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A glance at everyday life of New Elder Group in China: A case study of Xiamen, China
This thesis targeted a new group in the transitioning Chinese society---the New Elder Group (NEG) --- at the private level, focusing on their everyday life. NEG refers to retired people who are relatively young (55-80), financially independent, and in good health. Their primary desires in everyday life is to “live a good every day”. This thesis demonstrates the need to pay more attention to the di
Organisationskultur och hemarbete -En kvalitativ studie ur HR:s perspektiv gällande organisationskultur och hur hemarbete påverkat sättet att jobba med organisationskultur
I denna studie undersöks hur anställda inom HR upplever sin organisationskultur utifrån Edgar H Scheins organisationskulturteori för att synliggöra och tolka organisationskultur. Huvudsakligen ligger tyngdpunkten i studien på respondenternas egen uppfattning om organisationskultur och diskuteras med hjälp av utvald litteratur. Ett syfte är också att se om organisationskulturen påverkats på grund a
Affixation in the Caucasus – a quantitative typological approach
Applicability of the European Society of Cardiology Guidelines on the management of acute coronary syndromes to older people with haemophilia A – A modified Delphi consensus by the ADVANCE Working Group
Introduction: As people with haemophilia (PWH) receive better treatment and live longer they are more likely to encounter cardiovascular disease (CVD) and other comorbidities. ESC guidelines for the acute management of patients presenting with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) are based on the non-haemophilia population. Aim: To review the guidelines and propose relevant adaptations for PWHA without i
Safeguarding the land to secure food in the highlands of Peru : The case of Andean peasant producers
Local or traditional agri-food systems in the Andes depend on community land use planning to maintain the genetic pool of crops and landraces in the face of disease, disasters, and climate change. These systems are managed integrally and on the basis of traditional knowledge around soil conservation, water management and maintaining biodiversity. At the same time, agri-food system research, policy
Longitudinal in vivo biodistribution of nano and micro sized hydroxyapatite particles implanted in a bone defect
Hydroxyapatite (HA) has been widely used as a bone substitute and more recently as a carrier for local delivery of bone targeted drugs. Majority of the approved HA based biomaterials and drug carriers comprise of micrometer sized particulate HA (mHA) or granules and can therefore only be used for extracellular drug release. This shortcoming could be overcome with the use of cell penetrating HA nan
Multiterminal transport spectroscopy of subgap states in Coulomb-blockaded superconductors
Subgap states are responsible for the low-bias transport features of hybrid superconducting-semiconducting devices. Here we analyze the local and nonlocal differential conductance of Coulomb-blockaded multiterminal superconducting islands that host subgap states with different spatial structures. The emerging patterns of their transport spectroscopy are used to characterize the possible topologica
Skattetillägg och oriktiga tjänsteavdragsyrkanden - En studie av skattetilläggets utveckling i förhållande till effektivitet och rättssäkerhet
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur avvägningen mellan effektivitet och rättssäkerhet i förarbetena till skattetillägget kommit att påverka hur dagens skattetillägg fungerar i praktiken vid Skatteverkets kontrollverksamhet avseende tjänsteavdrag. Detta redogörs för genom att dagens regelverk och de förarbeten som legat till grund för skattetillägget analyseras i förhållande till effektivThe purpose of this essay is to investigate how the trade-off between efficiency and rule of law during the legislation processes for the tax surcharge has come to affect how today's tax surcharge works in practice regarding the Swedish Tax Agency's monitoring of tax deductions for work-related expenses made by natural persons. This essay will examine this through analyzing today's reg
Culottes and Warm Pyjamas : Patterns for Home Sewing in Sweden During World War Two
When restrictions and rationing took effect during the Second World War, home sewing became a necessity for many women. This paper presents and discusses the distribution of paper patterns for home sewing in Sweden during the war years, using the examples of three different pattern magazines. It shows how these magazines conveyed, interpreted, and adapted fashion to home sewers. Despite the fact t
Knytnävsslaget är en vindpust i historien
Samlarkort som blåser liv i ens inre trollkarl
Fiktionalism och lidandets problem
Regionövergripande samverkan : - utvärdering av "Samarbete för bättre vård" (SFBV) i Södra sjukvårdsregionen
Samverkan har sedan lång tid tillbaka varit viktigt inom både regionala ochkommunala verksamheter och det finns mycket som talar för attsamverkansbehoven kommer att öka än mer. Inom hälso- och sjukvården finns en kontinuerlig utveckling mot ny och mera specialiserad kunskap som även fårorganisatoriska konsekvenser. Teamarbete i vården har blivit allt viktigare, liksom nivåstrukturering och koncentCooperation has long been important within both regional andmunicipal activities and there is much to suggest thatcollaboration needs will increase even more. Within health care there is onecontinuous development towards new and more specialized knowledge that also gains organizational consequences. Teamwork in healthcare has become increasingly important, as well level structuring and concentrati
Non-Bayesian Statistical Discrimination
Models of statistical discrimination typically assume that employers make rational inference from (education) signals. However, there is a large amount of evidence showing that most people do not update their beliefs rationally. We use a model and two experiments to show that employers who are conservative, in the sense of signal neglect, discriminate more against disadvantaged groups than Bayesia
Vittnesmål - En kritisk granskning av den svenska vittnesplikten och dess möjliggörande genom tvångsmedel, särskilt med beaktande av vittnens rättigheter
Den svenska vittnesplikten innebär en skyldighet för vittnen, att inför domstol berätta sitt vittnesmål sanningsenligt. Vittnesplikten kan som utgångspunkt åläggas den som har information av värde för domstolens dömande verksamhet och är minst 15 år. Utifrån den betydelse vittnesmålet har för det allmännas intresse av brottsbekämpning, möjliggörs att vidta åtgärder för att förmå ett vittne att fulThe Swedish duty to testify entails an obligation for the witness to tell their testimony truthfully before the court. A person can be required to testify from the age of 15 if they have information of value for the court’s administration of justice. Based on the importance of the testimony for the public interest in law enforcement, it is possible to take measures to compel a witness to fulfill t
Modelling of a Heat Conduction Calorimeter Used in Cement Plant Automation
A model is used to describe a system physically or mathematically and to give information about changes in the system variables. Physical knowledge about the system and its quantities can be useful to build a physical model obeying the laws of nature. However, if the system is to be regarded as a black box with only input and output signals, system identification can be used to fit a mathematical
Gerd Schönfelder and the Opera Gustaf Wasa
Editorial : Methods and applications in inflammation pharmacology
Physical activity, sedentary time and breast cancer risk : a Mendelian randomisation study
Objectives Physical inactivity and sedentary behaviour are associated with higher breast cancer risk in observational studies, but ascribing causality is difficult. Mendelian randomisation (MR) assesses causality by simulating randomised trial groups using genotype. We assessed whether lifelong physical activity or sedentary time, assessed using genotype, may be causally associated with breast can