Din sökning på "*" gav 527990 sökträffar
Evaluation of permanents in rings and semirings
Det hade blivit Jarring om Bush fått bestämma
Vital signs: An ecosemiotic perspective on the human ecology of Amazonia
Tvistlösning mellan separerade föräldrar - för barnets bästa
Determination of Absorption-line Parameters Using 2-tone Frequency-modulation Spectroscopy With Diode-lasers
Accurate determination of line parameters from weak absorption using two-tone frequency-modulation spectroscopy (TTFMS) with a GaAlAs diode laser is demonstrated. The air-broadening of three oxygen A-band lines is determined, using a least-squares fit. For a peak absorption of 1.3 x 10(-3) the deviation between the experimental and the fitted spectrum is less than 1%. The fitting procedure is succ
Targeted therapy in nuclear medicine current status and future prospects
In recent years, a number of new developments in targeted therapies using radiolabeled compounds have emerged. New developments and insights in radioiodine treatment of thyroid cancer, treatment of lymphoma and solid tumors with radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), the developments in the application of radiolabeled small receptor-specific molecules such as meta-iodobenzylguanidine and pepti
Essays in Empirical Institutional Analysis
This thesis consists of three empirical studies on the effects of institutions, broadly conceived, on economic outcomes. The first study tests for evidence of causal relationships between provincial quality of governance and economic growth rates in reform-era China, 1985–2005. Improvements in governance are found to be significantly predicted by lagged economic growth rates, while economic growth
Review of Edward J. Watts, City and school in late antique Athens and Alexandria (The transformation of the classical heritage; 41). Berkeley; London: University of California Press, 2008. xii, 288 p. $27.50. ISBN 9780520258167
Genoptimisterna har tappat minnet
Kyrkbänkar och begravningsplatser. Att studera sociala hierarkier i 1700-talets Malmö
The role of the meniscus in osteoarthritis genesis.
The menisci play a critical protective role for the knee joint through shock absorption and load distribution. Currently, the consensus in surgical treatment of meniscal tears is to preserve as much functional meniscal tissue as possible. The health professional is challenged to choose the best treatment, both in the short- and in the long-term. A degenerative lesion in the middle-aged or older pa
Determination of radiative lifetimes of neutral sulphur by time-resolved three-photon VUV laser spectroscopy
Radiative lifetimes of the highly exited states 3p(3)8s S-3(1)0 and 3p(3)6d D-3(1,2,3)0 of neutral sulphur have been measured using time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence. The sulphur atoms were generated in a laser-produced plasma. The investigated states were populated through a two-step process involving a two-photon excitation to the lowest excited tripler state of even parity 3p(4) P-3(0,1,
A Development Coalition for Sustainability in Health Care
Water diffusion and free volume in hydrophilic polymers
Popular Abstract in Swedish Vid vattenabsorption i en polymer antas vattenmolekylerna röra sig genom polymeren via små kaviteter, som inte upptas av polymermolekylerna och dess termiska vibrationer. Den ej upptagna volymen, som de små kaviteterna representerar kallas fri volym. Storleken på kaviteterna liksom andra egenskaper hos polymeren såsom andelen kristallin fas ändras kontinuerligt i takt mDuring moisture uptake in polymers, the diffusion of the water molecules is believed to occur via unoccupied voids. These voids are called free volume cavities and their sizes are continuously altered when the moisture content in the polymer is enhanced. Not only the free volume cavity sizes, but also other polymer properties such as the degree of crystallinity, are changed as a consequence of moi
Second order risk and vulnerability analyses
Towards a High Quality Real-Time Graphics Pipeline
Popular Abstract in Swedish Datorgrafik handlar om att övertyga betraktaren. En huvuduppgift är att generera verklighetstrogna bilder utifrån tredimensionella modeller. Med hjälp av datorer simuleras hur dessa modeller interagerar med ljus. Betraktaren skall helst inte reflektera över om bilden han ser är ett fotografi eller en helt och hållet genererad bild. I denna avhandling presenteras algoritModern graphics hardware pipelines create photorealistic images with high geometric complexity in real time. The quality is constantly improving and advanced techniques from feature film visual effects, such as high dynamic range images and support for higher-order surface primitives, have recently been adopted. Visual effect techniques have large computational costs and significant memory bandwid