

Din sökning på "*" gav 526500 sökträffar

Industrial applications of automatic performance monitoring tools

This paper describes two procedures for automatic monitoringof control loop performance. The first is a procedure for detectingoscillations in control loops, and the second a procedure fordetecting sluggish control loops. The focus of the paper isthe industrial application of the procedures, and the variousimplementations possible and available.

Feminin manlighet? Katolska missionärer i Norden

This article deals with the construction of manliness and male ideals within Nordic Catholicism at the end of the 19th century. In the first par the conflict around the so-called Arctic Apostolic Prefecture erected in the 1850s is analysed in a gender perspective, the second part deals with the Nordic mission of the Italian Barnabites, a male congregation erected in the 16th century. Special atten

Case-control studies on risk factors for myeloid leukemias and myelodysplastic syndromes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling består av en tillämpad och en teoretisk del. I den tillämpade delen studeras tänkbara riskfaktorer för blodsjukdomarna myeloisk leukemi (ML) och myelodysplastiska syndrom (MDS). Den teoretiska delen tar upp några metodproblem som kan uppstå i epidemiologiska undersökningar som utnyttjar databaser innehållande uppgifter om andelen personer i olika yrkesgCase-control studies comprising telephone interviews for 333 cases of acute myeloid leukemia (AML), 226 cases of Philadelphia chromosome-positive chronic myeloid leukemia (Ph+ CML), 330 cases of myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), and matched controls were conducted. Information had to be obtained from next-of-kin much more often for cases (85%) than for controls (18%). Tobacco smoking was associated

Citizen-Consumers and Evolution: Reducing Environmental Harm through Our Social Motivation

[Based on the publisher's comments:] This book reflects upon and critiques the potential of citizen-consumer's to alter their natural consuming habits and to 'shop ethically, 'care for the environment' and 'think glocally' so as to reduce environmental harm. Developing a substantial challenge to the existing accepted theories, this book sets out a groundbreaking approach to understanding citizen-

Doppler Velocimetry in the Evaluation of Fetal Well-Being

Ultrasound Doppler velocimetry was used to predict fetal well-being. The uterine artery blood velocimetry seemed to be a good predictor of perinatal outcome in high-risk pregnancies and a complement to umbilical artery velocimetry. The fetal middle cerebral artery blood velocimetry might be an early sign of fetal hypoxia. In pregnancies with decreased perception of fetal movements, the non stress

Male and female selective mechanisms, reproductive success and gene flow

In this thesis, I have studied male and female selective mechanisms that can affect plant reproductive success and gene flow. I have focussed on sexually selected traits, mainly pollen competition and maternal sorting mechanisms, for example through non-random ovule abortion. The main question was; what kind of traits can influence the most successful pollen donor or maternal sorting process? I fo

Mechanisms of Transgene Silencing in Neural Cells -Implications for Ex Vivo Gene Therapy to the Brain

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ett nytt och experimentellt sätt att bota eller lindra sjukdomssymptom är att, istället för att tillföra en medicin, rätta till felet på en genetisk nivå. Detta kan åstadkommas genom att överföra nya, fungerande gener, sk transgener, till celler som då börjar producera protein, som i sin tur kan ge upphov till en terapeutisk effekt. I hjärnan skulle denna typ av behandlThe use of genetically modifi ed neural stem and progenitor cells could possibly be a future strategy for repairing a brain suffering from neurodegeneration. However, so far it has proven diffi cult to maintain sufficient levels of a transferred gene in suitable cell types, after transplantation. In the present thesis I studied the silencing of transgenes induced upon differentiation of neural pro