerhetspolitik

The influence of non-state actors on EU policies is increasing. At the same time, a new player has emerged in the world political arena: private military and security companies (PMSC). Therefore, questions could be raised about what it would imply if policies, advancing global security, are based on corporate interests. This case study aims to understand how the structural power of PMSC in EU secu

Maktlösa eller pådrivare från vänster?: En studie av radikala vänsterpartiers påverkan på konventionella partier

This paper utilizes MARPOR’s data between 1990–2021 and ordinary least squares regressions to investigates whether radical left parties have any influence on mainstream parties, if it differs between position and issue salience and whether their influence is contingent on issue. Three research questions are formulated to examine, with the help of both spatial and issue salience theory, whether the

Rätt skatt på rätt plats - En undersökning när hemarbete skapar ett fast driftställe

Uppsatsen utreder när en person som arbetar hemifrån i Sverige men är anställd på ett bolag beläget utomlands kan medföra att ett fast driftställe uppstår. Mer specifikt undersöks det när hemarbete kan skapa ett fast driftställe vid tillämpningen av OECD:s modellavtal i den nationella rätten. Uppsatsens syfte är även att systematisera gällande rätt mot bakgrund av den senaste tidens rättsutvecklinThis thesis aims to investigate when teleworking creates a permanent establishment for a person working at home, in their personal residence in Sweden, but are employed by an enterprise established abroad. Specifically, the thesis studies when teleworking constitutes a permanent establishment during treaty application of OECD’s Model Tax Convention under Swedish domestic law. The purpose is also t

Take-Make-Destroy: Exploring Unsustainable Production-Consumption Systems and Policies to Address Product Destruction

The practice of product destruction, whereby retailers or manufacturers dispose of viable consumer products such as unsold goods or consumer returns, is an extreme expression of the linearity of our current production-consumption system. This qualitative exploratory study aims to uncover why companies engage in this highly unsustainable and resource-inefficient behaviour, and to explore the potent

Kunskap och lärande i beslutsprocesser. Gynnas gemensamt lärande i propositionen ” Ett förtydligat statligt ansvar för vissa kärntekniska verksamheter”?

Denna undersökning har undersökt om propositionen ”Ett förtydligat statligt ansvar för vissa kärntekniska verksamheter” gynnar gemensamt lärande i deltagande för att leda till gemensam kunskapsproduktion under beslutsprocesser utifrån Cuppens (2010) CCM ramverk för att möjliggöra bättre kunskapsanvändning i beslutsprocesser. Studien genomfördes genom att identifiera ett problemområde som är ostruk

“Det är inte så här superroligt men det är ändå viktigt att lära sig"

We live in what some call the “post-truth era”. Post-truth was appointed word of the year by Oxford Dictionaries in 2016. This thesis is a study on what significance different types of engagement on social media has on teenagers' knowledge about Swedish politics. This is important to understand because a great deal of the public debate concerning national politics nowadays takes place online.

Estlands framgångsrika demokrati: Från ett kommunistiskt Sovjetunionen till en konsoliderad liberal demokrati, hur gick det till?

The purpose of this thesis has been to explain and investigate Estonia’s democratization by studying the country to find the factors that contributed to the outcome of a democratic state. Estonia gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1992 and quickly transitioned towards a stable democratic state, and 13 years later the country joined the European Union, which proved the ultimate consolidat

Hållbart företagande för börsnoterade bolag - Hur hållbara är hållbarhetskraven?

I januari 2022 trädde taxanomiförordningen i kraft. Förordningen är en del av en hållbarhetssatsning, den gröna given, som just nu pågår inom EU för att efterleva kraven i FN:s Agenda 2030 och Parisavtalet. Genom taxanomiförordningen införs ett klassificeringssystem, vilket definierar om en verksamhet är att betrakta som miljömässigt hållbar. Förordningen föreslås kompletteras av två ytterligare dIn January 2022, the Taxonomy Regulation entered into force. The regulation is part of the sustainability initiative, The European Green Deal, which is currently progressed within the EU to comply with the requirements of the UN Agenda 2030 and the Paris Agreement. The Taxonomy introduces a classification system, which establishes a list of environmentally sustainable economic activities. The Taxa