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According to John Meier, the identity of the historical Jesus was shaped by early Jewish understandings of the prophet Elijah. This article assesses five points of alleged similarity between Jesus and Elijah and draws attention to two neglected distinctions: the distinction between the earthly Elijah and the eschatological one, and the distinction between the formative and interpretative functions
Popular AbstractAvhandlingen presenterar, från ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv, interaktionen mellan naturvetenskapens kunskap och annan kunskap, här kallad "vardagskunskap". Utgångspunkten i presentationen är människans existens. Två aspekter av denna lyfts fram som centrala - att människan är kroppsligt utsatt för, berörd av, något hon inte har full kontroll över, samt att hon alltid agerar utifrThe dissertation presents a phenomenological view on the interaction between science knowledge and prescientific knowledge. Drawing on Husserl, Merleau-Ponty and Lévinas the human bodily grounded existence is described, the central feature of this existence being its responsivity to the Other. This responsivity is presented as the starting point for the production of science knowledge, thus making
Popular Abstract in Swedish Brosk är en speciell typ av vävnad, som bl.a. finns på våra ledytor, där det fungerar som ett stötdämpande och skyddande lager för benet. Broskets viktiga egenskaper framstår klart vid sjukdomar, som artros, där brosket på ledytor har förstörts och benet blottläggs, vilket resulterar i en permanent smärta. Brosk produceras av den enda celltyp som finns i broskvävnaden; The aim of this thesis was to study the function of the integrin a10b1. Integrins mediate signals between cells and their environment and regulate several cellular processes such as cell migration, proliferation and differentiation. The a10b1 integrin is expressed mainly by chondrocytes, the only cell type present in cartilage, and facilitates binding of the chondrocytes to the extracellular matri
Multi-step ahead response time prediction of CPU constrained computing systems is vital for admission control, overload protection and optimization of resource allocation in these systems. CPU constrained computing systems such as web servers can be modeled as single server queuing systems. These systems are stochastic and nonlinear. Thus, a well-designed nonlinear prediction scheme would be able
Eukaryotic protein kinases, containing a conserved catalytic domain, represent one of the largest superfamilies of the eukaryotic proteins and play distinct roles in cell signaling and diseases. Near completion of rat genome sequencing project enables the evaluation of a near complete set of rat protein kinases. Publicly accessible genetic sequence databases were searched for rat protein kinases,
Bildens roll i vetenskapen har skiftat med synen på vad vetenskap är. Det fanns en tid då bara det konstnärliga geniet ansågs kapabel att fånga sanningen i bild. Mot slutet av 1700-talet var det i stället sparsmakade grafiska illustrationerna som gällde; estetik ansågs leda till subjektiv förvillelse och blockera vetenskaplig kunskap. Med dagens digitala bildteknik har den vetenskapliga illustrati
In a context of complex problem spaces, human individuals need support to carry out in-depth inquiry, generating many, diverse possibilities, without suffering from information overload. In earlier work, we have demonstrated the potential of a model of four-valued logic to provide support in a knowledge sharing environment by codifying, not knowledge, but categories of argument/assertion. In this