

Din sökning på "*" gav 533668 sökträffar

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Lifetime risk of developing breast cancer for Danish women is approx. 9%. Diagnostics are done by mammography, biopsy, and examination. Breast-conserving surgery followed by radiotherapy is standard for treatment of early-stage breast cancer. Studies report unsatisfying outcomes in up to one third of the patients. This review summarises the current surgical techniques. Oncoplastic breast surgery m

Defining a core microbial necrobiome associated with decomposing fungal necromass

Despite growing interest in fungal necromass decomposition due to its importance in soil carbon retention, whether a consistent group of microorganisms is associated with decomposing necromass remains unresolved. Here, we synthesize knowledge on the composition of the bacterial and fungal communities present on decomposing fungal necromass from a variety of fungal species, geographic locations, ha

Nationwide Assessment of Patient Trajectories in Mantle Cell Lymphoma : The Swedish MCL complete Project

Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is a B-cell malignancy currently considered incurable. Although some patients obtain prolonged remission after first-line chemoimmunotherapy, many will need several treatment lines. Here, we present a nationwide assessment of treatment strategies, time to progression and survival in MCL. All patients diagnosed with MCL 2006-2018 were identified in the Swedish Lymphoma Re

Genetics of circulating inflammatory proteins identifies drivers of immune-mediated disease risk and therapeutic targets

Circulating proteins have important functions in inflammation and a broad range of diseases. To identify genetic influences on inflammation-related proteins, we conducted a genome-wide protein quantitative trait locus (pQTL) study of 91 plasma proteins measured using the Olink Target platform in 14,824 participants. We identified 180 pQTLs (59 cis, 121 trans). Integration of pQTL data with eQTL an

Case and sequence in coordination : A corpus-based study of English and Danish

Although much research has been done on case and sequence within coordination structures separately, few studies have investigated the impact the two have on each other. Moreover, very little research has dealt with the striking similarity of English and Danish regarding case and sequence within CoDPs. This thesis, therefore, aimed to explore this matter to uncover the complex system which determi

Semantic processing in children with Cochlear Implants : A review of current N400 studies and recommendations for future research

Deaf and hard of hearing children with cochlear implants (CI) often display impaired spoken language skills. While a large number of studies investigated brain responses to sounds in this population, relatively few focused on semantic processing. Here we summarize and discuss findings in four studies of the N400, a cortical response that reflects semantic processing, in children with CI. A study w

Nondeterminacy and reasonable choice

This chapter outlines some of the implications of nondeterminacy, however it is explained, for rational choice. The chapter demonstrates that when nondeterminacy is present, some decision strategies actualize dynamic choice problems and resolutional remainder, while others violate basic requirements of rationality, such as basic contraction consistency and acyclicity. It is hypothesized that clues

Diminishing benefits of urban living for children and adolescents’ growth and development

Optimal growth and development in childhood and adolescence is crucial for lifelong health and well-being1–6. Here we used data from 2,325 population-based studies, with measurements of height and weight from 71 million participants, to report the height and body-mass index (BMI) of children and adolescents aged 5–19 years on the basis of rural and urban place of residence in 200 countries and ter

Tailoring of the longitudinal phase space for improved Free-Electron Laser performance

Free-electron lasers are capable of producing high-quality radiation in a wide wavelength range and at very high power and brilliance. To reach improved performance especially regarding coherence, bandwidth and wavelength stability, different seeding techniques are often required. However, a successful implementation of seeding typically demands a very high-quality electron beam, in terms of energ

Accountability for gender equality

The aim of this paper is to consider approaches to understanding and evaluating accountability in education from the perspective of concerns with gender equality in education. This task has a number of facets and complexities, because ‘gender’ is not one simple set of relationships, and the notion of gender equality in education can be read in a number of different ways. Thus developing adequate c

High bat fatality rates estimated at wind farms in southern Spain

An astonishing number of bat fatalities (2,371 belonging to 15 species) were recovered in a provincial surveillance program at wind farms in Cádiz, at the southern tip of Spain, in 2005–2016. We carefully analysed a subset of this sample intending to estimate the true fatality rate in the year 2011, the year for which we had the richest data set (582 fatalities at 38 wind farms). To estimate the t

Molecular and functional characterization of lung cancer initiating cells

Lung cancer is one of the most aggressive diseases in the whole world, claiming millions of people each year. Nobody has yet found a successful cure for it and, therefore, there is an urgent need for more research to discover how patients could be saved. Lung cancer is so hard to diagnose since it grows quietly and it’s often detected when it has spread to other organs, meaning that it has invaded

Guidelines and Recommendations for Laboratory Analysis in the Diagnosis and Management of Diabetes Mellitus

BACKGROUND: Numerous laboratory tests are used in the diagnosis and management of diabetes mellitus. The quality of the scientific evidence supporting the use of these assays varies substantially. APPROACH: An expert committee compiled evidence-based recommendations for laboratory analysis in screening, diagnosis, or monitoring of diabetes. The overall quality of the evidence and the strength of t

Risk of Adverse Outcomes Associated With Cardiac Sarcoidosis Diagnostic Schemes

Background: Multiple cardiac sarcoidosis (CS) diagnostic schemes have been published. Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the association of different CS diagnostic schemes with adverse outcomes. The diagnostic schemes evaluated were 1993, 2006, and 2017 Japanese criteria and the 2014 Heart Rhythm Society criteria. Methods: Data were collected from the Cardiac Sarcoidosis Consortium, an intern

Risk Factors for Primary Bone Cancer After Childhood Cancer : A PanCare Childhood and Adolescent Cancer Survivor Care and Follow-Up Studies Nested Case-Control Study

PURPOSE: Radiation to the bone and exposure to alkylating agents increases the risk of bone cancer among survivors of childhood cancer, but there is uncertainty regarding the risks of bone tissue radiation doses below 10 Gy and the dose-response relationship for specific types of chemotherapy.METHODS: Twelve European countries contributed 228 cases and 228 matched controls to a nested case-control

Yttrande för remissen: Genomförandet av minimilönedirektivet (SOU 2023:36)

Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Lunds universitet instämmer i huvudsak i utredningens slutsatser, men anser att regeringen i samarbete med arbetsmarknadens parter bör överväga åtgärder om kollektivavtalens täckningsgrad skulle börja sjunka och långt innan den kommer ned på tröskelvärdet 80%. Den svenska arbetsmarknadsmodellen vilar, förutom på en hög kollektivavtalstäckning, också på en hög o

Outcomes After Endovascular Aortic Intervention in Patients With Connective Tissue Disease

Importance: Endovascular treatment is not recommended for aortic pathologies in patients with connective tissue diseases (CTDs) other than in redo operations and as bridging procedures in emergencies. However, recent developments in endovascular technology may challenge this dogma. Objective: To assess the midterm outcomes of endovascular aortic repair in patients with CTD. Design, Setting, and Pa

Donanemab in Early Symptomatic Alzheimer Disease : The TRAILBLAZER-ALZ 2 Randomized Clinical Trial

Importance: There are limited efficacious treatments for Alzheimer disease. Objective: To assess efficacy and adverse events of donanemab, an antibody designed to clear brain amyloid plaque. Design, Setting, and Participants: Multicenter (277 medical research centers/hospitals in 8 countries), randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 18-month phase 3 trial that enrolled 1736 participants with

Test–Retest Reliability, Agreement and Criterion Validity of Three Questionnaires for the Assessment of Physical Activity and Sedentary Time in Patients with Myocardial Infarction

Regular physical activity (PA) and limited sedentary time (SED) are highly recommended in international guidelines for patients after a myocardial infarction (MI). Data on PA and SED are often self-reported in clinical practice and, hence, reliable and valid questionnaires are crucial. This study aimed to assess the test–retest reliability, criterion validity and agreement of two PA and one SED qu