528391 sökträffar
HLA class I maturation - in the presence and absence of tapasin
Popular Abstract in Undetermined Vårt immunförsvar består av molekyler, celler, och barriärer som har till uppgift att hålla oss friska genom att avlägsna eller stänga ute virus och skadliga mikroorganismer. På alla kärnförsedda celler i vår kropp sitter en stor mängd MHC klass I-molekyler, strukturer som kan liknas vid korgar. I varje korg ligger en peptid som är ett fragment av något som finns iHuman leukocyte antigen class I (HLA-I) molecules are present on all nucleated cells and present the cell content to cytotoxic T lymphocytes in the form of peptides. Maturation of HLA-I occurs in the endoplasmic reticulum and results in stable peptide-HLA-I complexes, in the presence of proper quality control. For proper peptide binding most HLA-I molecules interact with the peptide-loading comple
Vetenskapligt program för Malmö Kulturmiljö
Författaren Axel Wallengren
Lactic acid bacteria fermentations in oat-based suspensions
Popular Abstract in Swedish Mjölk anses som det enda flytande livsmedlet som på naturlig väg innehåller de tre fundamentala byggstenarna, fett, protein och kolhydrater, vilket definierar ett livsmedel näringsmässigt. Majoriteten av världens vuxna befolkning är dock tvungen att ha en begränsad konsumtion av mjölk då toleransen för dess kolhydrat, laktos, minskar med vuxen ålder. Detta beror främst This thesis deals with the fermentation characteristics of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in oat-based suspensions, with formulation work of fermented products based on oat and with nutritional studies of these products. Changes in structure in terms of viscosity and ropiness were studied when exopolysaccharide (EPS)-producing LAB strains, namely, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus NCFB 2772,
Liv i rymden under 1800- och 1900-talen
Socialförsäkringarnas ekonomi
Health promotion: a subject in development
Det framväxande massuniversitetets kvalitetsfrågor
Geografiskt områdesansvar: Förutsättningar för nätverk mellan Helsingborgs stad och företag
I am a parent and a driver- A study of parents’ environmental trust and childrens travelling.
Experience from replicating empirical studies on prediction models
When conducting empirical studies, replications are important contributors to investigating the generality of the studies. By replicating a study in another context, we investigate what impact the specific environment has, related to the effect of the studied object. In this paper, we define different levels of replication to characterise the similarities and differences between an original study
Varför gör dom inte som vi säger?
A PC-model to predict Moisture Buffer Capacity in Building Materials according to a NordTest Method
När faderns förflutna hann upp drottningen
Recension av Johan Åsard, Drottningens hemlighet.
Globalization, Authoritarian Regimes and Political Change: Vietnam and Laos
Abstract is not available
Utdrivningen av det armeniska folket i öknen
Formulating an Optimization Problem for Minimization of Losses due to Utilities
Utilities, such as steam and cooling water, are often shared between several production areas at industrial sites, and the effects of disturbances in utilities could thus be hard to predict. In addition, production areas could be connected because of the product flow at the site. This paper introduces a simple modeling approach for modeling the relation between utility operation and production. Us
Improved detection limit for 59Ni using the technique of accelerator mass spectrometry
The oesophageal route in clinical electrocardiology
The subject of this thesis is the clinical use of the oesophageal electrode in electrocardiology. The three areas covered are oesophageal electro- cardiography, the biophysics of transoesophageal atrial stimulation (TAS) and the clinical utility of TAS. The literature is reviewed with respect to these areas. TAS was performed in 64 patients with documented supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) or a