

Din sökning på "*" gav 526681 sökträffar

Arbetsvillkor och maktrelationer i avlönat hushållsarbete

Det har funnits hushållsarbetare under mycket lång tid och i de flesta delar av världen. Det är nu ett av de vanligaste kvinnoyrkena internationellt. Under mer än ett århundrade har pågått en debatt om hushållsarbetarnas arbetsvillkor där det sagts bl.a. att arbetet är lågavlönat, fysiskt tungt, innebär långa arbetstider, kan leda till social isolering och olika former av övergrepp. Dessa arbetsvi

Ethanol and biogas production after steam pretreatment of corn stover with or without the addition of sulphuric acid

Background: Lignocellulosic biomass, such as corn stover, is a potential raw material for ethanol production. One step in the process of producing ethanol from lignocellulose is enzymatic hydrolysis, which produces fermentable sugars from carbohydrates present in the corn stover in the form of cellulose and hemicellulose. A pretreatment step is crucial to achieve efficient conversion of lignocellu

Manliga och troliga. En studie av den officiella klerikala manlighetsideologin i 1500- och 1600-talets Sverige ur ett åldersperspektiv

Manly and faithful. A study of the official clerical masculinity ideology in 16th and 17th century Sweden from an age/generation perspective. Historical masculinity studies, a subdivision of gender history, has been one of the most vivid fields of research in the early 21st century. While much empirical research has been done, especially for modern periods, the theoretical concepts are by and lar

Smooth muscle actin expression in primary bone tumours

Alpha isoform of smooth muscle actin (SMA) expression has been reported in giant cell tumour of bone (GCTB) and other benign and malignant bone tumours, but the pattern of SMA expression and the precise nature of SMA-expressing cells in these lesions is uncertain. We determined by immunohistochemistry the expression of SMA and other muscle and vascular markers in normal bone, GCTB and a wide range

A probabilistic approach for the analysis of evacuation movement data

This paper presents a probabilistic approach to analyse evacuation movement data. The approach relies on a detailed video analysis of people movement and pattern reconstruction. Conditional probabilities for travel path trajectories, walking speeds, and physical area occupied on stair landings are calculated for the evacuee population. The approach has been applied as a case study using data from

Can variability in the effect of opioids on refractory breathlessness be explained by genetic factors?

Opioids modulate the perception of breathlessness with a considerable variation in response, with poor correlation between the required opioid dose and symptom severity. The objective of this hypothesis-generating, secondary analysis was to identify candidate single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) from those associated with opioid receptors, signalling or pain modulation to identify any related to

Dynamic Stackless Binary Tree Traversal

A fundamental part of many computer algorithms involves traversing a binary tree. One notable example is traversing a space-partitioning acceleration structure when computing ray-traced images. Traditionally, the traversal requires a stack to be temporarily stored for each ray, which results in both additional storage and memory-bandwidth usage. We present a novel algorithm for traversing a binary

Improved luminosity determination in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV using the ATLAS detector at the LHC

The luminosity calibration for the ATLAS detector at the LHC during pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV in 2010 and 2011 is presented. Evaluation of the luminosity scale is performed using several luminosity-sensitive detectors, and comparisons are made of the long-term stability and accuracy of this calibration applied to the pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV. A luminosity uncertainty of delta L/L = +/

Mobility in Public Environments and Use of Public Transport : exploring the situation for people with acquired cognitive functional limitations

The aim of this thesis was to explore and gain deeper insight into and understanding of mobility in public environments for people with acquired cognitive functional limitations (target group of this thesis) and of reasons why some of them do not use public transport. Using an explorative approach, the target group’s mobility was firstly discussed by experts in focus group interviews. Secondly the

Retrieval of equivalent currents by the use of an integral representation and the extinction theorem --- radome applications

The aim of this thesis is to solve an inverse source problem. The approach is based on an integral representation together with the extinction theorem. Both a scalar and a full-wave integral representation are implemented and solved by a Method of Moment procedure. The body of revolution enables usage of a Fourier transform to reduce the dimensions of the problem. A singular value decomposition is

Crystallization, neutron data collection, initial structure refinement and analysis of a xyloglucan heptamer bound to an engineered carbohydrate-binding module from xylanase.

Carbohydrate-binding modules (CBMs) are discrete parts of carbohydrate-hydrolyzing enzymes that bind specific types of carbohydrates. Ultra high-resolution X-ray crystallographic studies of CBMs have helped to decipher the basis for specificity in carbohydrate-protein interactions. However, additional studies are needed to better understand which structural determinants confer which carbohydrate-b

Mobile Computing from a Developer's Perspective: A 10-Year Review, 1999-2008

This review has examined research in mobile computing from a developer's perspective. The review was underpinned by the assumption that mobile computing has accentuated factors compared to stationary computing that ought to be managed to harness the possibilities of mobile computing. Applying a developer's perspective rendered a certain interest in design-oriented research, i.e. prescriptive resea

Effects of affinity on binding of HER2-targeting Affibody molecules: Model experiments in breast cancer spheroids

Binding of a targeting agent in tumor tissue is influenced by many factors such as molecular weight, charge and affinity of the targeting agent and vascularization of the tumor. In this study, we analyzed tumor cell binding of three HER2-specific and radiolabeled Affibody molecules with different affinities. The Affibody molecules had affinities in the range of 0.12-3.8 nM. Cellular binding was an

Meteorological, agricultural and socioeconomic drought in the Duhok Governorate, Iraqi Kurdistan

Drought is a recurrent natural hazard that is expected to increase in the future due to anthropogenic climate change. The Middle East region witnessed a drought period between 2007 and 2009 that has been reported to have severe consequences for the population, especially in Syria and Iraq. This study seeks to assess the spatial and temporal characteristics of the drought in the Duhok Governorate i

Formation of polar InN with surface Fermi level near the valence band maximum by means of ammonia nitridation

Development of InN films for devices is hindered due to metallic In clusters, formed readily during growth, and unintentional n-type conductivity of the nominally undoped films, including surface electron-accumulation layers via the Fermi level pinning into the conduction band. Plasma nitridation eliminates even large In clusters from the surface by changing them to two-dimensional InN [Yamaguchi

Powered mobility device use: participation and accessibility

Popular Abstract in Swedish Alla människor ska kunna vara delaktiga i samhället och mobilitet är viktigt för att kunna förflytta sig i bostaden och i samhället i stort. Mobilitet gör det möjligt att vara delaktig i olika aktiviteter som till exempel sociala aktiviteter och fritidsaktiviteter. Den åldrande befolkningen ökar och eftersom förflyttningssvårigheter ökar med stigande ålder, ökar även anThis thesis elucidates the use of powered mobility devices in a Swedish context. The overall aim was to increase and deepen the knowledge on powered mobility device use in relation to participation and accessibility in different environments and among different user groups, with a specific focus on independence and autonomy. An additional aim was to contribute to the knowledge base regarding the o

The lichen genus Caloplaca (Ascomycota, Lecanoromycetes) on Svalbard. Notes and additions.

23 species of the lichen genus Caloplaca from Svalbard are described and/or discussed. The descriptions are natural language descriptions based on characters for each species coded into LIAS (Global Information System for Lichenized and Non-Lichenized Ascomycetes). A total of 37 Caloplaca species are listed for Svalbard, of which two species: C. elvebakkiana and C. scabrosa are described as new to