

Din sökning på "*" gav 534576 sökträffar

Sjuksköterskors emotionella arbete. En kvalitativ studie om hur sjuksköterskor upplever känslor i ar-betet och hur de hanterar dem

Syftet med studien är att ur ett sociologiskt perspektiv förstå hur sjuksköterskor upp-lever känslor i arbetet och hur de hanterar dem. Genom att analysera hur dessa erfa-renheter formar sjuksköterskors uppfattningar om känslor i sin arbetsmiljö, försöker studien ge en övergripande förståelse för de utmaningar och möjligheter som är för-knippade med yrket. Det empiriska materialet består av framst

Sapwood and heartwood affect differentially bacterial and fungal community structure and successional dynamics during Quercus petraea decomposition

In forests, bacteria and fungi are key players in wood degradation. Still, studies focusing on bacterial and fungal successions during the decomposition process depending on the wood types (i.e. sapwood and heartwood) remain scarce. This study aimed to understand the effect of wood type on the dynamics of microbial ecological guilds in wood decomposition. Using Illumina metabarcoding, bacterial an

Fungal necromass presents a high potential for Mercury immobilization in soil

Past industrial activities have generated many contaminated lands from which Mercury (Hg) escapes, primarily by volatilization. Current phytomanagement techniques aim to limit Hg dispersion by increasing its stabilization in soil. Although soil fungi represent a source of Hg emission associated with biovolatilization mechanisms, there is limited knowledge about how dead fungal residues (i.e., fung

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common nerve entrapment disorder worldwide. The epidemiology and risk factors, including family burden, for developing CTS are multi-factorial. Despite much research, its intricate pathophysiological mechanism(s) are not fully understood. An underlying subclinical neuropathy may indicate an increased susceptibility to developing CTS. Although surgery is oft

Effektiviseringen av BIM i byggbranschen

The rapid development of the technological world requires a corresponding adaptation in various industries. However, the construction industry is a step behind other industries when it comes to implementing new technical methods, and this is for several reasons. Some examples of these: 1. Conservative culture: For a long time, traditional construction methods have been an unwritten rule in the co

Plurisubharmonic functions with discontinuous boundary behavior

We study the Dirichlet problem for the complex Monge–Amp`ereoperator with bounded, discontinuous boundary data. If the set of discontinuities is b-pluripolar and the domain is B-regular, we are able to prove existence, uniqueness and some regularity estimates for a large class of complexMonge–Amp`ere measures. This result is optimal in the unit disk, as boundaryfunctions with b-pluripolar disconti

The normative ethics of the European Union

The creative efforts of the European integration process have changed what passes for 'normal' in world politics. Simply by existing as different in a world of states and the relations between them, the European Union changes the normality of 'international relations'. In this respect the EU is a normative power: it changes the norms, standards and prescriptions of world politics away from the bou

Differential effects of tree species identity on rhizospheric bacterial and fungal community richness and composition across multiple trace element-contaminated sites

Soil microbial communities play a key role in plant nutrition and stress tolerance. This is particularly true in sites contaminated by trace metals, which often have low fertility and stressful conditions for woody plants in particular. However, we have limited knowledge of the abiotic and biotic factors affecting the richness and composition of microbial communities inhabiting the rhizosphere of

Hemlig avlyssning utan brottsmisstanke - ett effektivt verktyg för att bekämpa organiserad brottslighet?

Att det dödliga våldet har ökat de senaste åren är svårt att undgå. Speciellt har våldet ökat inom den kriminella miljön. Detta ställer högre krav på både de brottsbekämpande myndigheterna och lagstiftaren i att skapa nya och fler åtgärder för att bekämpa denna brottslighet. En av dessa åtgärder har varit att utöka möjligheten för bland annat polisen att använda sig av hemlig avlyssning av elektroThe fact that the deadly violence has increased in recent years is hard to circumvent. It is within the criminal environment that the deadly violence has increased particularly. This places higher demands on both the law enforcement authorities and the legislature in creating new and more measures to combat this criminal behavior. One of these measures has been to expand the possibility for the po

How Little is Enough? : Sustainable Methods of Performance for Transformative Encounters

At the core of this artistic doctoral thesis are four performance projects designed to counter the consumer-driven nature of contemporary performance-making while also addressing the need to develop sustainable methods of performance. Guided by the question: how to construct sustainable methods of performance for transformative encounters? the inquiry transcends the different layers of performance

Climate Change Concerns of Youth in Cambodia: The Effects of Climate Change Communication and Collective Action

Youth's climate change awareness is rising, but so are their concerns about the future, with climate anxiety being common in young adults and adolescents. Engaging adolescents in climate action is considered one strategy to mitigate these concerns but for them to become active they need to be aware of the issue. This research aims to answer if an increase in knowledge affects the climate ch

The effect of consumer-perceived COVID-19 ad value on health-protective behavior: Mediating role of engagement

Though the pandemic has passed, social media-based messaging continues to exhibit COVID-19-related cues (e.g., wearing a face mask to stay safe), continuing to foster consumers’ health-protective behavior. However, it remains unclear how social media communications (e.g., advertising) affect such behavior, exposing an important literature-based gap. Addressing this gap, we deploy Ducoffe’s adverti

Djuridiken bakom djurs lidande – Även om vi kan, bör vi? En rättsstudie om svensk djursförsökslagstiftning rörande xenotransplantation

Sedan de tidiga mänskliga civilisationerna har människan använt djur till diverse ändamål, såsom föda, kläder och arbetsredskap. I takt med människans tekniska framsteg har djur börjat användas som testsubjekt, så kallade försöksdjur, för att säkerställa att olika ämnen och behandlingar är säkra. Avseende transplantationskirurgi har djur spelat en avgörande roll i utvecklingen, och det är en reellSince early human civilizations, humans have used animals for a variety of purposes, such as food, clothing, and tools. As human technology has advanced, animals have been used as test subjects, known as laboratory animals, to ensure that various substances and treatments are safe. In transplant surgery, animals have played a crucial role in its development and there is the potential for further s

Kan en variant av danska grundlagsförhör vara en modell för svensk brottsbekämpning? – En komparativ studie av omedelbarhetsprincipen och bevisvärdering av tystnad i svensk och dansk rätt

I den rättspolitiska debatten pekar vissa åklagare på ett växande problem – att misstänkta utnyttjar rätten till tystnad genom att framföra sin berättelse först under huvudförhandlingen då de fått ta del av all bevisning. Detta sägs leda till felaktiga frikännande domar på grund av omedelbarhetsprincipen. I denna kontext har förslag om att införa en variant av Danmarks grundlagsförhör och deras beIn the ongoing legal debates, some prosecutors highlight a growing problem – that suspects seem to be exploiting the right to silence by holding back their statements until the main hearing after they've seen all the evidence. They argue that this tactic leads to wrongful acquittals due to the principle of immediateness. In this context, proposals to introduce a variant of Denmark's consti

Ändring av avtalat pris vid kostnadsändringar i entreprenader

Till följd av senaste tidens prisutveckling inom bygg- och anläggnings- branschen, som har påverkat svenska entreprenader, har tillämpningen av AB 04 kap. 6 § 3 aktualiserats. Bestämmelsen adresserar i vilka fall kost- nadsändringar kan medföra ändringar av avtalat pris.. Den har starka sam- band med en klausul som infördes under oljekrisen på 1970-talet. Det finns begränsat med etablerad praxis kDue to the recent price developments in the construction and civil engineer- ing industry, which have affected Swedish contracts, the application of AB 04 Chapter 6 Section 3 has been brought to attention. This provision ad- dresses under which circumstances cost changes can lead to adjustments of the agreed price. It is closely related to a clause introduced during the oil crisis in the 1970s. Th

Civil society elites : managers of civic capital

The article takes the first steps towards a general theory of civil society elites, a concept not fully developed in either elite or civil society research. This conceptual gap hampers academic and public understanding of the dynamics at the top of civil society. To address this, the authors rely on the theoretical framework of Pierre Bourdieu to build a theory of civil society elites as managers

The European Union as a Normative Power : A Response to Thomas Diez

In his recent article in Millennium 33, no. 3 (2005), Thomas Diez’s reconsideration of the Normative Power (NP) thesis raises a number of important questions about the European Union (EU) as a normative power in world politics. His article critically problematises NP and calls for ‘a greater degree of self-reflexivity’ in discussions and representations of the EU as a NP. This response to Diez’s a

Functional genomics gives new insights into the ectomycorrhizal degradation of chitin

Ectomycorrhizal (EcM) fungi play a crucial role in the mineral nitrogen (N) nutrition of their host trees. While it has been proposed that several EcM species also mobilize organic N, studies reporting the EcM ability to degrade N-containing polymers, such as chitin, remain scarce. Here, we assessed the capacity of a representative collection of 16 EcM species to acquire 15N from 15N-chitin. In ad