

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

The multiple market-exposure of waste management companies: A case study of two Swedish municipally owned companies.

This paper describes how the business model of two leading Swedish municipally owned solid waste management companies exposes them to four different but related markets: a political market in which their legitimacy as an organization is determined; a waste-as-material market that determines their access to waste as a process input; a technical market in which these companies choose what waste proc

Clinical results of treating type 2 diabetic patients with sitagliptin, vildagliptin or saxagliptin - diabetes control and potential adverse events

Inhibition of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) is a novel oral treatment for type 2 diabetes. DPP-4 inhibition increases insulin secretion and reduces glucagon secretion by preventing the inactivation of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), thereby lowering glucose levels. Several DPP-4 inhibitors are in clinical development; more studies exist for sitagliptin and vildagliptin. They improve metabolic co

Multiple-Timescale Dynamics of Side-Chain Carboxyl and Carbonyl Groups in Proteins by C-13 Nuclear Spin Relaxation

Side-chain carboxyl and carbonyl groups play a major role in protein interactions and enzyme catalysis. A series of C-13 relaxation experiments is introduced to study the dynamics of carboxyl and carbonyl groups in protein side chains on both fast (sub-ns) and slower (mu s-ms) time scales. This approach is illustrated on the protein calbindin D-9k. Fast dynamics features correlate with hydrogen- a

Manliga och troliga. En studie av den officiella klerikala manlighetsideologin i 1500- och 1600-talets Sverige ur ett åldersperspektiv

Manly and faithful. A study of the official clerical masculinity ideology in 16th and 17th century Sweden from an age/generation perspective. Historical masculinity studies, a subdivision of gender history, has been one of the most vivid fields of research in the early 21st century. While much empirical research has been done, especially for modern periods, the theoretical concepts are by and lar

Smooth muscle actin expression in primary bone tumours

Alpha isoform of smooth muscle actin (SMA) expression has been reported in giant cell tumour of bone (GCTB) and other benign and malignant bone tumours, but the pattern of SMA expression and the precise nature of SMA-expressing cells in these lesions is uncertain. We determined by immunohistochemistry the expression of SMA and other muscle and vascular markers in normal bone, GCTB and a wide range

Improved luminosity determination in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV using the ATLAS detector at the LHC

The luminosity calibration for the ATLAS detector at the LHC during pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV in 2010 and 2011 is presented. Evaluation of the luminosity scale is performed using several luminosity-sensitive detectors, and comparisons are made of the long-term stability and accuracy of this calibration applied to the pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV. A luminosity uncertainty of delta L/L = +/

Mobility in Public Environments and Use of Public Transport : exploring the situation for people with acquired cognitive functional limitations

The aim of this thesis was to explore and gain deeper insight into and understanding of mobility in public environments for people with acquired cognitive functional limitations (target group of this thesis) and of reasons why some of them do not use public transport. Using an explorative approach, the target group’s mobility was firstly discussed by experts in focus group interviews. Secondly the

Crystallization, neutron data collection, initial structure refinement and analysis of a xyloglucan heptamer bound to an engineered carbohydrate-binding module from xylanase.

Carbohydrate-binding modules (CBMs) are discrete parts of carbohydrate-hydrolyzing enzymes that bind specific types of carbohydrates. Ultra high-resolution X-ray crystallographic studies of CBMs have helped to decipher the basis for specificity in carbohydrate-protein interactions. However, additional studies are needed to better understand which structural determinants confer which carbohydrate-b

Effects of affinity on binding of HER2-targeting Affibody molecules: Model experiments in breast cancer spheroids

Binding of a targeting agent in tumor tissue is influenced by many factors such as molecular weight, charge and affinity of the targeting agent and vascularization of the tumor. In this study, we analyzed tumor cell binding of three HER2-specific and radiolabeled Affibody molecules with different affinities. The Affibody molecules had affinities in the range of 0.12-3.8 nM. Cellular binding was an

Powered mobility device use: participation and accessibility

Popular Abstract in Swedish Alla människor ska kunna vara delaktiga i samhället och mobilitet är viktigt för att kunna förflytta sig i bostaden och i samhället i stort. Mobilitet gör det möjligt att vara delaktig i olika aktiviteter som till exempel sociala aktiviteter och fritidsaktiviteter. Den åldrande befolkningen ökar och eftersom förflyttningssvårigheter ökar med stigande ålder, ökar även anThis thesis elucidates the use of powered mobility devices in a Swedish context. The overall aim was to increase and deepen the knowledge on powered mobility device use in relation to participation and accessibility in different environments and among different user groups, with a specific focus on independence and autonomy. An additional aim was to contribute to the knowledge base regarding the o

Making Sense of Extended Producer Responsibility: Towards a framework for policy transfer

Policy transfer of complex interventions often falls into the trap of uninformed, incomplete, and/or inappropriate transfer because the interventions are insufficiently identified with some of their perceived core components. This is no exception in the interspatial learning about extended producer responsibility (EPR) programmes. This thesis aims to transcend this shorthand approach to policy tra

Generation of Regionally Specified Neural Progenitors and Functional Neurons from Human Embryonic Stem Cells under Defined Conditions.

To model human neural-cell-fate specification and to provide cells for regenerative therapies, we have developed a method to generate human neural progenitors and neurons from human embryonic stem cells, which recapitulates human fetal brain development. Through the addition of a small molecule that activates canonical WNT signaling, we induced rapid and efficient dose-dependent specification of r

Social Construction of Technical Aids - Personal Meaning and Interactional Effects of Disability and Assistive Devices in Everyday Life

This thesis concerns the role of disability and assistive devices in everyday life among persons with, for instance, impairments related to mobility (e.g. wheelchair users) and bodily shape and configuration (e.g. dysmelia). Assistive devices are seen as both includators (assisting participation and emancipation) and excludators (limiting participation, restraining empowerment, and stigmatizing).

Challenging disparities in capacity development for disaster risk reduction

Although capacity development has been identified as the means to substantially reduce global disaster losses, it is a challenge for external partners to facilitate the development of sustainable capacities for disaster risk reduction in disaster-prone countries. The purpose of this study is to investigate potential gaps between how leading professionals approach such capacity development and guid

SEFAS The Self-Reported Foot and Ankle Score

Background: Patient-reported outcome (PRO) instruments are used in all medical disciplines to evaluate patients with different diseases and also to follow results after treatments such as surgery. Currently there is no generally accepted and fully validated PRO instrument for the foot and ankle. Aims: To translate the New Zealand Ankle Questionnaire into a Swedish version, [the Self-Reported Foot

Classification of Indecent Video by Low Complexity Repetitive Motion Detection

This paper proposes a fast method for detection of indecent video content using repetitive motion analysis. Unlike skin detection, motion will provide invariant features irrespective of race and color. The video material to be evaluated is divided into short fixed-length sections. By filtering different combinations of B-frame motion vectors using adjacency in time and space, one dominant motion v

Redefinition of the Ilerdian Stage (early Eocene)

The Ilerdian Stage was created by Hottinger and Schaub in 1960 to accommodate a significant phase in the evolution of larger foraminifera not recorded in the northern European basins, and has since been adopted by most researchers working on shallow marine early Paleogene deposits of the Tethys domain. One of the defining criteria of the stage is a major turnover of larger foraminifera, marked by