

Din sökning på "*" gav 534693 sökträffar

Sociala kretsars påverkan på matsvinnsbeteende

How we manage resources, in this case food, based on our culture is the core interest of human ecology. According to systems analysist Donella Meadows, cultural factors, i.e. our mindset, are the most difficult intervention points to access for system change - but also the most effective. This essay examines through a survey and a smaller experiment how prescribed norms and attitudes of social cir

Processes associated with ionic current rectification at a 2D-titanate nanosheet deposit on a microhole poly(ethylene terephthalate) substrate

Films of titanate nanosheets (approx. 1.8-nm layer thickness and 200-nm size) having a lamellar structure can form electrolyte-filled semi-permeable channels containing tetrabutylammonium cations. By evaporation of a colloidal solution, persistent deposits are readily formed with approx. 10-μm thickness on a 6-μm-thick poly(ethylene-terephthalate) (PET) substrate with a 20-μm diameter microhole.

Obekväma arbetstider och dess påverkan på industriarbetares välmående

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur medarbetare upplever att deras obekväma arbetstider påverkar deras välmående i utifrån tre invarianta teman; återhämtning, work-life balance samt lärande. Uppsatsen präglas av ett medarbetarperspektiv på ett stort industriföretag där fyra medarbetare har intervjuats. Två medarbetare arbetar konstant natt och två stycken arbetar tvåskift, det vill säga

Water-Mills in Northwest Semitic, Rabbinica and Archaeology : Levantine and Babylonian Evidence

This article aims at assembling the available facts concerning the exploitation of water-power in ancient and Early Mediaeval Palestine (and partly Jewish Babylonia)—those to be found in written (that is, Rabbinic) sources as well as those deriving from archaeological finds. Both groups of materials are scant, and the conclusions remain tentative. But it can be stated almost with certainty that wa

Migration direction in a songbird explained by two loci

Migratory routes and remote wintering quarters in birds are often species and even population specific. It has been known for decades that songbirds mainly migrate solitarily, and that the migration direction is genetically controlled. Yet, the underlying genetic mechanisms remain unknown. To investigate the genetic basis of migration direction, we track genotyped willow warblers Phylloscopus troc

Icke-angreppsklausuler i patentlicenser - Intresseavvägningen mellan patent- och konkurrensrätt

Patentlicensavtal utgör ett effektivt verktyg för exploatering av patentskyddad innovation. Avtalen anses därför i allmänhet vara konkurrensfrämjande. Emellertid kan patentlicenser innehålla avtalsklausuler som kan vara problematiska ur ett konkurrensperspektiv. Icke-angreppsklausuler, som hindrar licenstagaren från att utmana den immateriella giltigheten i det licensierade patentet, utgör en sådaPatent licensing is considered an effective tool for the exploitation of technology protected by the IPR. Thus, in general, licensing is pro-competitive. However, there are cases when licensing agreements contain clauses that can be problematic in relation to EU competition law. The no-challenge clause, which obligates the licensee not to contest the validity of the intellectual property of the li

Erasing Identity: A Study of the Legal Evolution of Cultural Genocide and its Implications for the Protection against State-imposed Extinction

Brottet folkmord kallas i folkmun för "brottets brott", vilket tyder på dess allvar och dess status som en jus cogens-norm i internationell rätt. Den nuvarande rättsliga definitionen av folkmord omfattar dock endast fysiska och biologiska handlingar, till skillnad från den ursprungliga definitionen som betonade innebörden av kulturellt folkmord. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka omThe crime of genocide is popularly referred to as “the crime of crimes”, indicating its severity and its status as a jus cogens norm of international law. However, the current legal definition of genocide solely incriminates physical and biological acts of genocide, unlike the original definition that emphasized the significance of cultural genocide. This essay aims to investigate whether the lega

Risk bounded nonlinear robot motion planning with integrated perception & control

Robust autonomy stacks require tight integration of perception, motion planning, and control layers, but these layers often inadequately incorporate inherent perception and prediction uncertainties, either ignoring them altogether or making questionable assumptions of Gaussianity. Robots with nonlinear dynamics and complex sensing modalities operating in an uncertain environment demand more carefu

Global Legitimacy Crises : Decline and Revival in Multilateral Governance

Presents new conceptualization of legitimacy crises in global governanceOffers new theoretical ideas on legitimacy crises as activation that can yield positive as well as negative consequencesProvides a comparative assessment of legitimacy crises and their consequences in 32 international organizations and across three decadesDevelops in-depth insights on the legitimacy crises of the WTO and the U


This chapter examines how the Iraq War shook public confidence in government communications, and the impact of the Phillis Review upon public diplomacy theory and practice. It covers the Carter Review, which assessed levels of accountability in public diplomacy expenditure, and advised the creation of a new oversight board, the Public Diplomacy Board; efforts to make public and digital diplomacy p

Necrorobotics: The Ethics of Resurrecting the Dead

By drawing from recent progress in AI, this chapter scrutinises implications of a specific imaginary of automated futures: the possible resurrection of the dead. Necrorobotics is proposed as a field of critical studies on the use of data and design based on one specific dead individual in order to “resurrect” that individual. That is, to mimic or create some level of robotic agency for the sake of

European pollen-based REVEALS land-cover reconstructions for the Holocene : Methodology, mapping and potentials

Quantitative reconstructions of past land cover are necessary to determine the processes involved in climate-human-land-cover interactions. We present the first temporally continuous and most spatially extensive pollen-based land-cover reconstruction for Europe over the Holocene (last 11g€¯700g€¯calg€¯yrg€¯BP). We describe how vegetation cover has been quantified from pollen records at a 11 spatia

COVID-19-related hospital admission in spouses of partners in at-risk occupations

OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to quantify the risk of COVID-19-related hospital admission in spouses living with partners in at-risk occupations in Denmark during 2020-21.METHODS: Within a registry-based cohort of all Danish employees (N=2 451 542), we identified cohabiting couples, in which at least one member (spouse) held a job that according to a job exposure matrix entailed low risk of occupati

Akuta vaskulära neurokirurgiska tillstånd kräver snabb hantering

Conditions involving intracranial vascular anomalies are increasingly diagnosed, not least incidentally, with the increasing availability of neuroradiological investigations. Acute deterioration and development of symptoms due to a vascular condition could require neurosurgical intervention depending on the nature of the condition and status of the patient. On the other hand, asymptomatic patients

Hanteringen av rättegångskostnader i förvaltningsmål - En analys efter avgörandet HFD 2022 ref. 10

Hanteringen av rättegångskostnader i förvaltningsmål har stundtals varit komplicerad till följd av avsaknaden av uttryckliga kostnadsregler på området. På senare tid har kostnadsfrågorna behandlats genom flertalet rättsfall i förhållande till grundläggande fri- och rättigheter i allmänhet och bestämmelserna om en rättvis rättegång i synnerhet. Rättsläget klargjordes delvis genom HFD 2022 ref. 10 dThe law of litigation costs in Swedish administrative law cases has sometimes been complicated due to the lack of clear legal rules on the topic. In recent years the question of litigation costs has been examined in relation to fundamental rights and freedoms. The legal position was partly clarified in the case of HFD 2022 ref. 10 where the Court established a specific scheme for how claims for co