Phenomenological aspects of multiparticle production
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This report is the result of a joint research project between Lund University and Copenhagen Business School, mainly financed by the Öresund University. The main research question was: Can the Öresund region position itself as a leading logistics centre in Scandinavia, in the light of the new conditions that the bridge brings? The purpose was to create a fundamental understanding of the new logist
Case endings are an important marker of fuṣḥā but are by most native speakers considered complicated and difficult. They typically appear only sporadically even in the most formal speech styles. There has been relatively little academic interest in the use of case endings in speech. Research has been characterized by largely impressionistic accounts (Badawi 1973, Meiseles 1977) and more recently b
Abstract in UndeterminedThis paper is an ethnographical account of a visit to the IKEA store in Älmhult, Sweden. In this paper IKEA is understood as something beyond a retailer offering consumer goods to consumers, and the bond between IKEA and the consumer is understood as something emerging before and extending beyond the contract into which the consumer enters as she or he pays for the goods be
Computationally hard problems, such as operations on n-dimensional maps, are in need of efficient solutions. Cellular Neural Networks have this promise. This paper explores digital realizations of such computational paradigms through the case of real-time image processing. It is shown that a behaviour-based spatial unrolling of the time-critical numerical convergence loop outperforms a classical f
In this paper we discuss a specific Kartvelian model of toponyms, using names of plants without any affixes as toponyms. This model is observed almost all over the Georgian territory. It has been noted on the Abkhazian territory as well, but is not found in the Abkhaz language. We suggest that Sukhumi, Gagra and Tkvarcheli follow this model.
The paper deals with the use of visual stereotypes in virtual pedagogical agents and its potential impact in digital learning environments. An analysis of the concept of visual stereotypes is followed by a discussion of affordances and drawbacks as to their use in the context of traditional media. Next, the paper explores whether virtual pedagogical characters introduce anything novel with regard
Packaging logistics is fundamental to the success of retail supply chains. Implementing systemwide change in this field is however complex. This paper introduces packaging logistics in retail supply chains and compares and contrasts the change processes in the introduction of plastic trays to retail food systems in the UK and Sweden.
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