

Din sökning på "*" gav 534700 sökträffar

Influencing consumer behavioural intentions: Reducing household water consumption

Although the topic of sustainability communication has been extensively studied since the 1970s, there remain gaps and contradictions, e.g. the effectiveness of communication strategies for influencing individual pro-environmental behaviour change. This study continues this discussion: the purpose was to identify what communication interventions are most effective for changing individual intention


Food systems transformation is critical for meeting our climate goals, and for ensuring individual health and food security by boosting resilience to external shocks. We face the challenge of producing enough nutritious food for our growing global population, whilst reducing our environmental impact at a time of increased competition and scarcity of resources. Protein diversification can play an i

PI3-kinase p110α mediates β1 integrin-induced Akt activation and membrane protrusion during cell attachment and initial spreading

Integrin-mediated cell adhesion activates several signaling effectors, including phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), a central mediator of cell motility and survival. To elucidate the molecular mechanisms of this important pathway the specific members of the PI3K family activated by different integrins have to be identified. Here, we studied the role of PI3K catalytic isoforms in β1 integrin-ind

Att Skapa Ringar på Vatten

Domedagsklockan klämtar alltjämt ljudligt för planeten. Vi står inför flera globala, nationella och lokala miljöutmaningar som kan komma att påverka framtida generationer på ödesdigra sätt. Hur individer och organisationer arbetar med dessa frågor kan vara avgörande för samhällets framtida fortlevnad. Ekonomiskt stöd till en mångfald av externa projekt kan vara ett sätt att låta gräsrötter växa tiSociety is facing numerous environmental challenges today and tomorrow. Several global, national, and regional frameworks and instruments are in place to battle the storm. The Regional Council in Scania works with environmental issues through different programs and methods. Miljövårdsfonden is one of these methods, where financial support is allocated to various external projects to further a posi

The immune microenvironment in mantle cell lymphoma : Targeted liquid and spatial proteomic analyses

The complex interplay of the tumour and immune cells affects tumour growth, progression, and response to treatment. Restorationof effective immune response forms the basis of onco-immunology, which further enabled the development of immunotherapy. Inthe era of precision medicine, pin-pointing patient biological heterogeneity especially in relation to patient-specific immunemicroenvironment is a ne

Rationale and design of BROKEN-SWEDEHEART : a registry-based, randomized, parallel, open-label multicenter trial to test pharmacological treatments for broken heart (takotsubo) syndrome

Background: Takotsubo syndrome (TS) is a life-threatening acute heart failure syndrome without any evidence-based treatment options. No treatment for TS has been examined in a randomized trial. Study design and objectives: BROKEN-SWEDEHEART is a multicenter, randomized, open-label, registry-based 2 × 2 factorial clinical trial in patients with TS designed to test whether treatment with adenosine a

Fredlig krigföring, sunt spelmissbruk och hälsosamma tobaksprodukter - om konsten att få det omöjliga att verka möjligt

Examensarbetets titel: Fredlig krigföring, sunt spelmissbruk och hälsosamma tobaksprodukter - om konsten att få det omöjliga att verka möjligt Seminariedatum: 11 januari 2023 Kurs: FEKH69, Examensarbete i redovisning på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Maria Guth Karlsson, Gabrielle Handler, Edvin Jabeskog Handledare: Alexander Hedlund Nyckelord: Hållbarhetsrapportering, LegitimitetTitle: Peaceful warfare, a sound gambling addiction and healthy tobacco - an essay on the art of making the seemingly impossible seem possible Seminar date: 11th of January 2023 Course: FEKH69, Degree Project Bachelor level, Business Administration, 15 ECTS Credits Authors: Maria Guth Karlsson, Gabrielle Handler, Edvin Jabeskog Advisor: Alexander Hedlund Key words: Sustainability reporting, Le

An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Evaluation and Experimental Design for Visual Text Analytics : Position Paper

Appropriate evaluation and experimental design are fundamental for empirical sciences, particularly in data-driven fields. Due to the successes in computational modeling of languages, for instance, research outcomes are having an increasingly immediate impact on end users. As the gap in adoption by end users decreases, the need increases to ensure that tools and models developed by the research co

Jag skäms om jag inte förstår språket

Denna uppsats har syftet att undersöka arabiska kvinnors erfarenheter och upplevelser av integrationen I Sverige. Detta uppnås genom en kvalitativ metod och semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra arabisktalande kvinnor och sker med hjälp av följande frågor: Hur ser arabisktalande kvinnor på innebörden av integration? Hur ser arabisktalande kvinnor på resurserna till att lära sig språket och integre

Education and Economy in Japan: Overeducation, Anxiety, Unhappiness and Low Productivity

The thesis reviews research about economic impact of education and overeducation, and also researches about education, inequality and suicide in Japan. The thesis describes Thurow’s job competition model, Spence’s job market signaling model and Tsang and Levin’s production model. By using descriptive quantitative methods, it shows that Japan has overeducation problem brought by mismatch between ed

Fed-batch strategies for biodetoxification in production of optically pure lactic acid from softwood hydrolysate using Pediococcus acidilactici

Optically pure lactic acid (LA) is important for the development of specialized applications for poly-lactic acid (PLA). To pursue sustainable production, feedstocks such as lignocellulosic biomass need to be investigated. The present study focused on the production of L-LA from softwood hydrolysate with Pediococcus acidilactici TY112. One of the challenges when using this substrate is the presenc

A Systematic Review of Heterogeneity in Outcome Definition and Reporting in Localised Renal Cancer

Context: Outcomes in renal cell carcinoma (RCC) are reported inconsistently, with variability in definitions and measurement. Hence, it is difficult to compare intervention effectiveness and synthesise outcomes for systematic reviews and to create clinical practice guidelines. This uncertainty in the evidence makes it difficult to guide patient-clinician decision-making. One solution is a core out

Barnets bästa vid olovliga bortföranden av barn - med särskilt fokus på olovliga bortföranden inom EU

Reglerna som styr civila aspekter på olovligt bortförande av barn enligt 1980 års Haagkonvention om de civila aspekterna på internationella bortföranden av barn är inte fullt kompatibla med de rättigheter som följer av Förenta nationernas konvention om barnets rättigheter . Trots barnets centrala roll i ett olovligt bortförande eller kvarhållande uppstår ett dilemma när 1980 års Haagkonvention skaThe rules governing civil aspects of the unlawful abduction of children under the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction are not fully compatible with the rights deriving from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Despite the child's central role in an unlawful abduc-tion or detention, a dilemma arises when the 1980 Hague Convention is t

Insights from the Den : How Hibernating Bears May Help Us Understand and Treat Human Disease

Hibernating brown bears (Ursus arctos) and black bears (Ursus americanus) spend half of the year in a physically inactive state inside their winter dens without food intake and defecating and no or little urination. Under similar extreme conditions, humans would suffer from loss of lean body mass, heart failure, thrombosis, azotemia, osteoporosis, and more. However, bears exit the den in the sprin

'It depends on who I'm with' : How young people with developmental language disorder describe their experiences of language and communication in school

BACKGROUND: The risks of developmental language disorder (DLD) for both educational progress and socio-emotional development are well documented, but little is known about how children and young people with DLD experience and describe their language and communication. The need to complement experimental and quantitative studies with qualitative perspectives of the lived experience of individuals w