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Sjuksköterskestudenters upplevelser av utbildningens förberedelse inför den framtida professionen. En inervjustudie med stidenter i termin sex
Miljöeffekter av jordbruksinvesteringar i Etiopien
Sammanfattning Efterfrågan på jordbruksmark har under senare år ökat dramatiskt. De huvudsakliga bakomliggande drivkrafterna till denna är jordens växande befolkning, produktivitetsminskning av tidigare fertil jordbruksmark, ökad efterfrågan på biobränsleproduktion samt de stigande matpriserna. Dessa faktorer har resulterat i att ett stort antal nationer och företag investerar i jordbruksmark utanDemand for agricultural land has increased dramatically in recent years. The drivers behind this increase are the world’s growing population, the decrease in productivity in former fertile agricultural land, the increased demand for bioenergy production and the rising food prices. These factors have led to an increasing amount of companies and nations that have made investments in agricultural lan
The Jade Road
The term the 'Jade Road' is very hard to find in English literature yet the Chinese term '玉石之路' exists within Chinese archaeological and cultural articles (and even in business and travel magazines) as a prehistory to the 'Silk Road'. Why has this term, 'Jade Road', escaped translation and explanation in English material and what facts and theories exist about it? T
Hur tar sig storvilt fram i landskapet? - En utredning av den biologiska infrastrukturen för storvilt mellan grönområdena i Borås Stad
The infrastructure and the traffic that it brings affect wild animals and thus the entire biodiversity. The human built up network of cities and connecting roads are major barriers for many species in the natural world, making it harder for them to move through the landscape. The more roads in a landscape, the more fragmented it gets and with it important habitats get degraded. Long-term effects f
Two Millennia of Lexical and Typological Change in Western Europe - a quantitative approach
This thesis aims to examine the lexical and typological change found in the Western European language families of Germanic, Romance and Celtic over the last two millennia. The method used was to create one lexical and one typological database and the data was analysed according to etic grids. Tree models were generated from the results of the databases and the groups found in the tree models were
Beroendeanalys ur ett flödesperspektiv - jämförelse av metoder för datainsamling
This report is a master thesis authored at Lund University. The goal is to evaluate advantages and disadvantages using different methods when mapping and identifying dependencies and impacts to urban flows for societal functions. Urban flows is a new concept used in dependency analysis and therefore one of the aims is to investigate whether this concept is practically useful or if it is too comple
ATC Airport Builder-A shapefile tool for simulation purposes
Saab supplies the global market with products, services and solutions ranging from military defense to civil security. One of their many offices is located in Helsingborg where a new product for training air traffic controllers (Saab ATC training solution) is developed. This product offers air traffic control students a realistic 3d environment where they may go through a variety of supervised air
Hur mycket kostar ”egentligen” en Gastric Bypass - i tusenlappar, tid och tårar?
Bakgrund: Obesitaskirurgi är på stark frammarsch över hela den industrialiserade vårdapparaten, det senaste decenniet har antalet operationer i Sverige ökat med flera tusen procent och samhället hoppas kunna spara stora pengar med hjälp av denna radikala intervention mot folkhälsoproblemet fetma. Syfte: Syftet med denna retrospektiva analys är att kartlägga det postoperativa förloppet hos GBP-pati
Kvinnors kunskaper och attityder till HPV samt HPV-vaccinet. Litteraturstudie
Är blod verkligen tjockare än vatten? Olika perspektiv på familjehemsplacerade barns kontakt med biologiska föräldrar
Abstract Title: Is blood really thicker than water? Author: Casper Krönlein and Milje Wiik Supervisor: Maria Bangura Arvidsson The aim within the Swedish welfare system is that a child in foster care should maintain a strong relationsship with their biological parents throughout the placement, with the intention of a reunion with the biological family. There is no time limit set on reunion and t
Space vs. Movement: Collective Identity at the World Social Forum
From its beginnings in 2001, the World Social Forum (WSF) has gained notice as a manifestation of ‘grassroots globalization.’ Is this new political formation of transnational activists an open space for organizations to gather, or does it constitute a social movement itself? The present study examines this debate among analysts and participants, using ethnographic data collected via participant-ob
Fas 3 och arbetslösheten - En diskursanalys av fas 3-debatten
Abstract Author: Magnus Persson Title: Fas 3 and unemployment – a discourse analysis of the fas 3 debate. [Translated title] Supervisor: Anders Östnäs Assessor: Carina Tigervall The aim of this study was to describe and examine the conceptions and assumptions about unemployment which can be seen in the debate of the Swedish labour market program fas 3. In 2007 the relatively new right wing governm
Anknytning och förlossningsdepression- en studie om det sociala arbetet med mödrar som drabbas av förlossningsdepression och om hur barn och moder knyter an
The purpose of this study is to illuminate what postnatal depression is and how it might affect a newborn child and its mother. We also want to clarify what potentially causes postnatal depression, how to prevent it and how to socially work with this problem. To figure this out, we decided to administer six interviews with professionals such as social workers, nurses, psychologists and others. The
Med hedern i behåll - en kvalitativ studie om yrkesverksamma socionomers erfarenheter och arbete med hedersutsatta personer
The so called honour culture and honour related violence is a globally debated subject. The honour related debate arose in Sweden in connection to the honour-killing of Fadime Sahindal in 2002. The aim of this study was to research and present the perception and view of honour cultures that different Swedish social workers may have, and, how they work with honour related cases. Furthermore, the
Kultur till vilket pris som helst? - En undersökning av hur besökare och aktörer i Malmös kulturliv ser på fenomenet gratiskultur
This thesis: Culture at any price? A study of how visitors and producers in Malmö think of free culture is about professional free culture in Malmö and how it affects other kinds of culture in the city. My main research questions are: How do people value culture? How much and what are they willing to pay for it? And does free culture change the way people think of other kinds of culture? How do di
Mikrofaktorer för e-demokrati - avgörande eller stödjande?
E-demokrati är en viktig del i främjandet av demokratin. Att uppnå en hög grad av e-demokrati ställer emellertid många krav på en organisation och dess medarbetare. Med utgångspunkt från en tidigare studie som kartlagt och rankat kommuner efter makrovärden har denna studie utgått från kommuner med hög ranking, där fokus ligger på fyra element: förhållningssätt till e-demokrati, involvering av medb
Skolsköterskans preventionsarbete med övervikt och fetma hos skolbar. Strategier och hinder.Litteraturstudie.
Vector Meson Masses in AdS/QCD
We study the anti-de Sitter/conformal field theory correspondence (AdS/CFT correspondence) and investigate in a scalar model how n point functions can be calculated through functional derivatives and how they can be obtained with the use of Witten diagrams instead. We also study a previous anti-de Sitter/quantum chromodynamics (AdS/QCD) model where the mass of the phi meson has not been considere
Arenor och Evenemang - En Studie om Stadsmarknadsföring i Malmö
Malmö har som många andra städer behövt förändra sig när industrierna har flyttat från staden. Stadsomvandlingen från industristad till något nytt brukar innebära en upprustning av innerstaden och uppförandet av profilbyggnader (till exempel Turning Torso). Det har uppstått en konkurrens mellan städer i västvärlden om invånare (rätt sorts invånare), företagsetableringar, turister och besökare. Den