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Vi krigar mot svenskarna : unga rånare om hur och varför de begår brott
Hög tid att pröva hypotermi i behandlingen av slaganfall
There is a revived clinical interest in hypothermia as a neuroprotective intervention in brain ischemia. This originates from the experimental finding that hypothermia of only 3 degrees C-4 degrees C below normal body temperature completely abolishes neuronal damage from an ischemic insult that is lethal in normothermia. The idea that hypothermia protects cells from ischemic damage mainly by lower
”Gå vi till paradis med sång” : psalmers funktion i begravningsgudstjänster
Popular Abstract in Swedish När en människa möter döden i sin närhet gör sig ofta grundläggande frågor kring livet och döden påminda. I sådana situationer söker många människor sig till kyrkan för att ta avsked av sina anhöriga. Begravningsgudstjänsten är ett av de starkaste banden mellan svenska folket och Svenska kyrkan. I ”Gå vi till paradis med sång” studeras förutsättningar för ett möte mellThe purpose of this thesis is to shed light upon the function of hymns in Church of Sweden funeral services in the 1990s. The funeral service is one of the strongest links between the Swedish people and the Church of Sweden. Since this service can be seen as an essential meeting-place between people and their needs in a mourning process and the Church and its message of faith in this situation, th
Antagonistic effects of Tolypocladium species
Abstract is not available
European collaboration at its best: 23rd European Workshop for Rheumatology Research.
Arachidonic acid metabolism in seizures
Expression profiling using tissue microarray in 211 malignant fibrous histiocytomas confirms the prognostic value of Ki-67.
Hymnologi som interartiell praktik.. en Bo Setterlind-dikt i möte med koraler
Determination of fat content and fatty acid composition in meat and meat products after supercritical fluid extraction
Two different relatively simple, commercially available supercritical fluid extractors (SFE), Leco and Foss-Tecator, were tested for the determination of total fat content in meat and meat products. The fatty acid composition in meat and meat products was also determined after the Foss-Tecator extraction in an aliquot of the extract. Total fat was determined by weighing after the different extract
Optic disc hemorrhages and generalized vascular disease.
Kalkutfällningar på putsade fasader : laboratorieundersökning med vägledande anvisningar
Systematic Synthesis of Substituted Phosphido-bridged Osmium Clusters
The labilised clusters [Os3(CO)11–nLn(NCMe)][n= 1, L = PMe3 or CNBut; n= 2, L = P(OMe)3] have been prepared. The reaction of [Os3(CO)11 –nLn(NCMe)] or [Os3(CO)10{P(OMe)3}(NCMe)] with either [Os3(CO)11(PH3)] or [Os3(µ-H)(CO)10(µ-PH2)] led to the formation of the phosphide-bridged clusters [Os6(µ-H)(CO)21{P(OMe)3}(µ-PH2)], [Os6(µ-H)(CO)21(PMe3)(µ-PH2)], [Os6(µ-H)(CO)21(CNBut)(µ-PH2)], [Os6(µ-H)(CO)2
Process Development of Bioethanol Production from Wheat and Barley Residues Steam Pretreatment and SSF
Bioethanol has received increasing attention as an alternative to petrol due to the current dependency on supplies from other countries and due to the increased concentration of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. In this thesis, the development of 2nd generation production processes for bioethanol production from the lignocellulosic part of biomass is discussed. The conversion of
AVHRR NDVI for monitoring and mapping of vegetation and drought in East African environments
Popular Abstract in Swedish Data från AVHRR-sensorn ombord på NOAA satelliten används operationellt för att övervaka vegetation och torka i global och regional skala. Ett vegetationsindex (NDVI) används som en indikator på grön växtbiomassa. Analys av AVHRR NDVI-data över Östafrika pekar på att det finns ett starkt samband mellan den ytmässiga fördelingen av vegetation och NDVI i arida och semi-aIn this thesis, an assessment is made of the performance of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) derived from coarse resolution data from the NOAA AVHRR sensor, with particular reference to mapping and monitoring of drought and vegetation in East African vegetation and climatic conditions. Methods for analysing time series of satellite data are investigated. By studying the empirical
Excavations at Monte da Igreja near Évora (Portugal), From the life-history of a monument to re-uses of ancient objects
Skeletal muscle fatigue and endurance in young and old men and women
The effects of increasing age on skeletal muscle fatigue and endurance were assessed in 22 healthy young (14 men and 8 women; mean age, 28 +/- 6 years) and 16 healthy old (8 men and 8 women; mean age, 73 +/- 3 years) individuals. All subjects performed 100 repeated maximum dynamic knee extensions at 90 degrees.s-1 (1.57 rad.s-1) using an isokinetic dynamometer (Cybex II). Peak torque was recorded
Uninterrupted perioperative enteral nutrition
Formation mechanism of mesoporous silica formed with triblock copolymers; effect of salt addition
SBA-15 was synthesised with Pluronic P104 ((EO)(27)-(PO)(61)-(EO)(27))) its Structure promoter at 45 degrees C, with and without NaCl (1.0 M) added to the Synthesis Mixture. TEOS (tetraethyl orthosilicate) was used as silica source. The formation process was studied by in-situ SAXS/SAXD using synchrotron light. Addition of salt affects the micellar size, initial cell-parameter of the 2-D hexagonal