

Din sökning på "*" gav 534598 sökträffar

Functional genomics gives new insights into the ectomycorrhizal degradation of chitin

Ectomycorrhizal (EcM) fungi play a crucial role in the mineral nitrogen (N) nutrition of their host trees. While it has been proposed that several EcM species also mobilize organic N, studies reporting the EcM ability to degrade N-containing polymers, such as chitin, remain scarce. Here, we assessed the capacity of a representative collection of 16 EcM species to acquire 15N from 15N-chitin. In ad

Fungal communities mediate but do not control leaf litter chemical transformation in a temperate oak forest

Background and Aims: In temperate forests, fungi are the main actors in leaf litter decomposition. Still, we have minimal knowledge of their influence on changes in leaf litter chemistry. Thus, we aimed to determine the main drivers behind leaf litter chemical transformation during decomposition. Methods: We monitored the development of fungal communities, extracellular enzyme activities, and litt

Smoking enhances proliferation, inflammatory markers, and immunoglobulins in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from Graves’ patients

Graves’ disease (GD) and Graves’ ophthalmopathy (GO) are complex autoimmune diseases. This study delved into the impact of cigarette smoke extract (CSE), simvastatin, and/or diclofenac on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Specifically, we explored alterations in IL-1B, IL-6, PTGS2 expression, B-and T-lymphocyte proliferation, and Immunoglobulin G (IgG) production. We also assessed IGF1’s

Melanization slows the rapid movement of fungal necromass carbon and nitrogen into both bacterial and fungal decomposer communities and soils

Microbial necromass contributes significantly to both soil carbon (C) persistence and ecosystem nitrogen (N) availability, but quantitative estimates of C and N movement from necromass into soils and decomposer communities are lacking. Additionally, while melanin is known to slow fungal necromass decomposition, how it influences microbial C and N acquisition as well as elemental release into soils

Primer pairs, PCR conditions, and peptide nucleic acid clamps affect fungal diversity assessment from plant root tissues

High-throughput sequencing has become a prominent tool to assess plant-associated microbial diversity. Still, some technical challenges remain in characterising these communities, notably due to plant and fungal DNA co-amplification. Fungal-specific primers, Peptide Nucleic Acid (PNA) clamps, or adjusting PCR conditions are approaches to limit plant DNA contamination. However, a systematic compari

The NDM-1 biosensor rapidly and accurately detected antibiotic plasma concentrations in Cefuroxime-treated patients

Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of β-lactam antibiotics in critically ill patients may benefit dose optimization, thus improving therapeutic outcomes. However, rapidly and accurately detecting these antibiotics in blood remains a challenge. Our research group recently developed a thermometric biosensor called the New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase-1 (NDM-1) biosensor, which detected multiple classes

Skyddet för barn som bevittnar våld - En undersökning av rekvisitet bevittna samt barnkonventionens roll i barnfridsbrottet

I Sverige lever över 200 000 barn i hem där det förekommer våld. FN:s kon-vention om barnets rättigheter påpekade i ett slutbetänkande att barn som be-vittnar våld kan lida lika mycket skada som de barn som är direkt utsatta för våldet. Forskning visar att det kan vara mer skadligt för ett barn att uppleva våld än att utsättas för det själv. Implementeringen av barnkonventionen var en bidragande fOver 200 000 children in Sweden live in homes where violence is occurring. In a report from the UN convention on the Rights of the Child, it was pointed out that children who witness violence can suffer as much harm as those chil-dren who are directly exposed to it. Research shows that it can be more harm-ful for a child to experience violence than to be exposed to it themselves. The implementatio

Sustainable consumption and ecodesign : a review

Sustainable products have arrived on the market and faced competition with traditional products with one extra challenge: they normally tend to be more expensive than traditional ones. Customers are yet to pay more for these products as they are alerted for environmental impacts. However, the gap between knowledge and action is being decreased slowly. One of the factors for this sluggish behavior

Integrating large language models for improved failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) : a framework and case study

The manual execution of failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) is time-consuming and error-prone. This article presents an approach in which large language models (LLMs) are integrated into FMEA. LLMs improve and accelerate FMEA with human in the loop. The discussion looks at software tools for FMEA and emphasizes that the tools must be tailored to the needs of the company. Our framework combine

Design and Optimization of a Neutron Polariser for ESS Imaging Instrument ODIN

Neutrons have a magnetic moment that interacts with magnetic fields. This has been put to use to study magnetic materials. Polarised neutron imaging (PNI) is one such application that allows the observation of, for instance, magnetic domains and domain walls inside a sample. To facilitate a PNI experiment, the neutron beam from a neutron source needs to be polarised, meaning that the magnetic mome

Upplevelser av aktivitetsvärde vid deltagande i arbetsterapeutiska gruppinterventioner för personer med psykisk ohälsa.

Bakgrund: Psykisk ohälsa påverkar förmågan att delta i aktiviteter i vardagen. Arbetsterapeuter kan genom gruppinterventioner möjliggöra engagemang i meningsfulla aktiviteter i vardagen för personer med psykisk ohälsa. Gruppinterventioner kan bidra med upplevelse av hälsa och välbefinnande utifrån teorier om aktivitetsvärden som beskrivs i den arbetsterapeutiska modellen ’The Value and Meaning in Background: Mental health affects the ability to participate in everyday life. Occupational therapy group interventions can enable people with mental illness to engage in meaningful occupations. Group interventions can give the participants experiences of health and well-being through the occupational values described in the occupational model ‘Value and Meaning in occupations’ (ValMO). Aim: This

Anmälningsplikten i 7 § UDI-lagen – Dess proportionalitet och förenlighet med den sekundära etableringsfriheten

Uppsatsen problematiserar anmälningsplikten i 7 § lag (2023:560) om granskning av utländska direktinvesteringar (UDI-lagen) med hjälp av reg-lerna om sekundär etableringsfrihet på den inre marknaden och proportion-alitetsprincipen. För att uppfylla detta syfte används en bred tolkning av den rättsdogmatiska metoden. I uppsatsens inledande del presenteras ett urval av bestämmelser från både EU-förThis essay problematizes the notification requirement in § 7 of the act (2023:560) on the Review of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI-act) with the help of the rules on secondary freedom of establishment on the internal market and a proportionality test. To fulfill this purpose, a broad interpre-tation of the legal-dogmatic method is used. The first part of the paper presents a selection of provisio

Life cycle cost analysis of fire detection systems

This master's thesis delves into the comprehensive analysis of cost-benefit aspects pertaining to fire detection systems, with a specific application to such systems at the scientific facility CERN. Fire detection systems play a critical role in ensuring the safety and security of buildings and occupants. The study aims to evaluate with a cost-benefit methodology the tipping point at which the

Småbarnsföräldrars upplevelser av aktivitetsbalans – förändring över tid och betydelsen av uppdelning av aktiviteter mellan föräldrarna.

Bakgrund: Aktivitetsmönster och aktivitetsbalans är centrala begrepp inom arbetsterapi med betydelse för individens välmående och hälsa. Att bli förälder är för många en påtaglig förändring i livet. Syfte: att undersöka förändringar i aktivitetsbalans hos småbarnsföräldrar över tid samt hur uppdelningen av vardagliga aktiviteter mellan föräldrar påverkar upplevelsen av den egna aktivitetsbalansen.Background: Occupational patterns and Occupational balance are central concepts in occupational therapy, with significance for individual well-being and health. Becoming a parent is a significant change in life for many. Purpose: To investigate changes in occupational balance among parents of young children over time and how the division of daily activities between parents affects their perception

Training deep learning based dynamic MR image reconstruction using open-source natural videos

To develop and assess a deep learning (DL) pipeline to learn dynamic MR image reconstruction from publicly available natural videos (Inter4K). Learning was performed for a range of DL architectures (VarNet, 3D UNet, FastDVDNet) and corresponding sampling patterns (Cartesian, radial, spiral) either from true multi-coil cardiac MR data (N = 692) or from synthetic MR data simulated from Inter4K natur

Powers of persuasion? China's struggle for human rights discourse power at the UN

Since Xi Jinping came to power in 2012, the People's Republic of China has been on a mission to break what it describes as ‘Western hegemony’ around global norms. Beijing is engaged in a struggle to strengthen its influence in global governance and has identified increasing China's ‘discourse power’ at the United Nations (UN) as key to achieving this goal. Focused on human rights, this paper exami

Beslut om inkråmsöverlåtelse - Om kompetensfördelning och särskilda krav på aktiemarknadsbolag

Det finns idag ungefär 750 000 aktiebolag i Sverige. Majoriteten av dessa är privata och har enbart ett fåtal ägare. En liten andel av alla aktiebolag, närmare bestämt 335 stycken, är aktiemarknadsbolag. Aktiemarknadsbolag är publika bolag med spritt ägande vars aktier är noterade på en reglerad marknad. Dessa bolag är av stor samhällsekonomisk betydelse. Noteringen av aktierna innebär att allmänhThere are currently around 750 000 limited companies in Sweden, the majority of which are private limited companies with only a few owners. A small proportion, specifically 335, are stock market companies. These companies are of great socio-economic importance. Stock market companies are public limited companies with dispersed ownership whose shares are admitted to trading on a regulated market. B