

Din sökning på "*" gav 532887 sökträffar

”Jag har också rätt att ljudsätta världen” : Om tjejers och transpersoners tillblivelser som musikskapare i musikteknologiska lärmiljöer

The purpose of this dissertation is to contribute to a better understanding of the relations between music technology and girls and transgender persons (aged 13–21) in music making. The research subject is leisure time music making in music technology learning environments, where issues of gender equality are emphasized. A further aim is to discuss the music technology learning environment from th

BEANS-distributed data analysis for numerical simulations

beans is a tool for distributed data analysis. It provides web and command line interface for data analysis and plotting for huge datasets. beans is written in a general form and can be used in any field of research to analyze the data. The main purpose of beans is to provide to the community a versatile tool to store, analyze and then visualize any amount of scientific data (e.g. numerical simula

Let there be light and darkness : Findings from a prestudy concerning cycled light in the intensive care unit environment

The present study reports findings concerning light in an intensive care unit setting presented from 3 aspects, giving a wide view. The first part is a systematic review of intervention studies concerning cycled light compared with dim light/noncycled light. The findings showed that cycled light may be beneficial to preterm infant health. Second, a lighting intervention in the intensive care unit

Moving between rooms - moving between life and death : Nurses' experiences of caring for terminally ill patients in hospitals

Aim. This study describes the meanings of generalist registered nurses' experiences of caring for palliative care patients on general wards in hospitals. Background. Earlier research shows that work with patients in palliative care is demanding. More research concerning palliative care is undertaken in oncological care, in hospice and in home-care settings than in general wards. It is therefore im

The social and solidarity economy in Argentina and the UK: convergence from opposite directions

This chapter explores the commonalities and differences in the history of the development of the social and solidarity economy in the UK and Argentina. It examines how the need for social security and welfare, unmet by political agency, was resolved through mutual organisation in both societies. It contrasts the absorption of welfare provision into the state in the UK with experiences in Argentina

Behavior underpins the predictive power of a trait-based model of butterfly movement

Dispersal ability is key to species persistence in times of environmental change. Assessing a species' vulnerability and response to anthropogenic changes is often performed using one of two methods: correlative approaches that infer dispersal potential based on traits, such as wingspan or an index of mobility derived from expert opinion, or a mechanistic modeling approach that extrapolates displa

The Being Taken Seriously Questionnaire—Development and Psychometric Evaluation of a PREM Measure for Person-Centeredness in a High-Tech Hospital Environment

There is a need for patient-reported experience measures (PREMs) in high-tech hospital environments based on the philosophy of person-centeredness. The aim of this study was to describe the development and initial psychometric evaluation of a measure of person-centeredness by means of being taking seriously. In this cross-sectional survey, the study sample (n = 79) completed two measures, the Bein

A multi-scale simulation approach to investigate local contact temperatures for commercial Cu-full and Cu-free brake pads

Copper from vehicles disc brakes is one main contributor of the total copper found in the environment. Therefore, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the automotive industries started the Copper-Free Brake Initiative. The pad friction material is essentially composed of a binder, fillers, reinforcing fibres and frictional additives. Copper and brass fibres are the most commonly used

A disc brake test stand for measurement of airborne wear particles

During braking, there is wear on both the rotor and the pads. This process generates particles that may become airborne. In fi eld tests, it is diffi cult to distinguish these particles from others in the surrounding environment. Therefore, a laboratory test stand has been designed which allows control of the cleanliness of the surrounding air. The test stand consists of a front right brake assemb

Low-complexity III-V circuitry for millimeter wave communication and radar

Prospects to use III-V technology to increase the performance of key millimeter wave circuits are discussed. We use 60 GHz wavelet generators to form coherent pulses with controllable pulse lengths down to 25 ps under low-power operation. The transmitters are used to demonstrate transmission at high data rates and very low bit-error-rates with simple modulation schemes (OOK) in direct links over s

The sound environment in an ICU patient room-A content analysis of sound levels and patient experiences

This study had two aims: first to describe, using both descriptive statistics and quantitative content analysis, the noise environment in an ICU patient room over one day, a patient's physical status during the same day and early signs of ICU delirium; second, to describe, using qualitative content analysis, patients' recall of the noise environment in the ICU patient room. The final study group c

Människor på Månen : Månar och mindre himlakroppar

Vi tittar upp nattetid och ser att vår Jord har en måne kretsande runt sig. Denna kallar vi Månen, och den har vi utforskat med hjälp av rymdsonder, olika landare och med hjälp av Apollo-astronauterna. Andra planeter har också månar kretsande runtom sig. Månar som ser helt annorlunda ut än vad vår egen Måne, vissa är små och ser ut som asteroider medans andra är så isiga att de skulle kunna förvanAs we look up at night we see that our Earth has one moon orbiting it, the one we call the Moon. We have explored our moon with orbiters, rovers and astronauts, mapping it and studying its history.Other planets also have moons in orbit around them and these may look quite different from the Earth's moon. Some are small and look like asteroids, others are so icy they would become comets if they plu

Skeuomorphism in digital archaeological practice : A barrier to progress, or a vital cog in the wheels of change?

Drawing upon the author’s combined experiences of developing digital field workflows at the sites of Çatalhöyük in Turkey and Kämpinge in Sweden, this paper will discuss the role of skeuomorphism within the context of digital archaeological practice, and specifically, it will focus upon the ways that the use of digital technology affects the epistemological processes associated with fieldwork. In

Osteoporosis in cirrhotics before and after liver transplantation : relation with malnutrition and inflammatory status

Background: Liver cirrhosis is associated with osteoporosis and liver transplantation (LT) with increased bone loss. This study aimed to in LT candidates investigate the potential relation between bone mineral density (BMD) and BMD loss in those who undergo LT, with malnutrition, systemic inflammation, and hormonal status. Methods: We included 102 consecutively recruited cirrhotic LT candidates be

Universitetslärarna och den högre utbildningen

Från och med högskolereformen 1977 infogades ett antal akademiska yrkesutbildningari ett samlat universitets- och högskolesystem. Det gällde grund- och förskollärare, sjuksköterskor, kortare tekniska utbildningar m.fl. som tidigare funnits vid särskilda enheter. Därmed fixerades grunddragen i dagens universitets- och högskolesystem. Detta kapitel skildrar hur universitetslärarkårens expansion, sam