

Din sökning på "*" gav 537024 sökträffar

Arbetsgivarens rehabiliteringsansvar vid sjukdom

Syftet med denna uppsats är följaktligen att analysera arbetsgivarens skyldighet till arbetsanpassnings- och omplaceringsåtgärder innan en uppsägning kan tillgripas. Uppsatsen kommer i första hand analysera arbetsgivarens skyldighet att vidta anpassnings- och omplaceringsåtgärder i rehabiliteringsprocessen av en sjuk arbetstagare. I andra hand analyseras hur långt dessa skyldigheter sträcker sig iThe purpose of this essay is to examine the employer’s obligation for adjustment interventions and re-employment before a dismissal can take place. The essay will mainly analyse the employer’s responsibility for adjustment interventions and re-employment of ill employees. Secondly, an analysis will be made regarding the extent of these responsibilities before a dismissal can occur. Poor health and

Raka vägen till kvinnlig frigörelse? En multimodal socialsemiotisk analys av femvertising ur ett kritiskt feministiskt perspektiv

Studien syftar till att undersöka hur svenska företag använder sig av femvertising i sin digitala kommunikation. Studien görs ur ett kritisk feministiskt perspektiv och studerar och analyserar hur kvinnor och kvinnlighet porträtteras i marknadsföring idag samt hur feminism används för kommersiella syften. På så sätt syftar studien till att bidra med kunskap kring hur postfeministiska diskurser anvThe study aims to examine how Swedish companies use femvertising in their digital communication. The study is done from a critical feminist perspective and aims to identify how women and femininity are portrayed in marketing today as well as how feminism is used for commercial purposes. The study aims to contribute knowledge about how post-feminist discourses are used in digital marketing in a Swe

Women Political Participation and its impact on the Quality of Living of the Women in Mexico.

This research focuses on analysing the impact that the increased women political participation has on the Human Development of Mexico. The research aims to expand our knowledge and understanding on how is that an increased presence of women in a legislature can affect the development of a country. The theoretical basis of this work is found on the theories of Gender and Development; Human Developm

Nudging insurance customers to go digital: Evidence from a field experiment with Länsförsäkringar Skåne.

By performing a field experiment within behavioural economics with focus on creating a nudge, this study enables to investigate whether a nudge that create better awareness have ability to influence individuals to make a more environmental friendly decision. By performing a field experiment in cooperation with Länsförsäkringar Skåne, the study shows that the nudges have a significant impact of rai

Studies on the application of gas cooling as used by firefighters

Gas cooling is a technique used by firefighters to create a safer work environment inside a compartment fire. By spraying water into the smoke layer, the smoke layer temperature will decrease significantly. Next to the lower temperature, the flammability of the smoke layer will also decrease. Due to the cooling of the fire gases, the smoke layer may contract. This work focused on different parame

Many-body-based DFT treatment of fermions in optical lattices

With recent advances in the field of ultra cold atoms one can, by trapping atoms at low temperatures by laser beams, simulate systems which can be adequately described by single-band lattice Hamiltonians. Also, due to the high parameter tunability of the experimental setups, lattice disorder can be introduced in a con- trolled fashion in these systems. This thesis considers disordered/ordered inte

Feasibility of new Dark Matter search at ATLAS

This thesis examines the idea of calibrating Level 1 jets. These are used in the Trigger-Level Analysis at the ATLAS in the search for a new mediator, in this case between Standard Model and Dark Matter particles. In the thesis, the idea to calibrate the Level 1 jets is investigated. To calibrate the Level 1 jets, they are divided into bins of transverse momentum and pseudorapidity. The responses

GDPR:s påverkan på ostrukturerat material: Hur behandlingen av e-post och dokument kommer att förändras

E-post och dokument kan innehålla ostrukturerade personuppgifter och används flitigt av företag i dagens digitaliserade värld. I maj 2018 kommer en ny dataskyddsförordning GDPR att verkställas och ersätter då PuL. Detta innebär en förändring för samtliga företag i Sverige då deras arbetssätt kring ostrukturerade personuppgifter tvingas att förändras. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur företag för

Handelsbolag och underprisöverlåtelser - en studie i effekterna av en stoppregel

Arbetet behandlar handelsbolag och underprisöverlåtelser samt hur ämnet utvecklats. Underprisöverlåtelsereglerna i 23 kap. IL tillåter företag att avyttra tillgångar för priser som understiger marknadsvärdet, utan att transaktionen blir utsatt för beskattning. Reglerna finns för att gynna omstruktureringar, ombildningar och för att upprätthålla en kontinuitet i beskattningen. År 2008 diskvalificeThis thesis deals with partnerships and undervalue transfers, as well as how the subject has developed over time. The undervalue transfer regulations in chapter 23 IL allows companies to dispose assets for prices below market value, without the transaction being subject to taxation. These regulations exist in order to benefit restructuring, remodelling and to maintain continuity in taxation. In 20

Faktorer bakom kriminaliteten i Södra Innerstaden, Malmö - utifrån teorin om social desorganisation.

During the year 2008, the government offered a number of different municipalities in Sweden a development agreement. The purpose of the agreement was to reduce the number of districts in Sweden, where a high proportion of residents feel a sense of exclusion, poor health and insecurity. In connection with the development agreement the Crime Prevention Council and the Statistics Office produced stat

En cyklande stad - en studie av cykelnätets tillgänglighet och framkomlighet i Lund

The urbanization process today places high demands on our city planners to find the best practices and solutions for the transportation systems in our growing and crowded cities. The bike is seen as one of these solutions, but if the bike will have a functional role in our cities, we need to create accessible and available bicycle networks. This paper is based on a case study of Lund, a city where

Drav i bröd, hur påverkas de baktekniska och närings- mässiga egenskaperna?

Drav är en restprodukt från öltillverkning. Varje år lämnar bryggindustrin i Europa efter sig ca 3,4 miljoner ton drav som idag främst går till djurfoder och biogas. Dravet är i själva verket spannmål, främst korn som först blivit mältat för att enzym ska aktiveras, var på det sedan mäskats och lakats för att utvinna så mycket sockerarter som möjligt till vörten. Drav är en väldigt intressant res

The Determinants of Industrial Location in Sweden (1913-1950)

This thesis analyses regional industrial concentration and the determinants of industrial location in Sweden during the first half of the twentieth century. First, it is identified how geographical concentration of industry evolved in this country. Second, by estimating an economic geography model, the forces that were behind industrial location are captured. The inclusion of both procedures provi

Boost & Balance: Boosting life quality and balancing stress with five minutes’ daily yoga, mindfulness and positive psychology

The use of internet based psychology interventions as well as yoga and mindfulness interventions in order to improve psychological health has increased during the past decades. However, most interventions are time and resource demanding and there is a need for investigating short and easily accessible interventions. In this four-week randomized controlled pilot study I measured the effects of the

Cloud workloads

Cloud is used more than ever before, and the trend seems to continue as more and more organizations choose to use cloud services such as database, storage, computing, or web servers. As more organizations choose cloud, the question of which cloud platform that best suits their needs is more relevant than ever. Within this thesis, the four largest cloud platforms have been evaluated to give future

Testing of CLT-Concrete Composite decks

När massiva träbjälklag används i byggnader är dimensioneringen ofta styrd av krav på utböjningen. För att minska utböjningen för ett bjälklag måste böjstyvheten ökas. Ökning av böjstyvheten för ett bjälklag kan antingen ske genom en ökad höjd eller genom användning av material med högre styvhet. Den vanligaste metoden för att öka böjstyvheten är genom att öka höjden på bjälklaget. I denna rapportWhen massive timber decks are used in buildings the design is often regulated by serviceability limit state (SLS), mainly the vibration criteria. To decrease the risk for vibrations of a deck the bending stiffness needs to be increased. To increase the bending stiffness of the deck either the depth of the deck can be increased or the stiffness of the used material. The most common way to increase

Branteknisk riskvärdering av Stockholmsmässan

The main purpose of this report is to evaluate whether the person safety is adequate in case of a fire at Stockholmsmässan. Stockholmsmässan is an exhibition hall in Älvsjö that covers 220 000 m2. It has a lot of different arrangements such as exhibitions, recordings for TV-shows and conferences. By showing that it is possible to evacuate everyone in the building without a risk of serious injuries

Geometry and faulting history of the Long Spur fault zone, Castle Hill Basin, New Zealand

Strike-slip faults pose significant earthquake hazards in many populated areas and therefore information about their general behavior is needed in order to attempt to predict future earthquakes. Much of this information is acquired using paleoseismic techniques, which focus on analyzing past earthquakes. These include measurement of displacements of either geomorphic features or beds across faults