

Din sökning på "*" gav 526378 sökträffar

Vileförklaringen och dess innehåll: Om avtalsrättslig begreppsbildning och systematik; (Declaration of legal intent and it's content: A study of concept formation and systematics in contract law.

The concept "declaration of legal intent" belongs to the legal tradition of most European countries. Different versions of a theory pertaining to the declaration of legal intent have been elaborated, all with a view to rendering the concept itself more precise: what conception of "intent" or "will" (counterparts of the latter word being used in several languages, for instance the Swedish viljeförk

Comparing citation patterns in entrepreneurship research articles in subject handbooks and Web of Science journals

Not knowing enough about the similarities or differences of citation structures between different types of publications creates problems related to whether citation maps of research fields based on Web of Science/ISI data are representative of research fields as a whole or if they are a representation of how WoS perceives the field, not the least in the humanities and the social sciences. To inves

Amperometric biosensors of food analysis relevance: Emphasis on the neurotoxin beta-ODAP in grass pea

Enzyme-based amperometric biosensors have been developed and characterized in flow systems for a variety of analytes such as [beta]-N-oxalyl-[alfa],[beta]-diamionpropionic acid ([beta]-ODAP), L-glutamate, glucose, lactate, and sucrose, that have food analysis relevance. The principle of enzyme "wiring" using polymeric mediators poly(1-vinylimidazole) {(Os-4, 4' dimethylbipyridyl)2Cl3+/2+} and poly

Träkonstruktioner och brand. Kunskapsöversikt och forskningsbehov

En komplettering av det nuvarande kunskapsunderlaget for träets termiska egenskaper bör i första hand fokuseras mot värmeledningförmågan och specifika värmekapaciteten för dels förkolnat trä , dels oförkolnat trä inom temperaturområdet over 100 ºC. Angelägen är också en vidareutveckl- av de samband, som krävs for en beräkning av träets reaktionsvärme vid verkliga brandförhållanden med utgångspunkt

Induction heating of carbon fiber structures - properties and challenges

Carbon fiber reinforced plastic is constantly gaining market shares due to its unique properties. By heating this kind of materials using induction, many new applications occur. The high resistivity and anisotropic properties of carbon fiber composites means there are a number of challenges to overcome. This work emphasizes the key components related to induction heating of complex materials and p

CORONET: An Australian software engineering experience in collaborative research with the European Community

The purpose of this paper is two fold. Firstly, to inform the Australian software engineering community of the European Fifth Framework research structure and the involvement of an Australian partner in a fifth framework project, CORONET. Secondly to describe the CORONET project. CORONET develops a new approach for software engineering training in knowledge networks. CORONET aims to support on dem

No title

Christian theology is in favour of interreligious dialogue without proselytism. At the same time, all religious institutions do seem to have a drive to convert those who are not already inside. Hence there is a tension. Redefine the terms seems insufficient to me. The question to deal with is rather when, how, and why is conversion allowed or even praised even though the character of dialogue with

Improvement of Wastewater Sludge Digestion

Popular Abstract in Swedish Deponeringsavgifterna för slam utgör en betydande och stadigt stigande andel av driftkostnaderna för de kommunala reningsverken runtom i landet, inom EU och i resten av världen. Kostnaderna uppstår i samband med att slammet komposteras, körs till deponi eller till förbränning. Dessutom har det under de gångna årtiondena skett en drastisk omvärdering av reningsverksslam The reduction of sludge volumes for disposal is a topic of high interest for wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) all over the world. Steadily increasing volumes for disposal create an economic, environmental, legislative and technological challenge. Researchers and process developers try to minimise the sludge during its genesis or in the downstream treatment. Due to rising costs and scarcity of fo

Swedish Film : An Introduction and Reader

Swedish Film: An Introduction and Reader gives a wide and yet concise presentation of the history of Swedish film through a number of articles by Swedish and international film scholars. The book draws upon a rich tradition of research on Swedish cinema, and it offers a varied and inspiring introduction to the history – from the very first film screenings to contemporary works. Combining in-dept

Preparation of the Gaia Data Processing: First Astrometric Results

The Gaia mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) will produce high-precision astrometry for 10^9 objects up to 20th magnitude. The volume of data generated (about 150TB of compressed raw data) and the complexity of the relationships between them make the scientific processing a challenging task. This paper presents the basic concepts of the core of the astrometric data reduction, the AGIS syste

Lacunar infarcts: Clinical, neuroimaging and prognostic features

Popular Abstract in Swedish Slaganfall (stroke) är en av de vanligaste orsakerna till invaliditet och död i Västvärlden. I Sverige drabbas cirka 35.000 människor varje år, 25.000 av dessa får sitt första slaganfall, och de flesta är äldre än 70 år vid sjukdomsdebuten. Slaganfall orsakas av att en begränsad del av hjärnan inte får tillräcklig syretillförsel, och detta beror antingen på att blodflödThe thesis investigated clinical, neuroimaging and prognostic features in lacunar infarction. The studies were based on a series of 100 consequtive patients with a first-ever stroke and a lacunar syndrome investigated with CT, Gd-DTPA enhanced MRI, and with respect to large vessel disease and cardioembolic sources. the patients were followed for a mean of 4 years. MRI was repeated one year after s

Phylogenetic characterization of microbial mats and isolation of Thermus spp. and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria from Icelandic hot springs

Until recently, the only way to describe microbial communities was by cultivation. This is a major obstacle because typically only a small fraction of the microbes can be cultivated by standard techniques. However, the use of rRNA and molecular phylogenetic techniques has allowed us to bypass this limitation. In this thesis, both of these approaches were used to describe the bacterial diversity o

Gradient expansion of the exchange energy from second-order density response theory

The basic idea behind the present work is that an atom is not a linear perturbation of the electron gas. We have thus analyzed the exchange energy of the inhomogeneous electron gas to third order in the deviation from a constant density. We give the symmetry properties obeyed by the corresponding second-order response function Lx, and demonstrate how Lx gives rise to gradient corrections to the ex

Radioiodine Therapy of Hyperthyroidism - Simplified patient-specific absorbed dose planning

Popular Abstract in Swedish Radiojodbehandling av sköldkörteln är den vanligaste radiofarmakaterapin. För att beräkna aktiviteten 131I som krävs för att ge en viss stråldos till sköldkörteln behöver sköldkörtelns massa och den individuella biokinetiken bestämmas. Biokinetiken består vanligtvis av det individuella upptaget av jodid och den biologiska halveringstiden av jod i sköldkörteln. Den bioloRadioiodine therapy of hyperthyroidism is the most frequently performed radiopharmaceutical therapy. To calculate the activity of 131-I to be administered for giving a certain absorbed dose to the thyroid, the mass of the thyroid and the individual biokinetic data, normally in the form of uptake and biologic half-time, have to be determined. The biologic half-time is estimated from several uptake