

Din sökning på "*" gav 527857 sökträffar

Modeling, Control and Optimization of a Plate Reactor

Popular Abstract in Swedish En ny typ av reaktor för kemikalie och läkemedelsproduktion är under utveckling av Alfa Laval AB, ett svenskt företag som är en världsledande tillverkare av värmeväxlare. Den nya reaktortypen, som kallas för plattreaktor, kombinerar den höga värmeöverföringsförmågan från plattvärmeväxlaren med den effektiva mikro-mixningen av kemikalier som är typisk för en mikro-reaktoA new chemical reactor, the Alfa Laval Plate Reactor, is being developed by Alfa Laval, a Swedish world-leading heat exchanger company. The plate reactor combines the high-heat-transfer capabilities of plate heat exchangers with the efficient mixing and reaction control typical of microreactors. With this new concept, highly exothermic reactions can be produced using more concentrated reactants an

Postural Control Adaptation during Galvanic Vestibular and Vibratory Proprioceptive Stimulation

he objective for this study was to investigate whether the adaptation of postural control was similar during galvanic vestibular stimulation and during vibratory proprioceptivestimulation of the calf muscles. Healthy subjects were tested during erect stance with eyes open or closed. An analysis method designed to consider the adaptive adjustments was used to evaluate the motion dynamics and the ev

Mechanosensory neurons with bend- and osmo-sensitivity in mouthpart setae from the spiny lobster Panulirus argus

The mouthparts of the spiny lobster Panulirus argus hold primarily two types of setae-simple setae and cuspidate setae. Mechanosensory neurons from these setae were examined by electrophysiological recordings. The population of simple setae contained two types of mechanosensory neurons: displacement-sensitive neurons, which responded to deflection at the setal base; and bend-sensitive neurons, whi

Extraterrestrial chromite in latest Maastrichtian and Paleocene pelagic limestone at Gubbio, Italy: The flux of unmelted ordinary chondrites

The distribution of sediment-dispersed extraterrestrial (ordinary chondritic) chromite (EC) grains (>63 pm) has been studied across the latest Maastrichtian and Paleocene in the Bottaccione Gorge section at Gubbio, Italy. This section is ideal for determining the accumulation rate of EC because of its condensed nature and well-constrained sedimentation rates. In a total of 210 kg of limestone repr

The role of ERT/HRT.

Given the rapidly increasing number of women above 50 it is of pivotal importance to consider health issues related to gonadal hormone deficiency. The possibility of alleviating such symptoms by hormone replacement therapy (HRT) should be recognized by all physicians, not merely by gynaecologists. But which women should be given what therapy, and for how long? Due to the increased risk of endometr

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Artikeln diskuterar möjligheterna och begränsningarna i äldres tillgänglighet till i IT-samhället under senare delen av 1990-talet. Resultatet från en intervjuundersökning (n=186)visar att äldre IT-användare kan kategoriseras i beroende, akriva och avancerade användare och att detta formas av tillgången, förmågan, förväntningarna, självbilden och dagliga restriktioner (sociala kontexten.

Interaction between phosphofructokinase and aldolase from Saccharomyces cevisiae studied by aqueous two-phase partitioning

Phosphofructokinase (EC and aldolase (EC have been highly purified from Saccharomyces cerevisiae by improved protocols. Partitioning of the enzymes in aqueous polymer two-phase systems was used to detect complex formation. The partition of each enzyme was found to be affected by the presence of the other enzyme. AMP affected the partition of the individual enzymes as well as th

Characterization of specific IgE response in vitro against protein and drug allergens using atopic and normal donors

Background: As the incidence of allergy to different compounds increases in society, the need to understand and characterize specific IgE responses becomes F. obvious. Different cell culture systems have been evaluated for their ability to support such IgE secretion. Methods: One system employed human peripheral lymphocytes (PBL) from normal donors stimulated with anti-CD3 activated T cells with o

Combustion at the focus: laser diagnostics and control

Fifty years after the foundation of the Combustion Institute and almost 150 years after Michael Faraday's famous lectures on the combustion of a candle, combustion diagnostics have come a long way from visual inspection of a flame to detailed analysis of a combustion process with a multitude of sophisticated techniques, often using lasers. The extended knowledge on combustion phenomena gained by a

The Identity Cricis of a "Stepchild"

This paper explores the lack of common basic assumptions among different theoretical orientations which constitute the field of sociology of law. It argues that sociology of law lacks theoretical coherence and is, therefore, unable to produce fundamental paradigms. The solution to the paradigmatic shortcomings of sociology of law is, then, sought outside the traditional framework of law and sociol

Successsive resonance-enhanced two-photon ionization of elements abundant in nebulae. I. Atoms and ions of C, N, and O

We discuss resonance-enhanced two-photon ionization (RETPI) and presentschemes of successive RETPI of the elements C, N, and O in nebulae.RETPI is activated by intrinsic radiation stored in the form of trappedspectral lines of HI, HeI, and HeII in the optically thick nebula. Therate of this two-step photoionization is comparable with or exceeds thelow recombination rate of the photoions formed in

Air flows in building components

This work deals with different aspects of air movements in building components . The investigation shows to what degree the concept of fluid mechanics can be applied to problems concerning air flows in building Components. The applicable parts of fluid mechanics are presented as thoroughly as possible. Based on this concept, routines are outlined to make it possible to handle complex flow and pres

Outdoor to indoor office MIMO measurements at 5.2 GHz

This paper presents the results of one of the first measurement campaigns for the double-directional characterization of outdoor to indoor wireless propagation channels. Such channels play a vital role for cellular systems with multiple antenna elements at transmitter and receiver, i.e. multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. Measurements were performed at 5.2 GHz between 53 different recei

Risk factors for developing systemic lupus erythematosus: a case-control study in southern Sweden.

OBJECTIVE: To explore the risk factors that have been suggested to be associated with the development of SLE. METHODS: A case-control study was performed and a questionnaire was developed to obtain the data. Consecutive female incident cases diagnosed between 1981 and 1999 in a defined geographical area in southern Sweden were included. Controls, matched for calendar year of birth, were selected r