

Din sökning på "*" gav 526754 sökträffar

High-Frequency ECG in Ischemic Heart Disease

Popular Abstract in Swedish NY METOD ATT ANALYSERA EKG KAN FÖRBÄTTRA DIAGNOSTIK AV HJÄRTSJUKDOM Hjärtsjukdom står för en betydande del av sjukvårdskonsumtionen och är en av de vanligaste dödsorsakerna i västvärlden. Förträngningar i hjärtats kranskärl är den enskilt vanligaste orsaken till hjärtsjukdom. Tillståndet resulterar i nedsatt blodflöde och syretillförsel till den arbetande hjärtmuskulatAnalysis of high-frequency QRS components (HF-QRS) is one of the emerging methods for increasing the diagnostic performance of the electrocardiogram (ECG). The overall objective of the thesis is to investigate whether analysis of HF-QRS has the ability to provide information about ischemic heart disease and so serve as an adjunctive diagnostic tool in several clinical situations. Investigation of

From PowerPoints to Reality - Managing Strategic Change in the Paper Packaging Industry

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den viktigaste frågan för många företag handlar om att trygga långsiktig och framgångsrik utveckling. Men hur säkerställer man ett företags framtid när efterfrågan förändras och kostnaderna för produktionen bara ökar? Hur hanterar man teknikutvecklingen och ändrade maktförhållanden i värdekedjan? Svaren på dessa frågor är ofta nytänkande, innovation och en stark kundoriThis thesis explores and describes strategic change towards increased customer orientation and innovation in the Swedish forest and paper packaging industry, an industry which has been subject to calls for new strategic directions for more than two decades. The large-scale and cost-efficient strategy, which has been the industry's hallmark, is in need of a more customer based and innovative emphas

More than requirements: Applying requirements engineering techniques to the challenge of setting corporate intellectual policy, an experience report

Creation and adoption of corporate policies requires significant commitment of scarce senior management resources. In the absence of processes and tools, convergence upon final policy and may not be achieved in a timely manner. Significant similarities between policy and requirements documents suggest that requirements engineering techniques could be used to generate policy. However, neither evide

Psychotropic Pharmaceuticals in Aquatic Systems: An Ecological Perspective

Popular Abstract in English Psychotropic pharmaceuticals include various groups of chemicals that have been designed to affect neurochemistry in human consumers resulting in changes in cognition, mood, and/or behavior; many target specific receptors and subsequently alter neurotransmitter levels in the central nervous system. The use of pharmaceuticals by consumers results in the release of these Psychotropic pharmaceuticals have been shown to exert a variety of sublethal effects on non-target organisms, even at low concentrations found in the environment (ng/L to µg/L); hence, the aim of my research has been to determine the individual-level effects of psychotropic pharmaceuticals (the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors sertraline and fluoxetine, and the β-blocker propranolol) on beh

Packaging handling evaluation methods in the grocery retail industry

The grocery retail industry, with its large product volumes, low margins and fierce competition, is constantly seeking efficiency improvements in its supply chain. The grocery retail industry uses an immense amount of packaging and is directly affected by packaging logistics activities. There is, therefore, a potential for efficiency improvements in the grocery retail supply chain through the inte

Äldre Boende Design - Tre populärvetenskapliga rapporter

Rapporterna utgör redovisningen av projektet Äldre Boende Design 2005-2008 som med en konsekvent aktionsforskningsinriktad ansats stött äldre människors initiativ till social förändring och medverkan i teknikutveckling. Rapporterna är skrivna för tre olika målgrupper: Den röda rapporten för äldre som vill ta egna initiativ: Att åldras på sina egna villkor. Resultat från ett forskningsprojekt. Tryc

The use of routine ultrasound in pregnancy : with special reference to normal and abnormal foetal growth, information and informed choice and the womens' experiences of the prenatal diagnostic aspects

The development of real-time ultrasound in the 1970's made indelible inpact on antenatal care. Assessing foetal growth and detecting deviations from normal in both growth and foetal anatomy became fesible. Expectant parents could also 'see' their foetus. Normal foetal growth parameters at term were consituted and selected parameters from the second trimester were evaluated in the detection of chro