

Din sökning på "*" gav 534575 sökträffar

Addressing Forced Labour in Global Supply Chains - Assessing the Legal Changes arising through the Implementation of the new EU Regulation on Prohibiting Products made with Forced Labour on the Union Market

The upcoming EU Regulation on prohibiting products made with forced labour on the Union market is forming the occasion for this Master’s Thesis. In particular, the topic of forced labour is analysed to provide a brief insight into the necessity of the Regulation. Furthermore, a variety of international and European legal instruments are compared to the new Regulation in order to identify the actua

CO2 Mitigation for New Residential Buildings in Future Scenarios: Trade-off Between Operational and Embodied Energy

The building sector contributes to one-fifth of Sweden’s total greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and consumes 40 % of the final energy consumption. To achieve the climate goals set by the Swedish government, the building sector requires rapid development to reduce its climate impact. The climate impact of buildings comes from two types of energy throughout the building's lifecycle: operational an

Ett Känslomässigt SOS: Influencer och Ledare i Digital Tid En tematisk analys av digital kommunikation mellan influencer Ihor Lachenkov och president Volodymyr Zelensky

Den ständiga digitala utvecklingen kräver att människor anpassar sig till förändringar och i lägen där det råder krig är enkel och snabb informationsspridning avgörande. I Ukraina har plattformen Telegram varit signifikant sedan invasionen började den 24 februari 2022, där både politiker, journalister, militärer och privatpersoner har kunnat sprida strategisk kommunikation i form av viktiga meddel

Visitationszoner – förenligt med barns rättigheter? En analys av polisens befogenheter till kroppsvisitation i förebyggande syfte ur ett barnrättsperspektiv

Den gängrelaterade brottsligheten har ökat kraftigt i Sverige. Regeringen har av denna anledning infört visitationszoner som ett verktyg för att bekämpa detta. Inom zonen ska polisen få utökade befogenheter att söka efter vapen och andra farliga föremål på människor och fordon utan konkret brottsmiss-tanke. Visitationszoner är ett komplext problem där många starka intressen står mot varandra. UppsGang-related crime has increased significaly in Sweden. For this reason, the government has introduced visitation zones as a tool to combat this issue. Within this zone, the police will be given extended authority to search for weapons and other dangerous objects on people and vehicles without concrete suspicion of crime. Visitation zones pose a complex issue where many strong interests stand agai

AI-genererad barnpornografi - Verklighetens dystopi? En rättsanalys av internationell, europeisk och svensk rätt

Artificiell intelligens (AI) är inget nytt fenomen, men förkom redan på 1950 talet. Mer nyligen under 2014 redovisades ett nytt ramverk för generativ AI. Systemet kan generera realistiska bilder som simulerar både konstverk och människor. Fördelarna med AI går inte att förneka, såsom att förbättra våra liv. AI kan däremot leda till oönskade utvecklingar. Under 2023 upptäckte organisationer som arbArtificial intelligence (AI) is not a new phenomenon but has been in existence since the 1950s. More recently in 2014 a new framework for generative AI was developed. The system can generate realistic images that imitate both works of art and people. The benefits of AI are undeniable, and that AI has the capacity to greatly improve our lives. However, AI may also result in unwelcome developments.

”De är inte huvudfotingar i samma höga grad” En kvalitativ studie av kuratorers erfarenheter av samtal med unga vuxna som också genomgått 8 veckors Mindfulnessbaserad stressreduktions (MBSR) kurs på ungdomsmottagningen

Mindfulness kan leda till en större självkännedom och uppmärksamhet på det som faktiskt är pågående i nuvarande ögonblick inom och utom en individ. Genom deltagande i en MBSR kurs kan en få träna sig i bl.a. medveten närvaro samt självmedkänsla. Studiens syfte var att ta reda på hur denna kunskap eventuellt kan stämma överens med Ungdomsmottagningens förebyggande / hälsofrämjande uppdrag samt om MMindfulness can lead to greater self-awareness and attention to what is actually going on in the present moment within and outside of an individual. By participating in an MBSR course, you can train yourself in e.g. conscious presence and self-compassion. The purpose of the study was to find out how this knowledge could possibly be consistent with the prevention / health promotion mission of the Y

Practical Privacy-Preserving Ride Sharing Protocol with Symmetric Key

The advancement of mobile technologies and their ability to utilize the Global Positioning System (GPS) to accurately locate their substantial number of users, prompt Location-Based Services (LBS) significantly. Ride-sharing is a popular means of transportation that utilizes LBS. With the rapid development of smart cities and their impact on addressing the critical issues of urban life such as tra

Från kritik till förändring: EU-rättens inverkan på dygnsviloreglerna i Sverige - En rättsvetenskaplig analys av hur EU:s regler om dygnsvila och veckovila har påverkat Sveriges arbetstidslagstiftning och den svenska modellen

Arbetstidsdirektivets (2003/88/EG) regler om dygnsvila och veckovila har visat sig vara komplexa för medlemsstater, som bland annat Sverige, att tolka korrekt. Detta mot bakgrund av att Sverige dömdes för fördragsbrott av EU-domstolen år 2005, på grund av avsaknaden av reglering om dygnsvila i svensk arbetstidslagstiftning. Under det senaste året har en kraftig debatt gällande reglerna om dygnsvilThe thesis discusses the complexity of interpreting and applying the EU Working Time Directive (2003/88/EC) in Sweden, particularly the rules on daily rest and weekly rest. In 2005, Sweden was found guilty of a treaty violation by the European Court of Justice due to the lack of regulation on daily rest in Swedish labour legislation. Over the past year, there has been a significant debate in Swedi

Penningtvättslagen och dataskyddsförordningen - förhåller de sig till varandra?- En studie om sambandet mellan regleringarna om penningtvätt och dataskyddsrätt

Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva och analysera förhållandet mellan bestämmelser om penningtvätt och dataskyddsrätt, med fokus på huruvida företags förpliktelser enligt penningtvättslagen påverkas av reglerna i dataskyddsförordningen. Den tekniska utvecklingen har bidragit inte bara till att underlätta för individer och företag utan också för den ekonomiska brottligheten. Genom utnyttjande av The purpose of the thesis is to describe and analyse the relationship between regulations on money laundering and data protection law, with a focus on whether companies' obligations under the Money Laundering Act are affected by the rules in the data protection regulation. Technological developments have contributed not only to making it easier for individuals and companies, but also for fina

Weights of Evidence Predictive Modelling in Archaeology

Predictive archaeological modelling is a complex analytical process that requires the understanding of how complex environmental and anthropogenic spatial phenomena relate to the selection of archaeological site location and knowledge of the requirements and potential biases inherent in the method of modelling and the raw data itself. This paper aims to demonstrate the utility of the weights of ev

Inget vi utan dem- En socialantropologisk studie om skvallers påverkan på gruppskapande under novischperioden på Lunds Tekniska Högskola

Skvaller sägs stå för två tredjedelar av all informell kommunikation människor utbyter, ändå anses det som moraliskt fel att skvallra. Trots dess negativa rykte har skvaller en positiv påverkan på skapande av tillit och gemenskap inom en grupp. Genom intervjuer har jag analyserat hur skvaller påverkar gruppbildningsprocessen. Detta genom att undersöka hur phusknollor under novischperioden på Lunds

Tips for creating inclusive classrooms at LTH

All people are different. All teachers are different. All students are different. They have different life situations, different study situations, and different preferences, conditions, and abilities. How can we take this diversity into account when we plan our teaching and exams? What situations should we prepare for? How can we help students focus on their learning and not on unnecessary obstacl

Design and evaluation of non-planar material extrusion on A3-axis printer

The use of material extrusion (MEX) has increased rapidly due to the affordability of 3D printers. This has led to a growing demand for improved print quality, high fidelity, strength, or fast print times. In this study, a non-planar approach for better surface quality is investigated. The hardware of a 3-axis MEX printer was developed together with testing new software for non-planar slicing. The

Reliability and responsiveness of the Swedish short Hip-RSI

Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine test–retest reliability and responsiveness of the short version (6-item) Hip Return to Sport after Injury (Hip-RSI) scale in patients following hip arthroscopy. Methods: The study included 100 hip arthroscopy patients responding to a digital survey including the short version (6-item) Hip-RSI, International Hip Outcome Tool (short version) (iHOT-12) an

Combining plasma Aβ and p-tau217 improves detection of brain amyloid in non-demented elderly

Background: Maximizing the efficiency to screen amyloid-positive individuals in asymptomatic and non-demented aged population using blood-based biomarkers is essential for future success of clinical trials in the early stage of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In this study, we elucidate the utility of combination of plasma amyloid-β (Aβ)-related biomarkers and tau phosphorylated at threonine 217 (p-tau2

The use of accelerometer bracelets to evaluate arm motor function over a stroke rehabilitation period – an explorative observational study

Background: Assessments of arm motor function are usually based on clinical examinations or self-reported rating scales. Wrist-worn accelerometers can be a good complement to measure movement patterns after stroke. Currently there is limited knowledge of how accelerometry correlate to clinically used scales. The purpose of this study was therefore to evaluate the relationship between intermittent

MDM2 amplification in rod-shaped chromosomes provides clues to early stages of circularized gene amplification in liposarcoma

Well-differentiated liposarcoma (WDLS) displays amplification of genes on chromosome 12 (Chr12) in supernumerary ring or giant marker chromosomes. These structures have been suggested to develop through chromothripsis, followed by circularization and breakage-fusion-bridge (BFB) cycles. To test this hypothesis, we compared WDLSs with Chr12 amplification in rod-shaped chromosomes with WDLSs with ri

Gravitational waves from a scotogenic two-loop neutrino mass model

We propose a framework to account for neutrino masses at the two-loop level. This mechanism introduces new scalars and Majorana fermions to the Standard Model. It assumes the existence of a global U(1)×Z2 symmetry which after partial breaking provides the stability of the dark matter candidates of the theory. The rich structure of the potential allows for the possibility of first-order phase trans

Sensorisk modulering för personer med svår psykisk ohälsa

Bakgrund: Personer med svår psykisk ohälsa upplever ofta svårigheter med bearbetning och hantering av sensoriska intryck i sin vardag. Detta kan påverka aktivitetsengagemang, leda till mindre upplevd kontroll i vardagen och ökad ångest. I dagsläget är forskning inom sensorisk modulering begränsad och det saknas evidens om mer omfattande interventioner som den nyligen utvecklade interventionen SensBackground: People with severe mental illness often experience difficulties with processing and managing sensory input in their everyday life. This can affect occupational engagement and lead to decreased sense of control in everyday life and increased anxiety. However, there is limited research on sensory modulation and more extensive interventions such as the newly developed Sensory Awareness Pr

When the Formula One engines roar louder than war : a qualitative case study of the UK news framing of the Formula One Grand Prix in Russia and Saudi Arabia regarding sportswashing

When Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the world of sports took the joint decision to exclude them both from hosting events and Russian athletes from competing under the Russian flag. Among the events that were cancelled was the Formula One Grand Prix in Sochi. A month later a missile strike hit an oil refinery 10 kilometres outside of the circuit in Jeddah that wo