

Din sökning på "*" gav 526127 sökträffar

Physicochemical Characterization of Simulated Intestinal Fed-State Fluids Containing Lyso-Phosphatidylcholine and Cholesterol

An array of simulated intestinal fed-state fluids, where phosphatidylcholine (PC) was replaced by lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) and cholesterol (Chol) was added, were visualized with Cryogenic Transmission Electron Microscopy (Cryo-TEM). Micelles were the dominating structural features, emphasizing the micellar-forming characteristics of LPC. Upon increase of the monoglyceride (MG) level, unilamel

A Paradigm Shift in George Berkeley's Philosophy 1707-1709

In this paper, I argue that there is a paradigm shift in George Berkeley's philosophy between his early unpublished manuscripts (1707-1708) and the Theory of Vision (1709). If so, the traditional method of mixing published and unpublished material will lead to a confused picture of both his early, unpublished view and the doctrine that lie published.

Ciliary neurotrophic factor has intrinsic and extrinsic roles in regulating B cell differentiation and bone structure.

The gp130 receptor and its binding partners play a central role in cytokine signalling. Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) is one of the cytokines that signals through the gp130 receptor complex. CNTF has previously been shown to be a negative regulator of trabecular bone remodelling and important for motor neuron development. Since haematopoietic cell maintenance and differentiation is dependent

Developments in Swedish forest policy and administration – from a 'policy of restriction' towards a 'policy of cooperation'

New tools and forms of cooperation at the landscape level are needed in order for forestry and environmental conservation to co-exist in areas with many land owners. Awareness has existed for several years in Sweden that cooperation at the landscape level is essential for protecting areas of high environmental value. This awareness has come to expression in several projects and initiatives. One of

Anisotropic Eliashberg function and electron-phonon coupling in doped graphene

We investigate, with high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, the spectral function of potassium-doped quasi-free-standing graphene on Au. Angle-dependent x-ray photoemission and density functional theory calculations demonstrate that potassium intercalates into the graphene/Au interface, leading to an upshift of the K-derived electronic band above the Fermi level. This empty ban

Outcome of physiotherapy after surgery for cervical disc disease: a prospective randomised multi-centre trial

Background: Many patients with cervical disc disease require leave from work, due to long-lasting, complex symptoms, including chronic pain and reduced levels of physical and psychological function. Surgery on a few segmental levels might be expected to resolve disc-specific pain and reduce neurological deficits, but not the non-specific neck pain and the frequent illness. No study has investigate

A New Simulation Package to Model Detector Systems with Fragmentation Reactions and Ion Separators: Application to the LYCCA-0 System

A Monte-Carlo simulation package has been developed to model the response of a detector system for ion identification used in conjunction with ion separators following nuclear reactions. The simulation is written predominantly using the GEANT4 framework but utilises the ion transport code MOCADI for accurate separator and reaction modelling. A novel MOCADI-GEANT4 interface has been developed to ut

Fri rörlighet för familjer - en normativ analys av föräldrapenningen och EU-rätten

Popular Abstract in Swedish Att det ska råda fri rörlighet för arbetstagare/personer och deras familjemedlemmar är en grundläggande princip i EU-rätten. I artikel 48 i Fördraget om Europeiska unionens funktionssätt (EUF) ges EU befogenhet att vidta åtgärder för att koordinera, samordna, de olika nationella sociala trygghetssystemen inom EU. Förordning 1408/71 och dess ersättare förordning 883/2004This doctoral thesis examines the Swedish parental benefit in relation to the EU principles on free movement, namely the Treaty provisions on free movement for workers and Union citizens, and more specifically, the legislation on coordination of social security benefits – Regulation 1408/71 and its successor Regulation 883/2004. The rights enshrined in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European

NMR diffusion and relaxation correlation methods: New insights in heterogeneous materials

Heterogeneous materials, such as biological tissues, foodstuffs, and rocks, contain a range of microscopic environments where the molecular constituents often have different NMR relaxation time constants and self-diffusion coefficients. Multidimensional correlation methods have greatly improved the possibility for separating and assigning the NMR responses from distinct environments, thereby allow

Living with cancer and perception of care: Icelandic oncology outpatients, a qualitative study

Aim This qualitative study was set out to explore oncology outpatient experiences of having cancer, to illuminate coping strategies and to explore perceptions of care and service provided while treated for cancer. Materials and methods Thirty patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy were consecutively selected for the study in three oncology outpatient clinics in Iceland; mean age was 55 y

Prevention of pleural adhesions by bioactive polypeptides - a pilot study.

Objective: Postoperative pleural adhesions lead to major problems in repeated thoracic surgery. To date, no antiadhesive product has been proven clinically effective. Previous studies of differently charged polypeptides, poly-L-lysine (PL) and poly-L-glutamate (PG) have shown promising results reducing postoperative abdominal adhesions in experimental settings. This pilot study examined the possib

β-Blocker Use and Mortality in COPD Patients After Myocardial Infarction: A Swedish Nationwide Observational Study.

Patients with myocardial infarction (MI) and concomitant chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) constitute a high-risk group with increased mortality. β-Blocker therapy has been shown to reduce mortality, prevent arrhythmias, and delay heart failure development after an MI in broad populations. However, the effect of β-blockers in COPD patients is less well established and they may also be l

High-spin rotational bands in I-123

High-spin states in I-123 were populated in the reaction Se-80(Ca-48,p4n)I-123 at a beam energy of 207 MeV and gamma-ray coincidence events were measured using the Gammasphere spectrometer. Three weakly populated, high-spin rotational bands have been discovered with characteristics similar to those of the long collective bands recently observed in other nuclei of this mass region. Configuration as

New calculations for internal dosimetry of beta-emitting radiopharmaceuticals

The calculation of absorbed dose from internally incorporated radionuclides is based on the so-called specific absorbed fractions (SAFs) which represent the fraction of energy emitted in a given source region that is absorbed per unit mass in a specific target organ. Until recently, photon SAFs were calculated using MIRD-type mathematical phantoms. For electrons, the energy released was assumed to

High resolution imaging of flameless and distributed turbulent combustion

Planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) and Rayleigh scattering measurements were used for the study of turbulence/combustion interactions in distributed reaction regimes including flameless or MILD combustion. A novel laboratory scale burner (Distributed and Flameless Combustion Burner - DFCB) was used to reach uniquely high Karlovitz numbers, presently reported up to 14,400. It consists of a hi

Habitat use and diet of Skylarks (Alauda arvensis) wintering in an intensive agricultural landscape of the Netherlands

In recent decades, Skylark (Alauda arvensis) populations in Europe have declined sharply due to agricultural intensification. Insufficient reproduction rates are one reason. Increased winter mortality may also be important, but studies outside the breeding season are scarce and mostly limited to the UK. We studied habitat selection of wintering Skylarks in an agricultural area in the Netherlands.