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Interkulturella perspektiv: pedagogik i mångkulturella lärandemiljöer
Skapar innovationer jobb? Produktinnovationer och processinnovationer i den kunskapsbaserade ekonomin
Cost drivers and production limitations for electrified vehicle traction components
The automotive industry is shifting from internal combustion engines towards electrified drivetrains, containing electrical machines, power electronics and battery systems. The major hurdle in gaining customer acceptance for this type of drivetrain is the increase in price, due to hybrid drivetrains featuring an additional power system and pure electric systems requiring a major investment in
Drottningens trädgård.
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Görarpsdammens framtid – undersökning och utvärdering av dammens multifunktioner
Sakprosa och samhälle
Abstract not available
Hur är det ställt med svensk glesbygd? Regional variation i arbetsmarknadsutfall och ohälsa
Visual and non-visual effects of different spectral power distributions from light sources - light emitting diodes (LED) vs. 3-phosphorus fluorescent tubes
Light influences man both physiological and experiential and different kinds of light sources may have different impact. In a laboratory study the influence of two kinds of light sources, fluorescent tubes and LED on the experience of the surrounding lighting as well as if there were differences in the biological reactions. 42 healthy subjects took part in the study. Two levels of ambient light we
Övningar i ArcGIS 9.1. (Rev 1.). Institutionen för Kulturgeografi och ekonomisk geografi, Lunds Universitet.
Echoes from Dharamsala: Music in the Life of a Tibetan Refugee Community
Hygroscopic Growth of Atmospheric Aerosol Particles and Its Relation to Nucleation Scavenging in Clouds
Aerosol particles in the atmosphere are important in several aspects. Some major aerosol constituents that are deposited in ecosystems are acidic or fertilisers and some minor or trace constituents are toxic. Aerosol particles are also involved in the earth’s radiation balance, both directly by scattering the sunlight and indirectly by influencing the clouds. All these effects are influenced by th
Att möta personer med demens
Omvårdnad av personer med demenssjukdomar handlar till stor del om att mötas och att försöka se in i och förstå den andres livsvärld. Boken ger redskap som underlättar mötet med personer med demenssjukdomar och innehåller olika dimensioner av vårdandet och av mötet; att vara demensdrabbad, att vara personal och att vara anhörig. Här behandlas även olika faktorer som livsberättelsens betydelse, smä
Der Diamant – systematisches Auffinden von Interventionsansätzen
Idea Landscapes - Experiential Movement and the Creative Eye
A low-complexity method for distributed clocking on digital ASICs
A low-complexity method using synchronous wrappers is proposed to simplify communication between modules using unsynchronized clocks. To test the method, it is implemented together with a divider and an FFT co-processor. The divider with synchronous wrapper and local clock generator, delivering a 500 MHz clock, is synthesized and verified using post-synthesis simulations for a 0.18 μm 1.8 V CMOS t