Din sökning på "*" gav 526418 sökträffar
Lineages and the state: re-inventing lineages and ancestor ceremonies as cultural heritage
Cape Verde – Reform Policy and Growth in a Small Remote Island Economy
”Vänta lite, jag ska bara kolla mejlen först...” Några tankar om akademiskt ledarskap och stress
Denna artikel är en undersökning av stress i akademiska miljöer, med fokus på ledarskap och stress. Det är en fallstudie, fyra personer i ledandarroller har intervjuats; alla är från HT-fakulteterna vid Lunds universitet. Jag kommer fram till att systemstress är det som präglar miljön, men även individuell stress. Samta att det tycks vara enormt svårt att hantera/motarbeta. Vissa genusperspektiv h
Local Climate Adaptation: A Special Issue of the Journal of Nordregio
Lost Cities? Breslau/Wrochław and Königsberg/Kaliningrad
Om förstörelsen av Breslau och Königsberg och deras nya utseenden under kommunistisk tid under namnen Wrochlaw och Kaliningrad.
The trajectory of ancient ekphrasis
Svensk domstols behörighet vid gränsöverskridande varumärkestvister - särskilt om Internetrelaterade intrång
Popular Abstract in Swedish År 1996 prövades i Frankrike ett fall som gällde användningen av varumärket PAYLINE. Käranden med hemvist i Frankrike och svaranden med hemvist i Tyskland var båda behöriga innehavare av det aktuella varumärket i sina respektive länder. Det påstådda intrånget bestod i att svaranden använt varumärket på en webbplats med den tyska domänadressen brokat.de, belägen på en seThe general aim of this doctoral thesis is to analyse under what circumstances a Swedish court might adjudicate a cross-border trademark infringement case. Due to the recent technological developments (e.g. Internet) an underlying aim is to specifically identify so called Internet-related problems when it comes to ascertaining jurisdiction in cross-border cases. The study adopts a Swedish court p
Phenomenology of Diffractive Higgs Production and Large Extra Dimensions
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling baseras på fenomenologiska förutsägelser för högenergetiska partikelkollisioner från två olika teoretiska modeller. De två första artiklarna handlar om osäkerheter i exklusiva reaktioner av typen proton + proton -> proton + proton + Higgs. De fyra andra artiklarna behandlar gravitationell spriding och produktion av svarta hål i modeller med stora extrThis thesis is based on phenomenological predictions for high energy particle collisions from two different theoretical models. The first two papers deal with uncertainties in exclusive reactions of type proton + proton -> proton + proton + Higgs. The other four papers concern gravitational scattering and black hole production in the scenario of large extra dimensions.
Flanking transmission of a double-plate system with joists and cavities
The work with development of new building systems is intensive. These systems are often related to lightweight constructions, and developed to be used in load-bearing structures and dwellings. One of the main drawbacks of this type of building systems is often the sound insulation. Lightweight walls and floors are often designed as frameworks of studs with plates on both sides - a double-plate str
Bearbetning av geografiska data
A conceptual study of OFDM-based multiple access schemes: Part 2 - Channel estimation in the uplink
This paper deals with the design of channel estimators in the uplink of an OFDM based multi-user system. First, we propose a user allocation scheme that is based on the aim to use the correlation of the radio channel for channel estimation purposes. Further, we present the linear MMSE channel estimator based on a few pilot tones. We present an error analysis that proves valuable in the evaluation
Autonomous wheelchair for patients with severe motor disabilities
Differential measurement and parameter extraction of symmetrical inductors
Measurements and extraction of Q-value and self-resonance frequency of on-chip differential symmetrical inductors have been performed. Both 1-port and 2-port measurements have been carried out. In the 1-port measurements a high frequency broadband 180
A model for prediction of temperature in steel structure protected by intumescent coating, based on tests in the Cone Calorimeter
Intumescent coating is an important fire protection method for steel structures. Traditionally its fire properties have been evaluated by performing furnace tests using a standardized test procedure and following a standardized time-temperature curve. This procedure is restrictive in performance based fire safety engineering design since it limits the fire condition to the standard one only. In th
Inclusion of a third (indispensable?) perspective in social work education
Att undersöka "det sociala" - några ingångar
Design of a claw-pole motor
This paper describes a design of two miniature claw-pole motors, one single phase and one two-phase motor. Both motors are designed to be built in iron powder technology. The designs are optimized and the static characteristics determined by 3D FE modeling. Both motors are being built by separate companies, but no measurements are presented in this paper. The main goal is to evaluate the industria
Konsten och den platta staden
Design and Performance of a Hybrid Ventilation System with Heat Recovery for Low Energy Buildings
A new hybrid ventilation system for low energy buildings has been investigated theoretically using TRNSYS. The system is based on natural ventilation but utilizes a fan during hours when the natural driving forces are not sufficient. Heat from the exhaust air is recovered in an air-to-water heat exchanger. The heated water is pumped to the incoming ventilation air where it is heat exchanged to pre