Din sökning på "*" gav 533069 sökträffar
A Network Perspective of Communication Capital and New Venture Creation in Organizations
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Renewing Urban Renewal in Landskrona. Pursuing Displacement through Housing Policies
Julklappsrobot visar vägen för framtidens programmering
Borta är tiden då det krävdes experter för att programmera robotar. Tack vare forskning på Lunds Tekniska Högskola kan robotar numera läras upp genom att helt enkelt visa dem vad som ska göras. Detta har bland annat resulterat i roboten Yumi som kan slå in julklappar. Nästa steg för forskarna är att programmera robotar genom att få dem att förstå mänskligt tal.
Change that matters – exploring a systemic transformation of understanding pedagogical competence
Tutorial on antenna current optimization using MATLAB and CVX
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Compensatory Legitimation and Intermediate Bodies - The Example of Social Democratic Policies of Higher Education
Talk value: Culture Indusrty and the Knowledge Economy
Backgate - tuned seebeck coefficient and power factor in InAs nanowires.
Quality of life in persons with severe chronic diseases and injuries. From the perspective of the disabled person, relatives and the personal assistant.
Natural Radiative Lifetimes of the 5p6s^(1)P_(1) , 5p6s^(3)P_(1,2), and 5p5d^(3)D_(1,2,3) Levels of the Sn I Spectrum by Zero Field Level Crossing Spectroscopy
Natural radiative lifetimes of some excited levels belonging to the 5 p 6 s and 5 p 5 d configurations have been measured by the Hanle method. Some of the levels could be optically excited only from the metastable 3 P 1 and 3 P 2 levels of the 5 p 2 ground configuration. These comparatively low-lying levels were sufficiently populated at the temperature necessary to produce a Sn atomic beam. The f
Recursive estimation of the continuous-time process parameters
The problem of continuous-time process parameter identification is considered. Filtered input-output process signals are used to create a linear differential equation governed by the same continuous-time process parameters. The estimation scheme is implemented by sampling the filtered signals and using a recursive least squares algorithm (RLS). The choice of filter leads to different parameter con
Etik inte alltid en rättssak
Presentation av Nordiskt nätverk för kvinnliga jurister
Institutions and Social Mobilization: The Chinese Education Movement in Malaysia
This paper studies the persistency of minority social movement in pushing its agenda over a long period of time. Focus on institution as the main independent variable for social mobilization, this thesis argues that structural institutions such as rules and constitutions shaped the foundation framework for collaboration among the movement community, and legitimated the selection of leaders. Howeve
Middles im Fokus
Cortical single units recorded by a novel nanowire based electrode
Market transformation for energy efficiency - a case study of the introduction and diffusion of heat pumps in Sweden and Switzerland
Since 1970s the development and introduction of heat pumps have been supported as a strategy to improve energy efficiency in Sweden and Switzerland. Several policy instruments have been applied, such as R&D, subsidies/electricity price incentives, labelling and quality test centres. The justification of introducing heat pumps as an energy-efficient end use technology was, in general, to decrea