Din sökning på "*" gav 533548 sökträffar
Frimureri i Svenska Pommern (II/III)
Staffan Wahlgren, Sprachwandel im Griechisch der frühen römischen Kaiserzeit. Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis 1995. 220 S. (Studia Graeca et Latina Gothoburgensia. LX.)
I Agatha Christies fotspår
Initial and long-term effects of enhanced external counterpulsation in patients with refractory angina pectoris
Symptom relief through spinal cord stimulation (SCS) based on the gate-control theory and enhanced external counterpulsation (EECP) through improved coronary perfusion is two treatments in angina pectoris refractory to medication and surgery. The overall aim was to evaluate and compare the initial and longterm effects, utilization and cost of EECP compared to SCS. The effects were also compared to
Laser spectroscopy investigation of the hyperfine structure of highly excited 2P states in alkali atoms
Highly excited 2P levels in alkali atoms were populated using a multi-step excitation, involving a tunable dye laser. The hyperfine structure of the 9 2P level in 87Rb and the 11, 12 2P levels in 133Cs was determined with optical double resonance.
Genetics of cardiovascular disease: interplay between common and rare alleles.
Längs serpentinvägar i det fördolda
Review of Jorden skall gråta
Sverige är inget kristet land
The use of leukotriene receptor antagonists (LTRAs) as complementary therapy in asthma
The cysteinyl-leukotrienes (cysLTs: LTC4, LTD4 and LTE4) have an important pathophysiological role in asthma. They are not only extremely potent bronchoconstrictors, but are also involved in the central mechanisms of the asthmatic inflammation and the subsequent remodelling of the airways. Allergen-induced bronchoconstriction as well as spontaneous exacerbations of asthma are associated with incre
Resumé av doktorsavhandling
Huvudpunkterna i Jönsson 1989
1913 års pensionsförsäkring - den första allmänna socialförsäkringen.
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rd1 Mouse retina shows an imbalance in the activity of cysteine protease cathepsins and their endogenous inhibitor cystatin C.
PURPOSE: To compare in vivo levels, spatial localization, and in vitro secretion of cysteine protease cathepsins and cystatin C (cysC) in the retinal degeneration 1 (rd1) mouse model of retinitis pigmentosa and control (wt) mouse retinas. METHODS: The spatial localization, protein contents, cysC levels and cathepsin-B, -S, and -L activities in wt and rd1 retinas at postnatal (PN) days 2, 7, 14, 21
Water Interactions with Acetic Acid Layers on Ice and Graphite
Adsorbed organic compounds modify the properties of environmental interfaces with potential implications for many Earth system processes. Here, we describe experimental studies of water interactions with acetic acid (AcOH) layers on ice and graphite surfaces at temperatures from 186 to 200 K. Hyperthermal D2O water molecules are efficiently trapped on all of the investigated surfaces, with only a
Estetikens andra natur
Development and Application of Laser-Induced Emission Techniques for Combustion Diagnostics -High-Resolution Visualization of Turbulent Reacting Flows
Popular Abstract in Swedish Sedan människan lyckades skapa eld har förbränning utgjort den viktigaste energikällan i mänsklighetens långa historia, viket den ser ut att fortsätta vara det inom en överskådlig framtid. I dagsläget kommer mer än 90% av vår energi från förbränningsprocesser. Dock uppstår en rad problem kring förbränning, såsom föroreningar och möjligheten till använda sig av förnyelseNowadays, more than 90% of our energy comes from combustion processes. Hence, it is very important to perform combustion research to reduce emissions, improve efficiency, find clean and renewable fuels, strengthen safety, etc. The complexity of combustion processes asks for advanced diagnostic tools, among which the laser spectroscopy has been proved to be a powerful one. This thesis is about the
First results in coherent harmonic generation using the undulator at the MAX-lab electron storage ring
An experiment in coherent harmonic generation has been performed at the MAX-lab electron storage ring in Lund. Coherent photons were produced in the third harmonic of a Nd:YAG laser focused on the electron beam in a permanent magnet undulator. The number of coherent photons, the linewidth, the current dependence and other parameters have been measured.