

Din sökning på "*" gav 533753 sökträffar

Underliggande maktutövning för att motivera människor att vaccinera sig mot covid-19 i Sverige

Under coronapandemin har Sverige tillämpat en coronahateringsstrategi som bygger på frivillighet och personligt ansvar där tvång inte tillämpas. Myndigheter och experter har haft uppdraget att formulera rekommendationer istället för specifika ingripande åtgärder. Där människor har haft friheten att välja det som dem själva vill följa utav dessa rekommendationer. Rekommendationer under pandemier är

The virtue of extraction and decolonial recollection in Gállok, Sápmi

Swedish mining is often envisioned as virtuous, as coinciding harmoniously with quests for sustainability and the cultural survival of indigenous Sami peoples. This chapter posits that Sweden’s sense of exceptionalism in mining is embedded in a colonial/extractive system of knowledge that fails to mention non-capitalist, anticolonial relationalities to nature and ways of life. The normalised statu

The Northern Flank : New Security Policy Institutional Framework

February 24, 2022, has become a turning point for the security situation in Northern Europe. Up until Russia’s attack on Ukraine, cooperation around the greater Baltic Sea Region had been highly successful in a variety of areas such as environmental protection, transportation networks, municipal networks, and innovative economies. All this was dealt a serious blow when Russian forces launched a fu

Lake salinization drives consistent losses of zooplankton abundance and diversity across coordinated mesocosm experiments

Human-induced salinization increasingly threatens inland waters; yet we know little about the multifaceted response of lake communities to salt contamination. By conducting a coordinated mesocosm experiment of lake salinization across 16 sites in North America and Europe, we quantified the response of zooplankton abundance and (taxonomic and functional) community structure to a broad gradient of e

Olfactory Impairment in Parkinson's Disease Studied with Diffusion Tensor and Magnetization Transfer Imaging

BACKGROUND: Olfactory impairment is an early manifestation of Parkinson's disease (PD). Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) and Magnetization Transfer (MT) are two imaging techniques that allow noninvasive detection of microstructural changes in the cerebral white matter.OBJECTIVE: To assess white matter alterations associated with olfactory impairment in PD, using a binary imaging approach with DTI an

Flood risk assessment under population growth and urban land use change in Matola, Mozambique

Matola, a major Mozambican city, has witnessed flooding, mainly caused by rainfall. The study aims to produce flood-hazard and flood-risk maps for Matola using the hydrological model TFM-DYN. For 2000, 2020, and 2040, the modeled extent of medium-risk area is 50.6 km2 (13.7%), 44.8 km2 (12.2%), and 39.0 km2 (10.6%) and of high-risk area is 43.3 km2 (11.8%), 31.8 km2 (8.6%), and 28.9 km2 (7.8%), re

Tractography indicates lateralized differences between trigeminal and olfactory pathways

Odorous sensations are based on trigeminal and olfactory perceptions. Both trigeminal and olfactory stimuli generate overlapping as well as distinctive activations in the olfactory cortex including the piriform cortex. Orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), an integrative center for all senses, is directly activated in the presence of olfactory stimulations. In contrast, the thalamus, a very important midbra

Subtle Differences in Brain Architecture in Patients with Congenital Anosmia

People suffering from congenital anosmia show normal brain architecture although they do not have functional sense of smell. Some studies in this regard point to the changes in secondary olfactory cortex, orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), in terms of gray matter volume increase. However, diffusion tensor imaging has not been explored so far. We included 13 congenital anosmia subjects together with 15 co

Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists and diabetic retinopathy : nationwide cohort and Mendelian randomization studies

BACKGROUND: The ability of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1 RAs) to decrease certain microvascular events has called for the investigation of GLP-1 RAs against diabetic retinopathy (DR), but the evidence is limited. By combining data from observational and Mendelian randomization (MR) studies, we aimed to investigate whether GLP-1 RAs decrease the risk of DR.METHODS: We combined da

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L’accord sujet-verbe (SV) en nombre en français parlé (e.g. la fille dit X vs. les filles disent X) est un trait grammatical difficile à apprendre pour les apprenants suédois de français L2 (Bartning & Schlyter 2004). Dans ce domaine, ces apprenants commettent souvent des erreurs du type Les filles *dit X (Ågren 2014). Dans cette étude, nous posons la question de savoir si ces erreurs sont par

A difference scheme for a triangular system of conservation laws with discontinuous flux modeling three-phase flows

A triangular system of conservation laws with discontinuous flux that models the one-dimensional flow of two disperse phases through a continuous one is formulated. The triangularity arises from the distinction between a primary and a secondary disperse phase, where the movement of the primary disperse phase does not depend on the local volume fraction of the secondary one. A particular applicatio